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Last active April 14, 2019 07:52
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Super-fast Travis JRuby install
# Background: JRuby installs on Travis is painfully slow. The version which is preinstalled is very old. Here are some GitHub
# issues about it:
# Since the upstream issue is still unresolved, and a JRuby install takes anywhere from 100 to 200 seconds (!), we decided to
# implement this workaround. With this in place, the JRuby install takes about 10 seconds.
sudo: false
language: ruby
# Dummy version to avoid wasting time on RVM installs.
rvm: 1.9.3
- if [ ! -d "$HOME/jruby-bin" ]; then mkdir -p ~/jruby-bin && pushd ~/jruby-bin && curl -o- -L | tar xzf - --strip-components=1 && popd ; fi
- export PATH="$HOME/jruby-bin/bin:$PATH"
- gem install bundler
# The rest of your .travis.yml content goes here (run specs, build app etc).
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perlun commented Apr 3, 2017

Downside: breaks caching of Bundler packages (seems to use the Ruby version given in .rvm to perform the caching). Fixed in the latest commit.

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