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Last active May 16, 2018 01:55
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# This is a sketch of an experimental design for a build system where project definitions are written in C.
# The build system is packaged as a single shell script which contains the C library code as a heredoc string.
# The shell script creates a concatenation from the library code and the file specified as the first command line argument.
# Then that is compiled and the result is run, which takes any required build-related actions; for this toy implementation,
# the only build action is running the C compiler directly, but it could also generate makefiles or VS solutions like premake.
# Note that using some tricks you can write a single file that is both a valid Unix shell script and Windows batch file,
# which combined with cross-platform code for the C library would allow a portable single-file build system solution.
# Example usage:
# Suppose you have a C project with source files bar.c and baz.c and you want to build an executable called foo.
# Create foo.bob:
# void setup() {
# c_executable("foo");
# sources("bar.c", "baz.c");
# }
# Command line transcript:
# $ ./bob foo
# [PROJECT] foo
# Compiling C executable 'foo'
# [COMMAND] gcc -o foo bar.c baz.c
# $ ./foo
bob_c=$(cat <<END
#line 34 "bob"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char *strf(char *fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
size_t size = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, args) + 1;
char *str = malloc(size);
va_start(args, fmt);
vsnprintf(str, size, fmt, args);
return str;
void vmsg(char *kind, char *fmt, va_list args) {
printf("%s%*s", kind, (int)(strlen(kind) <= 10 ? 10 - strlen(kind) : 1), "");
vprintf(fmt, args);
void msg(char *kind, char *fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
vmsg(kind, fmt, args);
void error(char *fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
vmsg("[ERROR]", fmt, args);
void info(char *fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
vmsg("", fmt, args);
int run(char *str) {
msg("[COMMAND]", "%s", str);
return system(str);
typedef struct {
char *data;
size_t num_items;
size_t max_items;
} array_t;
void array_init(array_t *array, size_t item_size) {
array->num_items = 0;
array->max_items = 16;
array->data = malloc(array->max_items * item_size);
void array_add(array_t *array, void *item_ptr, size_t item_size) {
if (array->num_items == array->max_items) {
array->max_items *= 2;
array->data = realloc(array->data, array->max_items * item_size);
memcpy(array->data + array->num_items*item_size, item_ptr, item_size);
typedef struct {
union {
struct {
char **files;
size_t num_files;
array_t files_array;
} file_list_t;
void file_list_init(file_list_t *file_list) {
array_init(&file_list->files_array, sizeof(char *));
void file_list_add(file_list_t *file_list, char *filename) {
array_add(&file_list->files_array, &filename, sizeof(char *));
enum {
typedef struct {
int type;
char *name;
file_list_t sources;
} project_t;
void project_init(project_t *project) {
project->type = NONE;
project->name = "<unnamed>";
void project_build(project_t *project) {
if (project->type == NONE) error("Trying to build project '%s' with no type selected.", project->name);
msg("[PROJECT]", "%s", project->name);
if (project->type == C_EXECUTABLE) {
info("Compiling C executable '%s'", project->name);
if (project->sources.num_files == 0) error("No source files specified.");
char *cmd = strf("gcc -o %s", project->name);
for (size_t i = 0; i < project->sources.num_files; i++)
cmd = strf("%s %s", cmd, project->sources.files[i]);
if (run(cmd) != 0) error("Compilation failed.");
project_t *this_project;
void c_executable(char *name) {
this_project->type = C_EXECUTABLE;
this_project->name = name;
void source(char *file) {
file_list_add(&this_project->sources, file);
void sources_func(char *file, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, file);
while (file) {
file = va_arg(args, char *);
#define sources(...) sources_func(__VA_ARGS__, NULL)
void setup();
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
project_t default_project;
this_project = &default_project;
return 0;
set -e
function cleanup {
rm -f $tmp_c $tmp_exe
trap cleanup EXIT
tmp_c=$(mktemp /tmp/bob-XXXXX.c)
echo "$bob_c" >&$tmp_c
echo "#line 0 \"$1.bob\"" >>$tmp_c
cat $1.bob >>$tmp_c
gcc -std=c99 -o $tmp_exe $tmp_c
eval $tmp_exe
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