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Last active December 12, 2018 19:25
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react-redux connect() typings based on Sam's Goldman example
// see here for details
S = State
A = Action
OP = OwnProps
SP = StateProps
DP = DispatchProps
MP = Merge props
MDP = Map dispatch to props object
RSP = Returned state props
RDP = Returned dispatch props
RMP = Returned merge props
CP = Props for returned component
Com = React Component
ST = Static properties of Com
EFO = Extra factory options (used only in connectAdvanced)
declare module 'react-redux' {
// A connected component wraps some component WC. Note that S (State) and D (Action)
// are "phantom" type parameters, as they are not constrained by the definition but
// rather by the context at the use site.
declare class ConnectedComponent<-S, -D, OP, +WC> extends React$Component<OP> {
static +WrappedComponent: WC;
getWrappedInstance(): React$ElementRef<WC>;
declare type MapStateToProps<-S, -OP, +SP> = (state: S, ownProps: OP) => SP;
// Same as above, but the derivation is based on dispatch instead of state.
declare type MapDispatchToPropsFn<-D, -OP, +DP> = (dispatch: D, ownProps: OP) => DP;
declare type MergeProps<-SP, -DP, -OP, +MP> = (
stateProps: SP,
dispatchProps: DP,
ownProps: OP,
) => MP;
// The connector function actaully perfoms the wrapping, giving us a connected
// component.
declare type Connector<-S, -D, OP, WC> = (WC) => Class<ConnectedComponent<S, D, OP, WC>>;
// Putting it all together.
declare export function connect<S, D, OP, SP, DP>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToProps<S, OP, SP>,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsFn<D, OP, DP>,
): Connector<S, D, OP, React$ComponentType<{| ...OP, ...SP, ...DP |}>>;
declare export function connect<S, D, OP, SP, DP>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToProps<S, OP, SP>,
mapDispatchToProps: DP,
): Connector<S, D, OP, React$ComponentType<{| ...OP, ...SP, ...DP |}>>;
declare export function connect<S, D, OP, SP>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToProps<S, OP, SP>,
): Connector<S, D, OP, React$ComponentType<{| ...OP, ...SP |}>>;
declare export function connect<S, D, OP, SP, DP, MP>(
mapStateToProps: MapStateToProps<S, OP, DP>,
mapDispatchToProps: MapDispatchToPropsFn<D, OP, SP>,
mergeProps: MergeProps<SP, DP, OP, MP>,
): Connector<S, D, OP, React$ComponentType<MP>>;
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