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Last active September 12, 2016 22:27
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  • Save peterdemartini/20ec56d6f5f34c33b060e5fdf6d1bbdc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Trigger {Name}
Trigger hello {Name}
Trigger hi {Name}
Trigger start {Name}
Trigger open {Name}
Trigger trigger {Name}
Trigger {Name} there is a problem
Trigger {Name} I need help
Trigger {Name} {SymptomPrefix} {Symptom}
Trigger tell the {Name} {SymptomPrefix} {Symptom}
FollowUp {SymptomPrefix} {Symptom}
FollowUp {SymptomPrefix} {Symptom}
CloseSession Thank you doctor
CloseSession Thank you {Name}
"intents": [
"intent": "Trigger",
"slots": [
"name": "Name",
"type": "TRIGGER"
"name": "Symptom",
"type": "SYMPTOM"
"name": "SymptomPrefix",
"intent": "FollowUp",
"slots": [
"name": "Symptom",
"type": "SYMPTOM"
"name": "SymptomPrefix",
"intent": "CloseSession",
"slots": [
"name": "Name",
"type": "TRIGGER"
"intent": "ListTriggers"
"intent": "AMAZON.HelpIntent"
"intent": "AMAZON.StopIntent"
"intent": "AMAZON.CancelIntent"
doctor brown
emmett brown
I feel
I am feeling
I don't feel good
I am
I have
my symptons are
Abdominal distension
Abdominal pain
Abdominal pain increasing after a meal
Abdominal pain with flare-ups and remissions
Abdominal pain, before menstrual period, cyclical
Abdominal pain, chronic
Abdominal pain, epigastric
Abdominal pain, exacerbating after caffeine consumption
Abdominal pain, exacerbating during coughing or movement
Abdominal pain, exacerbating during deep breath
Abdominal pain, exacerbating on an empty stomach
Abdominal pain, reduced by defecation or relieving flatulence
Abdominal pain, severe
Abdominal pain, sharp, stabbing
Abdominal pain, sudden
Abdominal tumor after pregnancy or the removal of molar pregnancy
Abnormal foveal avascular zone
Absence of deep reflexes
Absent or decreased knee reflex
Accelerated heartbeat, tachycardia
Achilles tendon hyper-reflexia
Activity related to sex despite negative consequences (failed relationships, health risks)
Adenoid face
Aggravated by emotional stress
Aggravated by humidity, heat
Alcohol craving
Alcohol tolerance
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Alcohol-related amnesia
Allelomimetic behavior, allomimetic behavior
Allen-Cleckley sign
Amenorrhea for at least 12 months
Amenorrhea, primary
Amenorrhea, secondary
Angular cheilitis or angular stomatitis
Anhidrosis of face unilateral
Anhidrosis, Sweating deficiency
Anisocoria (unequal size of pupils)
Ankle Brachial Index (ABI)<0.9
Anomic aphasia
Anorectal pain
Anterior drawer sign
Anxiety (panic) attack
Aphthous ulcers
Aponeurotic reflex
Appetite for salty foods
Articular edema and pain of both hands or feet
Ascending muscle weakness (starts in the legs and then spreads to the arms)
Ascending paresthesias (paresthesias first in lower limbs and subsequently in upper limbs)
Asymmetry of skin lesion
Atonic bladder, flaccid bladder
Atrophy of the interosseous muscles of the feet
Atrophy of the interosseous muscles of the hands
Auditory hallucinations
Auditory verbal agnosia
Auscultative crackles over the thorax
Auscultative rales over the thorax
Avoiding actions, places or people that bring back memories of trauma
Avoiding eating and drinking in public
Avoiding eating in someone's presence
Avoiding public appearances
Avoiding talking to authority figures
Avoiding thoughts, feelings, conversations related to traumatic experience
Axillary or inguinal freckles
Babinski sign
Back pain
Back pain appearing suddenly
Back pain exacerbating after physical exertion
Back pain lasting at least a few hours
Back pain subsides during rest
Back pain with flare-ups and remissions
Back pain, lumbar
Back pain, severe
Behavior ignoring consequences and social norms
Behavioral changes, Change in behavioral pattern
Bilateral absence of Achilles tendon reflex
Bilateral limb apraxia
Bilateral muscle paralysis
Bing sign
Binge eating attacks
Bizarre delusion
Black stools
Bladder not emptying completely
Bladder sphincter dysfunction, Acontractile detrusor, Detrusor underactivity
Blanching and cyanosis of fingers
Bleeding after intercourse
Bleeding from anus
Bleeding gums
Bleeding into joints
Bleeding into muscles
Blisters and sores in the mouth
Blisters fester or dry to form honey-colored crust
Blisters or erosion on penis
Blisters recurring after sun exposure, when lips are chapped, during infections or menstrual period
Blisters usually appearing around mouth or nose
Blood in stool
Blood in urine
Blood pressure fluctuation
Blue or bluish-gray skin, cyanosis
Blunted affect
Blurred vision
Bone deformation
Bone pain
Bone, joint and muscle pain
Bony lumps near the affected joints
Bowel and bladder incontinence
Breast tenderness
Breast tightness or pain
Broken capillaries
Brown nail discoloration
Bruises or petechiae
Buccofacial or orofacial apraxia
Bumps or rash on the skin that appear and disappear quickly
Burning during urination
Burning skin
Burning tongue
Cafe au lait macules
Cafe au lait macules are 15mm in diameter or larger
Calcification of the tympanic membrane
Calf muscle spasms
Cannabis, marijuana smoking
Carbohydrate consumption
Cardiomegaly in imaging examinations
Ceasing or limiting alcohol consumption
Cenesthetic hallucinations
Chaddock sign
Change in behavior, personality or mood
Change in color of a mole
Change in color of a tooth
Change in handwriting
Change in shape of a mole
Change in skin lesion (enlargement, darkening, bleeding, itching)
Chest pain
Chest pain appearing during exertion
Chest pain appearing suddenly
Chest pain doesn't subside after rest
Chest pain increasing with deep breath or cough
Chest pain lasting 2 to 5 minutes
Chest pain lasting at least a few hours
Chest pain lasting longer than 30 minutes
Chest pain radiating between shoulder blades
Chest pain radiating to left arm
Chest pain radiating to left shoulder
Chest pain radiating to neck
Chest pain subsides during rest
Chest pain worsens on palpation
Chest pain, diffuse
Chest pain, excerbating during movement
Chest pain, severe
Chest pain, substernal
Choking during sleep
Chvostek sign
Cigarette smoking
Cigarette smoking during illness
Clasp-knife spasticity
Claudication in buttocks and/or thighs
Clearing the throat
Clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth
Close family or friends pointing out excessive drinking
Coating on tongue
Cogwheel muscle rigidity
Cold fingers or cold hands
Cold foods ease toothache
Cold hands and feet
Cold sensitivity
Color blindness
Compensatory head tilt (in order to avoid diplopia)
Compulsive behavior
Conjunctival pallor
Consciousness disturbances
Constant need for sex
Constant severe toothache
Contact lenses
Contact with allergens
Contact with chicken pox
Convergent strabismus
Convulsions or headache accompanied or preceded by buzzing or whistling
Convulsions or headache preceded by olfactory hallucinations
Corneal reflex weak or absent
Cornell's sign
Cough lasting less than 3 weeks
Cough lasting over 8 weeks
Cough, attacks
Cough, coughing up pink frothy sputum
Cough, dry
Cough, productive
Couging up sputum in the morning
Creaking of joint during movement
Cyanosis under the eyes
Cystoid macular edema
Damage to 2 separate areas of innervation
Darier sign
Dark urine
Dark-red spots in optic disc vessels
Daytime sleepiness
Decrease of visual acuity
Decreased breast size
Decreased breath sounds in the right basilar lung zones
Decreased libido
Decreased motivation
Decreased need for sleep
Decreased pupillary light reflex
Decreased tear production
Decreased tongue motility
Decreased vitality for at least 2 weeks
Deep filling of treated tooth
Deep tendon reflexes, decreased (hyporeflexia)
Deep voice
Deep, dull muscle ache
Deepening of periodontal pockets
Delusion of guilt or sin
Delusion of impoverishment
Delusions of grandeur
Delusions of impact
Delusions of influence
Delusions of persecution
Delusions of reference
Demarcation of retinal detachment (pigmented or nonpigmented)
Dennie-Morgan fold, infraorbital fold
Dental plaque
Depapillation of the tongue (loss of the lingual papillae)
Depressed mood
Depressed mood - persistence criterion
Diameter of skin lesion > .25 in
Diarrhea mainly at night
Difficulty acquiring new information
Difficulty biting and chewing
Difficulty bonding with infant
Difficulty completely closing one eye
Difficulty determining which tooth aches
Difficulty not smoking first cigarette of the day
Difficulty processing visual perceptions (visual processing disorder)
Difficulty raising upper limbs
Difficulty refraining from smoking cigarettes where not permitted
Difficulty retracting foreskin, phimosis
Difficulty urinating or defecating
Dilated pupils (mydriasis)
Diminished appetite
Diminished eye motility in the same direction
Diminished fear responses
Diminished or lack of eye abduction
Diminished superficial reflexes
Diplopia while looking down and medially
Diplopia while looking in any direction
Diplopia with horizontal image dispersion
Diplopia with vertical or oblique image dispersion
Discharge from ear
Discharge from periodontal pockets
Discharge from urethra
Discharge in tympanic cavity
Discharge under foreskin
Discomfort while speaking
Discomfort while swallowing
Disorganized behavior
Disorientation in space
Disorientation in time
Dissociated sensory loss
Distance misjudgment
Diurnal mood variation
Divergent strabismus
Double vision, diplopia
Drinking alcohol at work
Drinking alcohol despite awareness of harmful effects
Drinking alone
Drinking large quantities of alcohol
Drinking large quantities of alcohol at one time
Drinking to ease hangover
Drooping eyelids (blepharoptosis)
Drooping lower eyelid
Drooping mouth corner
Drunk driving
Dry cracked skin, sometimes bleeds
Dry discharge on eyelids
Dry mouth
Dry skin
Duck-like gait
Dysgeusia in anterior two-thirds of tongue
Dysgeusia in posterior one third of tongue
Dysphagia to both solids and liquids
Dyspnea exacerbating during exercise
Dyspnea increasing over several hours or days
Dyspnea increasing over several minutes or hours
Dyspnea with flare-ups and remissions
Dyspnea, orthopnea
Dyspnea, paroxysmal nocturnal
Dyspnea, sudden onset
Dystonia (abnormal posturing or involuntary movements)
Early waking up
Edema, daytime
Edema, dependent
Edema, nighttime
Edema, periorbital
Electroneurography findings linked to demyelination
Elevated body temperature with flare-ups and remissions
Elevated mood
Enamel hypoplasia
Enamel lesions, caries
Enlarged breasts
Enlarged kidneys
Enlarged liver (hepatomegaly)
Enlarged lymph nodes
Enlarged salivary glands
Enlarged spleen (splenomegaly)
Enlarged testicle
Enlarged thyroid
Enlargement of hands, feet, face (nose, lips and ears) and a thickening of facial features
Enlargement of the lymphoid tissue in the pharynx
Enlargement of tonsils, palatine tonsils, hyperplasia
Enophthalmos - unilateral
Epicritic sensation loss or impairment in fingertips
Erectile dysfunction (impotence)
Erythema and scaling on almost entire skin (erythroderma)
Erythema and warmth of skin overlying affected joint
Erythema of affected limb
Erythema of the foreskin and glans
Erythematous tonsils
Exacerbated by cold temperature
Exacerbated by increased stress
Exanthema disappears without a trace
Excess of hair (hypertrichosis)
Excessive fear in public situations
Excessive saliva production
Excessive sleepiness
Excessive uterine enlargement in comparison to assumed duration of pregnancy
Excessive worry about the health of a child
Exophthalmos, proptosis
Exposure to UV radiation or frequent sunburn in childhood
Eye flashes
Eye pain
Eyelid lesion
Eyelid lesion rarely hurts
Eyelid tremors
Eyelid twitching
Face pain longer than a few hours
Facial edema
Facial erythema
Facial erythema, butterfly-shaped
Facial muscle paresis / paralysis
Facial muscle spasms
Facial pain
Facial pain can be triggered by eating, touching, brushing teeth etc.
Facial paresthesia
Fainting with convulsions
Fainting with urination or defecation
Fear of dying
Fear of going insane
Fear of losing control
Fear of obesity
Fear of public appearances
Fecal incontinence, Bowel incontinence
Feeling hot
Feeling of fullness and pressure in ear
Feeling of guilt or shame after drinking alcohol
Feeling of guilt or worthlessness
Feeling of helplessness
Feeling of hopelessness
Feeling of obstruction while swallowing
Feeling of resignation
Feeling of weight in scrotum
Feeling overweight despite low weight
Feeling that tooth is about to explode
Feeling unreal (depersonalization)
Feet sensitive to cold
Fever > 101 F
Fever between 99.5 and 101 F
Financial recklessness
Fine downy hair (lanugo)
Finger edema
Finger erythema
Finger pain
First cigarette after awakening
Fits of anger
Flaccid dysarthria
Flaccid paresis
Flares up and subsides
Flat or blunted affect
Foamy diarrhea
Foamy urine
Foot joint pain, metatarsalgia
Forgets names of close friends and family
Formication around the mouth
Formication in feet
Forward-leaning posture
Foul-smelling stools
Fracture of vertebra or femur without accident
Frequent bowel movement
Frequent infections
Frequent urinary urgency
Frequent urination
Frequent urination at night (nocturia, nycturia)
Frequent urination in large quantities
Frontal release signs
Frothy yellow-green vaginal discharge
General anxiety
Genital skin growths
Genu varum
Glassy eyes
Goldflam sign
Gonda-Allen sign
Gordon sign
Gottron's papules
Grape-like vaginal discharge
Gum erythema
Gum pain
Gustatory hallucinations
Hair loss
Hairy leukoplakia (Epstein-Barr virus, EBV)
Hand erythema
Hard retinal exudates
Hardening or tightness of skin on hands, face, or forearms
Head drop
Head injury
Head injury when drunk
Head tremors
Headache exacerbating in the morning
Headache with flare-ups and remissions
Headache, anterior location
Headache, exacerbating by tilting the head forward
Headache, generalized
Headache, lancinating
Headache, pressure
Headache, pulsing
Headache, series over a period of time
Headache, severe
Headache, unilateral
Hearing loss
Hearing loss of variable intensity and duration
Hearing voices arguing
Hearing voices commenting
Heart palpitations
Heart palpitations worsen following caffeine intake
Heavy legs at end of day
Heavy menstrual periods (menorrhagia)
Heliotrope rash around the eyes
Hemianopsia bitemporalis
Hide drinking, secret drinking
High-arched palate
Hoarseness (dysphonia)
Hot flashes
Hypersensitivity to sound
Hypersensitivity to stimuli
Hypertension, high blood pressure
Hypesthesia of half of face
Hypochondriacal delusions
Hypopyon (collection of pus in the eye)
Illusion of surroundings increasing or decreasing in size
Impaired concentration
Impaired downward eye motion
Impaired medial eye motion
Impaired memory
Impaired short-term memory with long term memory maintained
Impaired smell
Impaired taste, loss of taste
Impaired upward eye motion
Impaired vision
Impaired vision on side with painful temple
Impulsive behaviour
Inability to complete tasks
Inability to maintain the same body position for a long time
Inability to move mandible sideways
Inability to remember important aspects of a traumatic experience
Inability to stop drinking alcohol
Inability to stop flow of urine
Increase in sexual experiences or sensations needed to attain desired effect
Increased abdominal girth
Increased appetite
Increased deep tendon reflexes (hyperreflexia)
Increased expiratory phase
Increased libido
Increased masseter reflex (jaw jerk)
Increased muscle tension (spasticity)
Increased palatine reflex
Increased pharyngeal reflex
Increased thirst
Intense, non-committal relationships
Intermenstrual bleeding/spotting
Intermittent claudication
Intermittent urine flow
Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities
Intrusive thoughts - obsessive fears
Intrusive thoughts - obsessive images
Intrusive thoughts, obsessions
Iris neovascularization
Irregular border of skin lesion
Irregular menstruations
Irritability when unable to engage in activity related to sex
Irritation and erythema of vulva
Itching after a hot shower or bath
Itching aggravated by change in temperature, sweating, or wool
Itching and painful eyelid lesion
Itching around anus
Itching blisters or wheals
Itching in ear
Itching most intense at night
Itching of nose or throat
Itching of skin (pruritus)
Itching of urethral opening
Jacobson sign
Jaundice after starvation diet
Jaundice during increased stress
Jaundice during infectious disease
Jaundice following intense physical exertion
Jaw claudication
Jaw locking when opening mouth
Joint malformation
Joint pain
Joint pain of sudden onset
Joint stiffness
Kaposi's sarcoma nodules
Kayser–Fleischer ring
Koplik's spots
Kussmaul breathing
Lack of boundaries in interpersonal relations
Lack of initiative, motivation, drive
Lack of rest
Lack of space in dental arch, crowded teeth
Lack of strength in legs
Large painful red nodules under skin
Large quantity of cigarettes smoked
Lateral hemianopsia, homonymous hemianopsia
Lead-pipe rigidity
Left limb-kinetic apraxia
Lengthening of reaction time
Leopard-like spots
Lesion is itchy and painful
Lesions are painful when pressure is applied
Lesions forming a crust
Lesions in different stages of development at one time
Lesions on entire skin
Lesions on penis
Lesions on vulva
Lesions preceded by pain or itching
Lesions spread easily by touch
Levine's sign
Lhermitte's sign
Light sensitivity
Limb palsy/paralysis
Limb weakness (paresis)
Limb weakness ipsilateral to facial changes
Limbs resistant to passive movements
Limitations in everyday life activities
Lip edema
Lisch nodules
Livedo reticularis (mottled vascular skin pattern)
Local dark retinal blood vessels that lie in folds
Local elevation of retina
Local grey discoloration of retina
Local retinal undulation
Localization near sebaceous glands
Localization on the border between the lips and skin
Localized spread of the skin lesions
Loose teeth
Loss of body hair
Loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed, lasting at least 2 weeks
Loss of muscle mass
Loss of muscle mass in the hand/hands
Loss of pain sensation in the upper pharynx
Loss of sense of vibration in distal parts of extremities
Loss of temperature sensation, impaired temperature sensation
Loss of vision in a superior quadrant (quadrantanopia or "pie in the sky" defect)
Loss or impairment of proprioception
Low self-esteem
Low urine output (oliguria)
Low-pitched tinnitus, Low-frequency tinnitus (humming, murmuring, rumbling)
Lower abdominal tenderness
Lower intraocular pressure in affected eye by > 4-5mmHg in comparison to unaffected eye
Lumbar pain exacerbates during the night
Lumbar pain radiating to the groin
Lump in testicle
Lump in throat
Lying to friends and family, hiding food
Maculo-papular exanthema fades from face to trunk and extremities in 2-3 from appearing
Maculo-papular exanthema that appears on face and neck and spreads centrifugally to trunk and extremities in 24 hours
Maculopapular exanthema/rash
Making rash or impulsive decisions
Malum perforans, Neurotrophic ulcer, Trophic ulcer
Many nevi
Marcus Gunn pupil
Measles rash
Mechanic's hand
Memory loss, finding objects of everyday use
Mendel-Bechterev sign
Menstrual period more than 3 weeks late
Miosis (small, constricted pupils)
Moniz sign
Monoparesis, Hemiparesis
Mood swings, mood instability
Most cigarettes in the morning
Motor retardation
Mouth breathing, breathing through mouth
Mucosal pallor
Mucous secretion in stool
Multiple sexual partners
Muscle cramps
Muscle pain (myalgia)
Muscle weakness (paresis)
Muscle weakness causes difficulty climbing stairs, standing up from sitting position
Nail clubbing, drumstick fingers
Nail dystrophy
Narrowing of the mouth, difficulty opening mouth
Nasal catarrh
Nasal congestion
Nasal polyps
Nasal speech
Neck asymmetry
Neck edema
Neck pain
Neck vein distention
Neglecting obligations such as work, study or family to pursue sex or think about sex
Neglecting other areas of your life besides alcohol, such as hobbies, work or family
Nervousness or weepiness
Neural tenderness
Neuropathic arthropathy
Night sweats
Nihilistic delusions
Nipple discharge
Nodules on labia
Non-serious eye injury
Non-stop drinking for several days
Nosebleeds (epistaxis)
Numbness in one or both lower limbs
Numbness of left hand
Numbness of limbs
Numbness of part of the ear
Numbness of the tongue
Numbness or spasms in arm or face muscles
Numerous lesions in genital area
Occipital headache
Ocular bulb rotation laterally and downwards
Ocular bulb rotation medially and upwards
Ocular motility disorder
Oculomotor nerve palsy
Oily skin
Olfactory hallucinations
Opacified tympanic membrane
Open comedones
Oppenheim sign
Optic disc neovascularization
Optic nerve disc pallor
Orbicularis oris muscle spasm
Organic cause
Orthostatic (postural) hypotension
Outside world feels unreal (derealization)
Ovarian enlargement
Pain accompanies attempt to move limb or joint
Pain and redness in temporal region
Pain around nape of neck when standing
Pain behind ear
Pain caused by firm pressure on sternal bone
Pain caused by firm pressure on tibia
Pain in both lower limbs
Pain in both upper limbs
Pain in both upper limbs (glove distribution)
Pain in crotch
Pain in fingers
Pain in glans penis
Pain in lower limb
Pain in lower limbs (stocking distribution)
Pain in one or both hips
Pain in one or both knees
Pain in scrotum
Pain in temporomandibular joint while yawning, chewing or biting
Pain in upper limb
Pain increases when touching ear area
Pain is aggravated during cold, damp weather
Pain near eye socket
Pain on one side of the face (eye, cheek, jaw)
Pain radiates from buttock through back of thigh to knee
Pain radiates to the right shoulder blade
Pain usually lasts for a few seconds to a few minutes and occurs several times per day
Pain while urinating
Pain with first movements in the morning
Painful defecation
Painful ejaculation
Painful hallux joint
Painful intercourse
Palatine petechiae
Palatine tonsil asymmetry
Palatopharyngeal arch asymmetry
Pale and brittle nails
Pale or clay-colored stools
Pale skin
Palmar erythema
Palpable abdominal mass
Palpable mass in breast
Palpable neck mass
Palpable pain in the right upper quadrant (hypochondrium) exacerbated by deep inhalation
Panic attacks in public appearances
Panic attacks triggered by stressful situation
Papillomatosis in histopatological examination
Papule or abscess, boil
Papulo-pustular eruptions
Paralogical thinking
Paraspinal muscle tenderness
Paresthesia (body tingling)
Paresthesia in both lower limbs
Paresthesia in both lower limbs (stocking distribution)
Paresthesia in both upper limbs
Paresthesia in both upper limbs (glove distribution)
Paronychial erythema
Parotid swelling
Paroxysmal amblyopia
Pencil-thin stools
Pericardial friction rub
Perionychial edema
Perionychial pain
Petechiae (small red spots - broken capillary vessels)
Pharyngeal erythema
Pharyngeal pain
Pharyngeal pain when swallowing
Phototype I or II
Physical trauma (to self or others) after drinking alcohol
Pill rolling tremor
Pitting edema
Pleural friction rub
Pleural serous effusion (hydrothorax)
Poor personal hygiene|self-neglect
Positive allergy challenge
Positive skin allergy (prick or patch) test
Post-nasal drip
Postmenopausal vaginal bleeding
Poverty of speech, alogia
Premature graying
Preoccupation with food
Presence of neurofibromas
Pretibial edema
Problems with everyday tasks such as washing, eating, dressing
Productive cough with purulent sputum
Projectile vomiting
Prolonged bleeding time
Prostate enlargement
Psychomotor retardation
Pulsatile tinnitus
Pupil dilation variation
Pupil or pupils unreactive to accomodation
Purpuric rash
Pus in paraonychial area
Pus under the skin of the finger
Pyramidal signs
Quickening of thoughts and speech
Rash vanishes leaving no trace
Re-experiencing psychological trauma in nightmares
Re-experiencing psychological trauma through physiological reactivity
Re-experiencing the psychological trauma - circumstances resembling or associated with the stressor
Re-experiencing the psychological trauma in recurring flashbacks
Recent alcohol consumption
Recent medication
Receptive aphasia
Recurrent fever (about every 24, 48 or 72 hours)
Recurrent gastric ulcers
Recurrent herpes simplex
Recurrent kidney stones
Recurrent lower respiratory tract infection
Recurrent tonsillitis
Recurrent unpleasant thoughts and images, often sexual, aggressive, killing someone, fear of getting dirty, etc.
Recurrent upper respiratory tract infection
Red and swollen oral mucosa
Red and warm eyelid lesion
Red eye
Red lump with yellow tip on eyelid
Red maculas with silver-white, flaky scales
Red rings with light centers on skin
Red stinging conjunctivae
Red stretch marks on abdomen, hips or thighs,
Redness behind the ear
Redness on shoulders and nape of neck
Redness on the sides of the thighs or hips (holster sign)
Reduced ability to maintain focus
Reduced body temperature
Reduced degree of facial expression (hypomimia)
Reduced skin elasticity, decreased skin turgor
Religious delusion
Restricted mobility, problem turning the head or bending over
Retinal artery occlusions
Retinal hemorrhage
Retinal microaneurysms
Retinal neovascularization elsewhere
Retinal swelling
Retraction or indentation of nipple
Retrobulbar neuritis
Rhonchi during chest auscultation
Rice-water diarrhea
Rictus grin
Risky drinking
Role, social impairment, dysfunction
Rose spots on lower chest and abdomen
Rossolimo's sign
Rough and irregular skin surface
Russell's sign
Sagging of the palate ipsilateral to suspected nerve damage
Schaeffer's sign
Scleral icterus
Scotoma, eye floaters
Scratched eye
Scrotal transillumination
Seasonal pattern of depressive symptoms
Self-disgust after binging
Sense of self-worth dependent on weight
Sensory hallucinations
Sensory loss in both arms
Sensory loss in one limb
Sensory loss involving the face
Severe calf pain while walking
Severe face pain
Severe joint or bone pain
Severe pain in crotch
Severe skin pain
Severe skin pain lasting more than a few hours
Severe toothache
Sexual activity in recent months
Sexual activity more often or with more partners than intended
Sexual intercourse during fertile days
Shafer's sign
Shallow breathing
Simple auditory paradelusions
Simple visual paradelusions
Sinus pain
Sinus pressure
Sinuses tender to palpation
Six or more cafe au lait macules
Skin and blood vessel inflammation
Skin changes with flare-ups and remission
Skin desquamation
Skin discoloration
Skin lesion on palms or soles
Skin lesions at point of contact with buttons or fasteners
Skin lesions forming a line
Skin on arm or leg hot to the touch
Skin ulceration
Skull lesions
Sleep disorder
Slower gait
Smooth face without wrinkles
Sneezing attacks
Social isolation
Social maladjustment
Soft gray or flesh-colored warts or bumps
Soft mass in scrotum
Soft retinal exudates
Spasmodic torticollis, Cervical dystonia
Spasms in upper extremities
Spastic dysarthria
Spending a lot of time on sex-related activity (seeking partners, watching pornography)
Splenic agenesis
Sterling's sign
Stiff neck
Stiffness of hand joints in morning
Stiffness of spine in the morning
Stiffness subsides after exercise
Stimulants use, taking stimulants (amphetamine, cocaine)
Stinging eyes, feeling of sand under eyelid
Stransky's sign
Strawberry tongue
Stressful situation,stressor
Strumpell's sign
Subcutaneous nodules
Sucking sensation in chest
Sudden conjunctival pallor
Sudden face flushing
Sudden falls without loss of consciousness (drop attack)
Sudden increase in blood pressure
Sudden lancinating facial pain
Sudden mucosal pallor
Sudden pain in crotch
Sudden skin pallor
Suicidal thoughts
Suicidal thoughts with plan and steps taken
Sunken eyeballs
Surface of lesion resembles cauliflower
Swallowing difficulty (dysphagia)
Sweating on forehead on painful side
Swelling and pain in one ankle joint
Swelling and pain in one knee joint
Swelling in the mastoid region (behind the ear)
Swelling of hands (hand edema)
Swelling of lower leg
Swelling of lower limbs
Swelling of nasal concha
Swelling of nasal mucosa
Swelling of one joint
Swelling of scrotum
Swelling of temporal artery
Swelling of the dorsal side (top) of the feet and around ankles
Swollen ankles
Swollen blue or bluish-gray nasal mucosa
Swollen cheek
Swollen eyelid or eyelids
Swollen gums
Symmetrical flaccid paresis
Symmetrical flaccid paresis in lower limbs (mainly feet)
Symmetrical flaccid paresis in upper limbs (mainly hands)
Symmetrical paresthesias
Symptoms appear a few days before period
Symptoms appear after taking painkillers, change in diet, under stress
Symptoms do not occur during sleep
Symptoms get better with physical activity
Symptoms increase in the evening
Symptoms occur at certain times of year or following contact with animal hair or other things
Symptoms occur several hours after drinking excessive alcohol
Symptoms peak 24 hours after start of menstrual period
Symptoms subside when menstrual period begins
Temporary blindness
Tenderness to palpation in the right hypochondriac region
Tenderness to palpation in the umbilical region
Terry's nails (white nails with a dark tip)
Testicular atrophy
Thick eye discharge
Thickened nails with pits or grooves
Thin skin, bruises or hematomas
Thoughts of harming one's child
Thoughts of wanting to kill one's child
Throckmorton's sign
Time spent more than 2,500 m above sea level
Tingling fingers
Tingling in extremities ipsilateral to facial changes
Toe-Brachial Index (TBI)<0.7
Toenail dystrophy
Tongue enlargement
Tongue erythema
Tongue muscle atrophy
Tongue tremors
Tonic-clonic seizures
Tooth fracture
Tooth loss
Tooth pain after contact with cold, sweet or hot food
Tooth reacts strongly to heat
Toothache while chewing
Transient symptoms after consuming alcohol
Transverse furrow on the nose
Tremor, flapping (asterixis)
Tremor, intention
Tremor, kinetic
Tremor, resting
Tremors in both hands
Tremors in one hand
Tremors subside after drinking alcohol
Tremors worsen after caffeine intake
Trismus (lockjaw)
Tromner's sign
Trophic changes
Trophic ulcer on the plantar side of the foot
Trouble beginning urination
Trouble planning the future
Trousseau sign of latent tetany
Tympanic membrane light reflex distortion
Ulceration on nipple
Ulcerations or abscesses near the anus
Unilateral eye socket pain
Unilateral facial paresis
Unilateral muscular palsy, paralysis
Unilateral neck pain
Unilateral or bilateral trigeminal neuralgia (Vth cranial nerve)
Upper limb edema
Urethral discharge when pressing penis
Urinary incontinence
Urinary retention
Urinary urgency
Urination in small amounts
Urination while coughing or laughing or during physical exertion
Urticaria triggered by cold
Urticaria triggered by heat
Urticaria triggered by prolonged pressure on the skin
Urticaria triggered by scratching
Urticaria triggered by sunlight (sun urticaria)
Urticaria triggered by vibration
Using methods to lose weight: vomiting, starvation diets
Uvula deviates towards unaffected side during phonation
V-shaped redness on chest
Vaginal bleeding in 4 or 5 month of pregnancy
Vaginal discharge
Vaginal discharge with unpleasant odor
Vaginal itching and burning
Verbal learning disability
Vertigo (dizziness with spinning sensation)
Vesicular exanthema of mouth or ear
Violating social norms after drinking alcohol
Visible and palpable enlarged vein
Visible swelling and clogging of ear canal
Visual agnosia
Visual field narrowing
Visual hallucinations
Vitreous hemorrhage
Vomiting blood (hematemesis)
Vomiting less than 1h after meal
Vomiting occurs more often in the morning
Vomiting on an empty stomach
Vulvar itching
Waist circumference for men greater than 40 in (102 cm)
Waist circumference for women greater than 35 in (88 cm)
Waist-hip ratio (WHR) over 0,85 in women
Waist-hip ratio (WHR) over 1,0 in men
Warts or fleshy growths (tags) in genital area
Weak eye clenching
Weak or absent palatine reflex
Weak or absent pharyngeal reflex
Weak peripheral pulses
Weak pulse in legs
Weakness exacerbates after exercise
Weakness of large proximal muscles
Weight gain
Weight loss
Weight loss without loss of appetite
Weiss ring
Wheezes, sibilant rhonchi over chest
White pus-filled spots on tonsils
Winterbottom's sign (swelling of posterior cervical lymph nodes)
Worrisome skin lesions
Worrying about health of child
Wrinkling or dimpling of skin on breast
Wrist edema
Wrist pain
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