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Created September 28, 2009 16:17
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require 'rubygems'
gem 'dm-core'
require 'dm-core', :debug)
DataMapper.setup(:default, "mysql://localhost/YOUR_TEST_DB")
class CrawledPage
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
belongs_to :crawling_run
class CrawlingRun
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
belongs_to :board_account
has n, :crawled_pages
class Board
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
class BoardAccount
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
belongs_to :board
belongs_to :recruiter
has n, :crawling_runs
class Recruiter
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
belongs_to :team
has n, :board_accounts
class Team
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
puts "******** Create tables ********"
puts "\n\n"
puts "******** Create resources ********"
board = Board.create
team = Team.create
recruiter = Recruiter.create(:team => team)
board_account = BoardAccount.create(:board => board, :recruiter => recruiter)
crawling_run = CrawlingRun.create(:board_account => board_account)
crawled_page = CrawledPage.create(:crawling_run => crawling_run)
puts "\n\n"
puts "******** Query 1 works ********"
CrawledPage.first('crawling_run.board_account.board_id' => 1)
puts "\n\n"
puts "******** Query 2 works ********"
CrawledPage.first('crawling_run.board_account.board_id' => 1, 'crawling_run.board_account.recruiter_id' => 1)
puts "\n\n"
puts "******** Query 3 fails ********"
CrawledPage.first('crawling_run.board_account.board_id' => 1, 'crawling_run.board_account.recruiter.team_id' => 1)
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