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Created June 11, 2019 19:36
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Renovate on Bitbucket

Setup Renovate

Blog post

Consult the renovate docs

Create an AppPassword on Bitbucket

Create a file named renovate-bot.secret.yaml with:

# Define namespace for renovate
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
    name: renovate
# Create secrets for renovate bot
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    namespace: renovate
    name: renovate-env
type: Opaque
    renovate-platform: 'bitbucket'
    renovate-endpoint: ''
    renovate-username: '<bot-username>'
    renovate-password: '<app-password>'
    renovate-autodiscover: 'false'

then apply it:

kubectl apply -f config/kubernetes-aws/renovate-bot.secret.yaml
kubectl get secrets --namespace renovate

Create the cron job with:

kubectl apply -f config/kubernetes-aws/renovate-bot.yaml

Make sure the cronjob is showing up:

kubectl get cronjob --namespace renovate

To run the cronjob manually:

kubectl create job --from=cronjob/renovate renovate-test-run --namespace renovate


kubectl get pods --namespace renovate
kubectl logs <pod-name> --namespace renovate
kubectl describe pods <pod-name> --namespace renovate


kubectl delete job renovate-test-run --namespace renovate
kubectl delete -f config/kubernetes-aws/renovate-bot.yaml
kubectl delete -f config/kubernetes-aws/renovate-bot.secret.yaml

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