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Created August 3, 2021 21:52
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Be able to declare certain prefices to refer to certain sub-dir owning areas
# There's a great example in zshexpn(1) "Dynamic named directories" about
# shortening a path to be named by the perforce area it's in; I usually want
# this for git repos, and a whole bunch of them. In fact, it's a common
# pattern and one I don't want to repeat.
local label="${1:?need a label for this completion set}"
local short="${2:?need a short prefix for this completion set}"
local based="${3:?need a directory for this completion set}"
local elide_prefix="${4:-}"
local flags="${5:-}"
emulate -L zsh
setopt extended_glob
if [[ ! -d $based ]]; then
print -u2 "$0: no such directory ${(q)based}"
return 1
local opt
local want_resolve=0 # should resolve symlinks, so we can have aggregation dirs
while getopts ':r' opt "${(@Q)${(z)flags}}"; do
case $opt in
r) want_resolve=1 ;;
:) die "missing required option for -$OPTARG" ;;
\?) die "unknown option -$OPTARG" ;;
*) die "unhandled option -$arg; CODE BUG" ;;
local funcname="zsh_directory_name_pds_$short"
eval "function $funcname {
emulate -L zsh
setopt extended_glob
local -a match mbegin mend
case \$1 in
d) # collapsing for prompt shortening
if [[ \$2 == (#b)($based/)(${elide_prefix}|)([^/]##)* ]]; then
typeset -ga reply
reply=(${short}:\$match[3] \$(( \${#match[1]} + \${#match[2]} + \${#match[3]} )) )
return 0
return 1
n) # expand name out to dir
[[ \$2 == (#b)${short}:(?*) ]] || return 1
local prefix short
typeset -ga reply
for prefix in '' '${elide_prefix}'; do
if [[ -d \"\$short\" ]]; then
if (( $want_resolve )); then short=\"\${short:A}\"; fi
reply=( \"\$short\" )
return 0
return 1
c) # completion
local expl
local -a dirs
if [[ -n '${elide_prefix}' ]]; then
_wanted dynamic-dirs expl 'Dynamic/$short repo' compadd -S\] -a dirs
return 1
return 0
zsh_directory_name_functions+=( $funcname )
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pdp_dirname_subdirs nats-io n ~/src/nats-io
pdp_dirname_subdirs 'Kubernetes Clusters' k8s ~/etc/k8s-links '' -r

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