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Created September 16, 2021 14:26
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Rough sketch of a mixed-effects beta regression allowing to use MixedModels.jl formula syntax
using CategoricalArrays
using DataFrames
using Distributions
using DynamicPPL
using MixedModels
using Plots
using StatsFuns
using StatsModels
using StatsPlots
using Turing
function modelsize(X, Z)
N, K = size(X)
@assert size(Z, 1) == N
M = size(Z, 2)
return N, K, M
# See for mixed-effects beta regression
@model function mixed_effects_beta(
N, K, M = modelsize(X, Z)
y = similar(X, N)
# priors
# TODO: use TDist priors for random effects -- outlier users!
θ_fixed ~ MvNormal(zeros(K), ones(K) * 30)
θ_random ~ MvNormal(zeros(M), M == 0 ? ones(0, 0) : ones(M) * 30)
# conditional to circumevent PDMats bug:
γ_fixed ~ MvNormal(zeros(K), ones(K) * 30)
γ_random ~ MvNormal(zeros(M), M == 0 ? ones(0, 0) : ones(M) * 30)
# observations
η = X * θ_fixed .+ Z * θ_random
μ = logistic.(η)
ψ = X * γ_fixed .+ Z * γ_random
ϕ = exp.(ψ)
α = μ .* ϕ
β = (1 .- μ) .* ϕ
ϵ = eps(eltype(α))
y .~ Beta.(clamp.(α, ϵ, Inf), clamp.(β, ϵ, Inf)) # prevent numerically zero α and β
apply_formula(f, data) = apply_schema(f, schema(f, data), MixedModel)
function get_modelcols(f, data)
f = apply_formula(f, data)
_, M = modelcols(f, data)
if M isa Tuple
return M
# no random effects -> no Z matrix
return M, similar(M, size(M, 1), 0)
function dummy_data(n_observations, n_stimuli, n_authors)
stimuli = [Symbol("stimulus_", i) => rand(n_observations) for i = 1:n_stimuli]
return DataFrame(stimuli...,
:author => categorical(rand(1:n_authors, n_observations)))
function construct_model(f, data, conditions)
X, Z = get_modelcols(f, data)
N, K, M = modelsize(X, Z)
haskey(conditions, :θ_fixed) && @assert size(conditions.θ_fixed) == (K,)
haskey(conditions, :γ_fixed) && @assert size(conditions.γ_fixed) == (K,)
haskey(conditions, :θ_random) && @assert size(conditions.θ_random) == (M,)
haskey(conditions, :γ_random) && @assert size(conditions.γ_random) == (M,)
haskey(conditions, :y) && @assert size(conditions.y) == (N,)
model = mixed_effects_beta(X, Z) | conditions
return model
function simulate(f, n_observations, n_authors, n_samples; conditions...)
data = simulate_data(n_observations, n_authors)
return simulate(f, data, n_samples; conditions...)
function simulate(f, data, n_samples; conditions...)
model = construct_model(f, data, NamedTuple(conditions))
return [model() for _ in 1:n_samples]
infer(f::FormulaTerm, data, n_samples; conditions...) = infer(f, data, NUTS(0.65), n_samples; conditions...)
function infer(f::FormulaTerm, data, sampler, n_samples; conditions...)
model = construct_model(f, data, NamedTuple(conditions))
return Turing.sample(model, sampler, n_samples)
## Example:
# data = dummy_data(10, 2, 2);
# data.response = simulate(
# @formula(0 ~ 1 + stimulus_1 + stimulus_2 + (1|author)), data, 1,
# θ_fixed = [-5, 5, 0], γ_fixed = [2, 0, 0], θ_random = zeros(2), γ_random = zeros(2)
# )[1];
# s = infer(@formula(0 ~ 1 + stimulus_1 + stimulus_2 + (1|author)), data, NUTS(0.65), 5000;
# y = data.response, θ_random = zeros(2), γ_random = zeros(2));
# plot(s)
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