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Last active April 2, 2018 09:30
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using BenchmarkTools
using Einsum
using TensorOperations
const N = 9851
const K = 35
const D = 16
const x = rand(N, D)
const μ = rand(D, K)
const W = rand(K, D, D)
const x′ = x'
const μ′ = μ'
const W′ = permutedims(W, [2, 3, 1])
function test_original(x, μ, W)
res = zeros(N, K)
for n in 1:N
for k in 1:K
d = x[n, :] - μ[:, k]
res[n, k] = d' * W[k, :, :] * d
function test_einsum(x, μ, W)
@einsum res[n, k] := (x[n, i] - μ[i, k]) * W[k, i, j] * (x[n, j] - μ[j, k])
function test_einsum_t(x, μ, W)
@einsum res[n, k] := (x[i, n] - μ[i, k]) * W[i, j, k] * (x[j, n] - μ[j, k])
function test_optimized!(res, x, μ, W)
z = zero(eltype(x))
for k = 1:size(μ, 1)
for n = 1:size(x, 1)
res[n, k] = z
for i = 1:size(W, 1)
for j = 1:size(W, 2)
@inbounds res[n, k] += (x[i, n] - μ[i, k]) * W[i, j, k] * (x[j, n] - μ[j, k])
function test_optimized(x, μ, W)
res = zeros(N, K)
test_optimized!(res, x, μ, W)
function test_tensorops(x, μ, W)
res = zeros(N, K)
for k = 1:size(μ, 1)
for n = 1:size(x, 1)
@views d = (x[:, n] - μ[:, k])
@views w = W[:, :, k]
@tensor r[] := d[i] * w[i, j] * d[j]
res[n, k] = r[]
# julia> @benchmark test_original($x, $μ, $W)
# BenchmarkTools.Trial:
# memory estimate: 1017.73 MiB
# allocs estimate: 3429967
# --------------
# minimum time: 347.353 ms (16.02% GC)
# median time: 361.982 ms (15.94% GC)
# mean time: 367.613 ms (17.20% GC)
# maximum time: 436.865 ms (30.41% GC)
# --------------
# samples: 14
# evals/sample: 1
# julia> @benchmark test_einsum($x, $μ, $W)
# BenchmarkTools.Trial:
# memory estimate: 2.64 MiB
# allocs estimate: 76
# --------------
# minimum time: 125.719 ms (0.00% GC)
# median time: 127.536 ms (0.00% GC)
# mean time: 127.761 ms (0.06% GC)
# maximum time: 130.773 ms (0.55% GC)
# --------------
# samples: 40
# evals/sample: 1
# julia> @benchmark test_einsum_t($(x′), $(μ), $(W′))
# BenchmarkTools.Trial:
# memory estimate: 2.64 MiB
# allocs estimate: 76
# --------------
# minimum time: 125.280 ms (0.00% GC)
# median time: 126.987 ms (0.00% GC)
# mean time: 127.192 ms (0.06% GC)
# maximum time: 130.392 ms (0.60% GC)
# --------------
# samples: 40
# evals/sample: 1
# julia> @benchmark test_optimized($(x′), $(μ), $(W′))
# BenchmarkTools.Trial:
# memory estimate: 2.63 MiB
# allocs estimate: 2
# --------------
# minimum time: 413.104 μs (0.00% GC)
# median time: 521.215 μs (0.00% GC)
# mean time: 560.746 μs (8.24% GC)
# maximum time: 1.973 ms (0.00% GC)
# --------------
# samples: 8892
# evals/sample: 1
# julia> @benchmark test_tensorops(x′, μ, W′)
# BenchmarkTools.Trial:
# memory estimate: 3.76 MiB
# allocs estimate: 11266
# --------------
# minimum time: 1.337 ms (0.00% GC)
# median time: 1.421 ms (0.00% GC)
# mean time: 1.686 ms (15.21% GC)
# maximum time: 4.930 ms (48.20% GC)
# --------------
# samples: 2964
# evals/sample: 1
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