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Forked from Mark-Booth/git-branch-status
Last active February 14, 2016 05:00
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Version of git-branch-status which only shows the current branch and only generates output if a branch is ahead or behind.Added options to:* Show all branches (revert to the old behaviour)* Show output even if the branch isn't ahead or behind (revert to the old behaviour)* Show branch(es) with respect to origin/master (inspired by git-branches-v…
# hosted at
# forked from @ 595b08 by Phrohdoh
# forked from @ ae184f1 by mark.booth
# forked from @ e357c1e by lth2h
# ideas from
# this prints out some branch status
# (similar to the '... ahead' info you get from git status)
# example:
# $ git branch-status -a
# dns_check (ahead 1) | (behind 112) origin/master
# master (ahead 2) | (behind 0) origin/master
# $ git branch-status
# master (ahead 2) | (behind 0) origin/master
usage="$(basename "$0") ["$OPTIONS"] -- Summarize status of branch(es)
-h shows this help text
-a shows all local branches, not just the current one
-m shows branch(es) with respect to origin/master
-v verbose, show output even if counts are zero
-b BRANCH shows branch(es) with respect to a given branch
-s FROM/TO shows branch(es) with respect to a branch substitution
Note: Any branches which don't match FROM will be ignored
-u UPSTREAM selects an upstream other than origin for -b and -m options
For example
$(basename "$0") -am # Show all branches which are ahead
# of or behind their origin/master.
$(basename "$0") -b 8.38-hotfix # Show each repo whose checked out
# branch is behind the hotfix branch.
$(basename "$0") -s 8.34/8.36 # Show all 8.34 branches which are
# ahead of or behind their 8.38 remote.
while getopts $OPTIONS option; do
case "$option" in
h) echo "$usage"
a) filter=refs/heads
m) upstreambranch=master
v) verbose=true
b) upstreambranch=$OPTARG
s) remotesubstitute=$OPTARG
l) aheadonly=true
r) behindonly=true
u) upstream=$OPTARG
:) echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2
echo "$usage" >&2
exit 1
?) printf "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2
echo "$usage" >&2
exit 1
shift $((OPTIND - 1))
[ $filter ] || filter=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD)
[ $upstream ] || upstream=origin
[ -n "$(git config remote.$upstream.url)" ] || { echo "Remote '$upstream' not found. Aborting."; exit 2; }
git for-each-ref --format="%(refname:short) %(upstream:short)" $filter | \
while read local remote
if [ $remotesubstitute ] ; then
remote=$(echo $remote | sed "s/${remotesubstitute}/")
elif [ $upstreambranch ] ; then
[ "$remote" ] || continue
[ "$(git ls-remote . $remote)" ] || continue
DELTAS=$(git rev-list --left-right ${local}...${remote} --)
LEFT_AHEAD=$(echo "$DELTAS" | grep -c '^<')
RIGHT_AHEAD=$(echo "$DELTAS" | grep -c '^>')
echo "$local $LEFT_AHEAD:$RIGHT_AHEAD $remote"
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