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Created April 12, 2017 08:46
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Tells you what the currently registered ODP.Net (native) assembly is for x64 and x32 Oracle .net drivers
# .synopsis
# Sees what Oracle .net driver is installed for x32 and x64
# .author
# Piers
$providerName = 'Oracle.DataAccess.Client'
$job = {
$providerName = $args[0]
# Write-Host ('Test with bits={0}' -f [IntPtr]::Size) -ForegroundColor:Yellow
$factory = [System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactories]::GetFactory($providerName)
new-object PSObject -Property:@{
Bits = [IntPtr]::Size * 8
AssemblyName = $factory.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName
new-object PSObject -Property:@{
Bits = [IntPtr]::Size * 8
AssemblyName = "Error: " + $_.Exception.Message
function RunJob([switch]$runAs32){
$jobInstance = Start-Job -ScriptBlock:$job -ArgumentList:$providerName -RunAs32:$runAs32;
$jobInstance | Wait-Job | Out-Null
$jobInstance | Receive-Job
RunJob -runAs32:$false
RunJob -runAs32:$true
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