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Created September 25, 2018 06:00
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Compare Octopus Deploy Project's current variables with last release's snapshot
Diff's a project's variables with the snapshot associated with its latest release
Need to include Octopus.Client nuget package
var server = "http://my-octopus-server/";
var projectName = "my-project-name";
// Util.SetPassword("Octopus key for " + server, null); // run this line to unsave the password (if it changes, or you stuff up the entry)
var apiKey = Util.GetPassword("Octopus key for " + server, false);
var endpoint = new Octopus.Client.OctopusServerEndpoint(server, apiKey);
var repository = new Octopus.Client.OctopusRepository(endpoint);
var project = repository.Projects.FindByName(projectName);
var currentRelease =
.FindMany(r => r.ProjectId == project.Id)
.OrderByDescending(r => r.Assembled)
// Diff the project variables
var projectVariables = repository.VariableSets.Get(project.VariableSetId);
var releaseSnapshotVariables = repository.VariableSets.Get(currentRelease.ProjectVariableSetSnapshotId);
releaseSnapshotVariables.Variables.OrderBy(v => v.Name).Select(v => new { v.Name, v.Scope, v.Type, v.Value }),
projectVariables.Variables.OrderBy(v => v.Name).Select(v => new { v.Name, v.Scope, v.Type, v.Value })
).Dump("Difference (release -> latest)");
projectVariables.Variables.Select(v => v.Name).Except(releaseSnapshotVariables.Variables.Select(v => v.Name)).Dump("New variables, not present in release snapshot");
// Diff associated variable snapshots
var projectLibraryVariables =
.Select(vs => vs.VariableSetId)
.SelectMany(vs => vs.Variables)
var releaseLibraryVariables =
.SelectMany(vs => vs.Variables)
releaseLibraryVariables.OrderBy(v => v.Name).ThenBy(v => v.Scope.SelectMany(kvp => kvp.Value).FirstOrDefault()).Select(v => new { v.Name, v.Scope, v.Type, v.Value }),
projectLibraryVariables.OrderBy(v => v.Name).ThenBy(v => v.Scope.SelectMany(kvp => kvp.Value).FirstOrDefault()).Select(v => new { v.Name, v.Scope, v.Type, v.Value })
).Dump("Library variables diff (release -> latest)");
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