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Created January 6, 2016 11:47
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Using the Google Apps Script Cache Service for objects above 100Kb
function ChunkyCache(cache, chunkSize){
return {
put: function (key, value, timeout) {
var json = JSON.stringify(value);
var cSize = Math.floor(chunkSize / 2);
var chunks = [];
var index = 0;
while (index < json.length){
cKey = key + "_" + index;
cache.put(cKey, json.substr(index, cSize), timeout+5);
index += cSize;
var superBlk = {
chunkSize: chunkSize,
chunks: chunks,
length: json.length
cache.put(key, JSON.stringify(superBlk), timeout);
get: function (key) {
var superBlkCache = cache.get(key);
if (superBlkCache != null) {
var superBlk = JSON.parse(superBlkCache);
chunks = (cKey){
return cache.get(cKey);
if (chunks.every(function (c) { return c != null; })){
return JSON.parse(chunks.join(''));
function testGetCacheFrom(){
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Data');
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var chunky = ChunkyCache(CacheService.getDocumentCache(), 1024*90);
chunky.put('Data', data, 120);
var check = chunky.get('Data');
var sheetPut = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Out');
for (c in check) {
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pilbot commented Jan 6, 2016

The ChunkyCache allows storage of objects that are larger than 100Kb by splitting them on a configurable number of bytes. It uses JSON.stringify to export the object so some types will be coalesced.

The test function will copy all data in the spreadsheet Data to the spreadsheet Out going through the cache.

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rajeshruhil commented Jul 6, 2017

What is the maximum time, we can keep data in cache any why is there +5 with timeout.

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patchypt commented Jul 19, 2017

Thanks for the code.
It helps me a lot in my project.

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ajdrake commented Nov 1, 2019

this is excellent, thank you. This should be included in google script cache service

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Max-Makhrov commented Mar 11, 2021

Hi, still great code for use, and it's 5 years now.

The limit is still same, see the reference:

The maximum amount of data that can be stored per key is 100KB

I wondered if it works fine with larger "byte" size as your code gives the char size, and 1 char is not always 1 byte,

Here's the code for check:

  var chunky = ChunkyCache(CacheService.getDocumentCache(), 1024*200);
  var s = '🧞‍♂️'.repeat(1024 * 400); // 🧞‍♂️
  chunky.put('Data', s, 120);
  var check = chunky.get('Data');
  // console.log(check);
  // console.log(Utilities.newBlob(s).getBytes().length / 1024);

The final row of sample code ↑ checks real K-byte syze. Appeared, Google Quota checks NOT size of bytes, but simple text length. In this case your code is perfect.

Your code also devides chunk size by 2:
var cSize = Math.floor(chunkSize / 2);
It is really interesting because it gives axtra room for total size. Real size would be twice lower in this case. I though of the other limitation:

The cap for cached items is 1,000

It should be better to consider that number of parts (cached items) is limited. So there's another upper limit, and we better make a chunk bigger if we have to store more than 1,000 parts (chunks) of cahce data.

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oshliaer commented Jul 16, 2021

I wondered if it works fine with larger "byte" size as your code gives the char size, and 1 char is not always 1 byte,

This may depend on the specifics of the coding language.

4.3.16 String value
primitive value that is a finite ordered sequence of zero or more 16-bit unsigned integer
NOTE A String value is a member of the String type. Each integer value in the sequence usually represents a single 16-bit unit of UTF-16 text. However, ECMAScript does not place any restrictions or requirements on the values except that they must be 16-bit unsigned integers.

It is really interesting because it gives axtra room for total size. Real size would be twice lower in this case.

Check the @ChrisBaker97's fork

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RealSlimMahdi commented May 30, 2022

Hi, thank you very much for this piece of code, me too I wish GAS would allow bigger caching space:

I had to add a remove method for my project and linted the code, so I am sharing here in case someone needs it someday:

function ChunkyCache(cache, chunkSize) {
  return {
    put: function put(key, value, timeout) {
      const json = JSON.stringify(value);
      const cSize = Math.floor(chunkSize / 2);
      const chunks = [];
      let index = 0;
      while (index < json.length) {
        const cKey = `${key}_${index}`;
        cache.put(cKey, json.substr(index, cSize), timeout + 5);
        index += cSize;

      const superBlk = {
        length: json.length,
      cache.put(key, JSON.stringify(superBlk), timeout);
    get: function get(key) {
      const superBlkCache = cache.get(key);
      if (superBlkCache != null) {
        const superBlk = JSON.parse(superBlkCache);
        const chunks = => {
        if (chunks.every(c => c != null)) {
          return JSON.parse(chunks.join(''));
      return null;
    remove: function remove(key) {
      const superBlkCache = cache.get(key);
      if (superBlkCache != null) {
        const superBlk = JSON.parse(superBlkCache);
        return cache.removeAll([...superBlk.chunks]);
      return null;

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RealSlimMahdi commented May 30, 2022

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@RealSlimMahdi , look at the remove method. They are identical =)

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Yes, I have seen 🤝

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