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Created November 8, 2016 21:01
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Open-OneNoteNotebook powershell function -- lets you open OneNote Notebooks
<# Open-OneNoteNotebook
Pass in the UNC path of a OneNote notebook folder, then this will add it to the
list of opened notebooks in OneNote.
Open-OneNoteNotebook '\\consanto\public\KnowledgeBase\'
If (-Not (Test-Path function:global:Open-OneNoteNotebook)) {
function global:Open-OneNoteNotebook{
$oneNoteExtensions = '.onepkg','.onetoc','.onetoc2'
#verify notebook
Try {$locationIsDirectory = Get-Item $NoteBookLocation -ErrorAction Stop | Where {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $true}}
Catch{Return Write-Error $_}
$validNotebook = Get-ChildItem $NoteBookLocation | Where{$oneNoteExtensions -contains $_.Extension}
Else {
# Kick out error message if parameter was invalid
Return Write-Error `
-Message 'UNC Location provided was not a valid directory.' `
-Category InvalidType
# Do work
If ($validNotebook){
#create application object, then open the notebook with it
$oneNoteApp = New-Object -ComObject OneNote.Application
# close app and destroy variable
# Remove-Item Variable:\oneNoteApp <#--This doesn't work inside the function for some reason#>
# The function end should clean this up for us anyhow.
# Kick out error message if parameter was invalid
Return Write-Error `
-Message 'OneNote Notebook not found at location.' `
-Category ObjectNotFound
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