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Last active April 16, 2019 16:19
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CockroachDB + Django ORM



  1. fork django/contrib/postgres driver
  2. patch blocking postgres compatibility issues
  3. review with cockroachdb team to see if any issues can be fixed by cockroach
  4. review with django team
  5. merge adapter as separate cockroachdb adapter
  6. write docs, any admin work, etc.

Blocking Issues:

  • CREATE DATABASE "test__1" WITH TEMPLATE "test_" cockroachdb/cockroach#10151
  • pg_table_is_visible cockroachdb/cockroach#12538
  • uuid, time, inet datatypes (cockroachdb/cockroach#8719)
  • Function pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible()
  • Directly interpreting timestamp literals from strings.
  • extract() function in extract('day' FROM '2010-02-20 00:00:00') format, 'dow' for 'dayofweek'.
  • date_tunc() function
  • Deferrable constraint checks. ("DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED" for constraints cockroachdb/cockroach#9897)
  • Savepoints
  • Tablespaces
  • Schema changes inside transactions
  • Sequences, setval() function
  • Cursors
  • ALTER COLUMN TYPE cockroachdb/cockroach#5950
  • Operator patterns for varchar and text indexes.


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