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Created October 1, 2020 19:14
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Save pixeldrew/7199b76dadb7c036163618798917713a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
RELEASE_DATE="October 20th, 2020"
## update local repo
git fetch
# housekeeping
# delete local branches that are merged
git branch --merged | egrep -v "(^\*|master|dev)" >/tmp/merged-branches && \
vi /tmp/merged-branches && xargs git branch -d </tmp/merged-branches
# prune remote
git remote prune origin
# checkout develop
git checkout develop
git pull
# has there been any commits in the last 3 sprints? does the have a business release section? if yes continue
# current pkg version
PKG_VERSION=v`cat package.json | jq -r -c .version`
# does this git tag exist?
TAG_EXISTS=`git ls-remote --tags -q | grep $PKG_VERSION | cut -f2 -d$'\t' | cut -f3 -d '/'`
if [ ! -z "$TAG_EXISTS" ]; then
echo "tag $PKG_VERSION exists in remote, bumping minor"
PKG_VERSION=`npm version minor --no-git-tag-version`
# This should be handled by semantic release in future
# validate are up to date and new version listed is +1 of VERSION
# change TBD to expected release date
sed -i "" "s/\- TBD/\- $RELEASE_DATE/g"
# <pkg-version>-<business-release>
git checkout -b release/${PKG_VERSION}-${BUSINESS_RELEASE}
# lock @marcel packages to tilde range (TODO)
# verify package.json and package-lock versions are identical by running
npm ci
git add package* RELEASE*
git commit -m "chore(build): release branch version bump" --no-verify
git push --set-upstream origin release/${PKG_VERSION}-${BUSINESS_RELEASE} --no-verify
git checkout develop
# unlock @marcel packages to caret range
# create new release section in RELEASE-NOTES, ##
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