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Created October 26, 2022 20:12
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flask-smorest private and public API docs helper
flask-smorest does not support filtering out routes and schemas for public and internal docs.
This is a helper to support this use case.
* Ensure that you have no config values prefixed with `OPENAPI_` except `OPENAPI_VERSION`.
Setting these values enables flask-smorest's documentation routes which we do not want.
* Annotate an endpoint with the `@public_docs` decorator. Example:
from my_project.api_docs import public_docs
@blueprint.route('/some/public/endpoint', methods=['GET'])
@blueprint.response(HTTPStatus.OK, public_schema)
def get_items():
return [...]
* Register the Flask blueprint containing the routes for public & internal docs in ``. Example:
from my_project.extensions import api
from my_project.api_docs import register_api_docs_blueprint
def register_blueprints(app):
register_api_docs_blueprint(app, api)
* View Redoc rendering of specs at `/docs/public` or `/docs/internal`
* Download raw OpenAPI specs at `/docs/public/openapi.json` or `/docs/internal/openapi.json`
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Dict
from flask import Blueprint, Flask, jsonify, render_template, url_for
from flask_smorest import Api
REDOC_TEMPLATE = 'redoc.html'
def _collect_components(paths: Dict[str, Any], components: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Return all OpenAPI components referenced by a given set of OpenAPI paths. Will resolve $refs
and follow them recursively, looking for nested $refs.
refs = []
filtered_components: Dict[str, Any] = {}
stack = list(paths.values())
while stack:
val = stack.pop()
if isinstance(val, dict):
if isinstance(val, list):
if isinstance(val, str) and val.startswith('#/component') and val not in refs:
component_type, component_name = val.split('/')[-2:]
component = components[component_type][component_name]
filtered_components.setdefault(component_type, {})[component_name] = component
return filtered_components
def _build_public_spec(internal_spec: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Given a full OpenAPI v3 spec with both public and internal endpoints, return a version with all
the internal endpoints and schemas removed.
public_spec = {
'openapi': internal_spec['openapi'],
'info': internal_spec['info'],
'servers': internal_spec.get('servers', []),
'tags': [],
'paths': {},
'components': {},
public_tags = set()
# Copy public paths and parameters from internal spec to public spec
for path, methods in internal_spec['paths'].items():
for method, spec in methods.items():
if method != 'parameters' and spec.get('x-public'):
public_spec['paths'].setdefault(path, {})[method] = spec
if 'parameters' in methods and 'parameters' not in public_spec['paths'][path]:
public_spec['paths'][path]['parameters'] = internal_spec['paths'][path][
# Copy components for the above paths
public_spec['components'] = _collect_components(
public_spec['paths'], internal_spec['components']
# Copy tags for the above paths
public_spec['tags'] = [tag for tag in internal_spec['tags'] if tag['name'] in public_tags]
return public_spec
def register_api_docs_blueprint(app: Flask, api: Api) -> None:
Register Flask blueprint containing routes for public and private OpenAPI docs.
All endpoints will be documented at `/docs/internal` and endpoints annotated with
`@public_docs` will be documented at `/docs/public`.
blueprint = Blueprint(
'openapi-docs', __name__, url_prefix='/docs', template_folder='./templates'
@blueprint.route('/public/openapi.json', methods=['GET'])
def get_public_openapi_spec():
Post-process the full OpenAPI spec generated by flask-smorest, and return the paths with
internal_spec = api.spec.to_dict()
public_spec = _build_public_spec(internal_spec)
return jsonify(public_spec)
@blueprint.route('/internal/openapi.json', methods=['GET'])
def get_internal_openapi_spec():
return jsonify(api.spec.to_dict())
@blueprint.route('/public/', methods=['GET'])
def get_public_redoc():
return render_template(
@blueprint.route('/internal/', methods=['GET'])
def get_internal_redoc():
return render_template(
def public_docs(func):
Decorator that will mark an endpoint for display in public-facing API docs
@blueprint.route('/some/public/endpoint', methods=['GET'])
@blueprint.response(HTTPStatus.OK, public_schema)
def get_items():
return [...]
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
wrapper._apidoc = deepcopy(getattr(wrapper, '_apidoc', {}))
wrapper._apidoc.setdefault('manual_doc', {})['x-public'] = True
return wrapper
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