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Created February 15, 2023 17:09
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kbn-flapping-example.mjs - use the flapping rule example to test flapping
#!/usr/bin/env npx zx
import https from 'node:https'
import path from 'node:path'
const NAME = path.basename(import.meta.url)
$.verbose = false
const KBN_URL = process.env.KBN_URL
const ES_URL = process.env.ES_URL
const conn = await postURL(`${KBN_URL}/api/actions/connector`, {
name: `server log for ${NAME}`,
connector_type_id: '.server-log',
console.log(`server log id: ${}`)
const mtRule = await postURL(`${KBN_URL}/api/alerting/rule`, {
name: NAME,
rule_type_id: 'example.pattern',
schedule: {
interval: '3s'
actions: [
{ group: 'default', id:, params: { message: '{{}} active; flapping: {{alert.flapping}}; on run {{context.runs}} step {{context.patternIndex}}'}},
{ group: 'recovered', id:, params: { message: '{{}} recovered; flapping: {{alert.flapping}}'}}
consumer: 'alerts',
notify_when: 'onActionGroupChange',
// notify_when: 'onActiveAlert',
// notify_when: 'onThrottleInterval', throttle: '1s',
params: {
patterns: {
instA: ' a - a ',
instB: ' - a ',
instC: ' a - a - a - a - - - - - -',
console.log(`rule id: ${}`);
// =====================================================================
/** @type { (url: string) => Promise<Record<string, any>> } */
async function getURL(url) {
return sendURL(url, 'GET')
/** @type { (url: string, body: Record<string, any>) => Promise<Record<string, any>> } */
async function postURL(url, body) {
return sendURL(url, 'POST', body)
/** @type { (urlWithPass: string, method: string, body: Record<string, any>) => Promise<Record<string, any>> } */
async function sendURL(urlWithPass, method, body) {
const purl = new URL(urlWithPass)
const userPass = `${purl.username}:${purl.password}`
const userPassEn = Buffer.from(userPass).toString('base64')
const auth = `Basic ${userPassEn}`
const url = `${purl.origin}${purl.pathname}${}`
const headers = {
'content-type': 'application/json',
'kbn-xsrf': 'foo',
'authorization': auth,
const fetchOptions = { method, headers }
if (body) fetchOptions.body = JSON.stringify(body)
if (purl.protocol === 'https:') {
fetchOptions.agent = new https.Agent({ rejectUnauthorized: false })
// console.log(`fetch('${url}', ${JSON.stringify(fetchOptions, null, 4)}`)
const response = await fetch(url, fetchOptions)
const object = await response.json()
// console.log(`fetch(...): ${JSON.stringify(object, null, 4)}`)
return object
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