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Created August 19, 2021 19:52
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This extension will partition an array into an array with sub items depending on the parent item. It is mean to de-flatten a flattened array.
import Foundation
// The definition of our struct
struct FooBar: Equatable{
enum ItemType {
case main, sub
let itemType: ItemType
let name: String
// The list we are going to partition
let list: [FooBar] = [
FooBar(itemType: .main, name: "Main 1"),
FooBar(itemType: .sub, name: "Sub 1 item 1"),
FooBar(itemType: .sub, name: "Sub 1 item 2"),
FooBar(itemType: .sub, name: "Sub 1 item 3"),
FooBar(itemType: .sub, name: "Sub 1 item 4"),
FooBar(itemType: .sub, name: "Sub 1 item 5"),
FooBar(itemType: .sub, name: "Sub 1 item 6"),
FooBar(itemType: .main, name: "Main 2"),
FooBar(itemType: .sub, name: "Sub 2 item 1"),
FooBar(itemType: .sub, name: "Sub 2 item 2"),
FooBar(itemType: .main, name: "Main 3"),
FooBar(itemType: .sub, name: "Sub 3 item 1"),
FooBar(itemType: .sub, name: "Sub 3 item 2"),
FooBar(itemType: .sub, name: "Sub 3 item 3"),
// Setting up the
let mains = list.filter { $0.itemType == .main }
var newList: [[FooBar]] = list.partition(by: mains)
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
/// Partition self into chucks defined by `subSelf`
/// - Parameter subSelf: The items to divide into, if item is not found in array the subSelf is disregarded.
/// - Returns: [[Element]]
func partition(by subSelf: [Element]) -> [[Element]] { { subItem -> [Element] in
guard let index = self.firstIndex(of: subItem) else { return [] }
let endIndex: Index
if let nextMainItem = subSelf.nextItem(after: subItem), let nextEndIndex = self.firstIndex(of: nextMainItem) {
endIndex = nextEndIndex
} else {
endIndex = list.count
return self.stride(from: index, to: endIndex, by: 1)
/// Get the next item in array after self
/// - Parameter item: The current item to search for
/// - Returns: The next item or nil
func nextItem(after item: Element) -> Element? {
// Could be done in one line using:
// firstIndex(of: item).flatMap { $0 + 1 < count ? self[$0 + 1] : nil }
// but would be less readable.
if let index = self.firstIndex(where: { $0 == item }), index + 1 < self.count {
return self[index + 1]
return nil
/// Returns a sequence from array, from starting value to, but not including, an end value, stepping by the specified amount.
/// - Parameters:
/// - from: The starting index to use for the sequence. If the sequence contains any values, the first one is start.
/// - to: An end index to limit the sequence. end is never an element of the resulting sequence.
/// - by: The amount to step by with each iteration. A positive stride iterates upward; a negative stride iterates downward.
/// - Returns: A sequence from start toward, but not including, end. Each value in the sequence steps by stride.
func stride(from: Array<Element>.Index, to: Array<Element>.Index, by: Int) -> [Element] {
Swift.stride(from: from, to: to, by: by).map { self[$0] }
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