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Forked from foxxyz/nginx.conf
Last active September 29, 2019 12:15
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Serve current directory via nginx
# Simple development setup to serve a directory at http://localhost:9001.
# Start nginx in the directory to serve with `nginx -c ~/nginx.conf`.
# When using a laptop with an above average equipment. 2 workers
# significantly increase the throughput. 4 workers still help
# noticeably. The server slows down With more than 6 workers.
worker_processes 2;
events {
accept_mutex off;
# Run as a foreground process and print errors on the console.
daemon off;
error_log stderr;
http {
# Serve files with correct mimetypes on OSX. The location may have to
# be adjusted depending on your OS and nginx installation.
include /usr/local/etc/nginx/mime.types;
# Improve the speed of processing requests, even a little.
access_log off;
# Optimise serving lots of static files in a quick pace. Share buffers
# betweek kernel and user spaces. Utilise the full TCP packet length.
sendfile on;
sendfile_max_chunk 1m;
tcp_nopush on;
tcp_nodelay on;
server {
# Serve the content at http://localhost:9001.
server_name localhost;
listen 9001;
# Serve files from the current directory and its descenadants.
root .;
# Generate directory listings for paths ending with /.
autoindex on;
# Enable the HTTP response compression.
gzip on;
# Prevent the browser from fetching the content again if the page reloads
# very quickly. 5s should be short enough for switching to an editor,
# saving a change, switching back to the browser and reloading the page.
expires 5;
# Do not compute file content or state hashes. The last modification time
# with the usual file system precision 2s should be enough to support
# the content validation.
etag off;
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