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Last active September 29, 2019 10:06
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Extract URL paths from a HAR file
// Useful for generating a list of paths for performance testing using `wrk`
// and
const description = `Usage: node har2paths (file.har) > paths.txt
Prints URL paths of all server calls made while loading the first page
from the HAR file, which has been created for a SPA.`
const harName = process.argv[2]
if (!harName) {
return process.exit(1)
const { readFile } = require('fs')
const { promisify } = require('util')
const readFileAsync = promisify(readFile)
function log (message) {
async function main () {
try {
log(`Loading "${harName}"...`)
const harString = await readFileAsync(harName, 'utf-8')
log('Parsing the HAR content...')
const { log:harContent } = JSON.parse(harString)
const { title: pageURL, id: pageID } = harContent.pages[0]
log(`Analysing the page ${pageURL}...`)
const assetPaths = harContent.entries
.filter(({ pageref }) => pageref === pageID)
.map(({ request }) => new URL(request.url).pathname)
log(`${assetPaths.length} static assets found.`)
const printOutput = assetPaths.join('\n')
} catch (error) {
process.exitCode = 1
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