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Created September 18, 2017 15:44
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Word ladder with both weighted and unweighted edges
import string
import sys
from sets import Set
class Node :
def __init__(self, word) :
self.value = word
self.neighbors = []
self.weight = sys.maxint
self.visited = False
self.parent = None
def addNeighbor(self, neighbor, cost) :
self.neighbors.append((neighbor, cost))
def printNode(self) :
print "Node is {} \n and neighbors are {}".format(self.value, [x[0].value for x in self.neighbors])
def returnNeighbors(self) :
return [ x[0].value for x in self.neighbors]
def returnNeighborsNode(self) :
return [ x[0] for x in self.neighbors]
def createGraph(sourceWord, targetWord, costs, dictList, anagramDict ) :
seenDict = {}
headNode = Node(sourceWord)
seenDict[sourceWord] = headNode
nodeList = [ headNode ]
ctr = 0
while nodeList :
# print ctr
# ctr = ctr + 1
permute(nodeList, costs, dictList, seenDict, anagramDict)
return headNode
def permute(nodeList, costs, dictList, seenDict, anagramDict) :
node = nodeList.pop(0)
alphabets = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
for i in xrange( len(node.value) + 1) :
for letter in alphabets :
test_word_add = node.value[ : i ] + letter + node.value[ i : ]
if i < len(node.value) : #avoiding the last letter case
test_word_delete = node.value[ : i ] + node.value[ i+1 : ]
test_word_change = node.value[ : i ] + letter + node.value[ i+1 : ]
if sanitizeWord(test_word_add, node) and test_word_add in dictList :
test_word = addtoVisitedNode(nodeList, test_word_add, seenDict)
node.addNeighbor( test_word, costs["add"])
if i < len(node.value) : #avoiding the last letter case
if sanitizeWord(test_word_delete, node) and test_word_delete in dictList :
test_word = addtoVisitedNode(nodeList, test_word_delete, seenDict)
node.addNeighbor( test_word, costs["delete"])
if sanitizeWord(test_word_change, node) and test_word_change in dictList :
test_word = addtoVisitedNode(nodeList, test_word_change, seenDict)
node.addNeighbor(test_word, costs["change"])
anagramList = anagramDict["".join(sorted(node.value))]
for word in anagramList :
test_word = addtoVisitedNode(nodeList, word, seenDict)
node.addNeighbor( test_word, costs["anagram"])
return node.returnNeighborsNode()
def sanitizeWord(word, sourceNode) :
if word == sourceNode.value :
return False
for n,c in sourceNode.neighbors :
if word == n.value :
return False
return True
def addtoVisitedNode(nodeList, word, seenDict) :
if word not in seenDict :
test_word = Node(word)
seenDict[word] = test_word
else :
test_word = seenDict[word]
return test_word
def BFS(node, targetWord) :
node.visited = True
queue = [node]
found = False
while queue :
node = queue.pop(0)
# print "Node : {} neighbors : {}".format(node.value, node.returnNeighbors())
for n,c in node.neighbors :
if n.visited is False :
n.visited = True
n.parent = node
if n.value == targetWord :
found = True
if found : break
if found :
returnAnswer = []
total_cost = 0
while n is not None :
temp = n
n = n.parent
if n is not None :
for neighbor,cost in n.neighbors :
if neighbor == temp :
total_cost += cost
return total_cost, returnAnswer
else :
return None
def Dijkstra(node, targetWord) :
node.weight = 0
minList = [node]
while minList :
node_consideration = minList.pop(0)
print "working for :", node_consideration.value
node_consideration.visited = True
if node_consideration.value == targetWord :
return node_consideration.weight
for n,c in node_consideration.neighbors :
if n.visited is False :
n.weight = min(n.weight, node_consideration.weight + c )
if n not in minList :
minList.sort(key=lambda every_node: every_node.weight)
return -1
if __name__ == "__main__" :
dictList = []
anagramDict = {}
for line in sys.stdin :
word = line.strip()
if len(word) < 3 :
anaWordGram = "".join(sorted(word))
if anaWordGram in anagramDict :
else :
anagramDict[anaWordGram] = [word]
dictSet = Set(dictList) #for speed optimization
dictList = None #release memory
costs = {"add" : 1, "delete" : 3, "change" : 1, "anagram" : 5 }
sourceWord = "team"
targetWord = "mate"
# dictList = [ "health", "heath", "heats", "hents", "hends", "hands" ]
headNode = createGraph(sourceWord, targetWord, costs, dictSet, anagramDict)
dictSet = None #release memory
anagramDict = None #release memory
print "Graph creation complete"
total_cost, ans = BFS(headNode, targetWord)
if ans is not None :
print total_cost, list(reversed(ans))
else :
print "no solution found"
# total_cost = Dijkstra(headNode, targetWord)
# print total_cost
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