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Created June 13, 2022 09:53
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Use CumulusCI and NetworkX to find reference cycles
# cci org shell qa --script
import networkx
from cumulusci.salesforce_api.org_schema import get_org_schema
def look_for_cycles(sf, org_config):
G = networkx.DiGraph()
with get_org_schema(sf, org_config) as org_schema:
for sobject in org_schema.sobjects:
if not sobject.createable:
for field in sobject.fields.values():
for target in field.referenceTo:
if not field.createable:
G.add_edge(, f"{}.{}")
G.add_edge(f"{}.{}", target)
cycles = tuple(networkx.simple_cycles(G))
for cycle in cycles:
look_for_cycles(sf, org_config)
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