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Regular Expression "split" Implementation written for Swift 3.0+.
// NSRegularExpression+Split.swift
// Verbatim ObjC->Swift port originating from
extension NSRegularExpression {
func split(_ str: String) -> [String] {
let range = NSRange(location: 0, length: str.characters.count)
//get locations of matches
var matchingRanges: [NSRange] = []
let matches: [NSTextCheckingResult] = self.matches(in: str, options: [], range: range)
for match: NSTextCheckingResult in matches {
//invert ranges - get ranges of non-matched pieces
var pieceRanges: [NSRange] = []
//add first range
pieceRanges.append(NSRange(location: 0, length: (matchingRanges.count == 0 ? str.characters.count : matchingRanges[0].location)))
//add between splits ranges and last range
for i in 0..<matchingRanges.count {
let isLast = i + 1 == matchingRanges.count
let location = matchingRanges[i].location
let length = matchingRanges[i].length
let startLoc = location + length
let endLoc = isLast ? str.characters.count : matchingRanges[i + 1].location
pieceRanges.append(NSRange(location: startLoc, length: endLoc - startLoc))
var pieces: [String] = []
for range: NSRange in pieceRanges {
let piece = (str as NSString).substring(with: range)
return pieces
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