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Created December 12, 2016 08:16
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import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
object Calculator extends Cal {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
assert(!parse(exp, "a").successful)
assert(parseAll(exp, "1").get == 1)
assert(parseAll(exp, "1+1").get == 2)
assert(parseAll(exp, "1*1").get == 1)
assert(parseAll(exp, "1/1").get == 1)
assert(parseAll(exp, "1-1").get == 0)
println(parseAll(exp, "1+1-1/1*1"))
assert(parseAll(exp, "1+1-1/1*1").get == 1)
assert(!parseAll(exp, "1-").successful)
assert(parseAll(exp, "1-1").get == 0)
assert(parseAll(exp, "10+6-2/7*2").get == 4)
assert(parseAll(exp, "10 + 6- 2/ 7*2").get == 4)
assert(!parseAll(exp, "10 + 6- 2/ 7*").successful)
assert(!parseAll(exp, "(1+1").successful)
assert(parseAll(exp, "(1+1)").get == 2)
assert(parseAll(exp, "6+(10/5)").get == 8)
class Cal extends RegexParsers {
def number: Parser[Double] = """\d+(\.\d*)?""".r ^^ { _.toDouble}
def factor = number | ("(" ~> expression <~ ")")
def expression: Parser[Double] = factor ~
rep("*" ~ log(factor)("multiply")
| "/" ~ log(factor)("divide")
| "+" ~ log(factor)("plus")
| "-" ~ log(factor)("minus")) ^^ {
case num ~ ls => ls.foldLeft(num)((value, elem) => elem match {
case "+" ~ y => value + y
case "-" ~ y => value - y
case "*" ~ y => value * y
case "/" ~ y => value / y
def exp = expression
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