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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Protecting hybrid cloud environments from being breached
System Domination: Config Management and Image Deployment
Duct-tape, Bubblegum, and Bailing Wire
Load Balancing as a Service, Liberty and Beyond
Long-term Challenges of Operating OpenStack at Scale
OpenStack as proven and open-souced Hypver-Converged OpenStack
Claim the Cloud
Sustainable Enterprise DevOps
Getting Started With OpenStack Management Using Salt
The Life and Times of an OpenStack Virtual Machine Instance
Hands on Lab: Install and Configure OpenStack Octavia
The way which is indicated to the operator who doesn't know openstack
OpenStack Operations: Resource Management and Capacity Planning at Comcast
how to sell Openstack
Scalable Networking without Single Point of Failure leveraging Open Source Software
How MidoNet tweaks Neutron, and how you can contribute to make it even better!
Releasing the rabbit: Moving towards a federated undercloud message bus
OpenStack Managed Cloud Foundry Service Marketplace
The Write Stuff: How to Become an OpenStack Contributor
Swim, don't drown, in the OpenStack mailing lists
Openstack's Arrow Loop - Getting familiar with Neutron security groups
Can I use OpenStack to build an enterprise cloud?
Leveraging NFV for IOT using OpenStack
Automatic Subnet Allocation with IPv6 Prefix Delegation
Sizing your OpenStack Cloud
Secured BMaaS with OpenStack for The Enterprise
Ops is dead, long live Ops!
A User implementation of Openstack-Neutron with GLobal and Local SDN Controllers
What can Ironic Inspector do for you? : An introduction to hardware properties introspection for OpenStack Baremetal
DragonFlow SDN - L3 Deep Dive
"Climbing up the stack": how to build community around your OpenStack apps (a usecase from the leading Univeristy in Australia)
Hybrid cloud applications with Docker, TOSCA and OpenStack
Leverage service broker layer to construct your BSS to manage OpenStack and CloudStack cloud.
Testing Neutron control-plane scalability without Nova
Networking High Availability by Design
DragonFlow SDN in a Box - hands on lab
Scaling Neutron - Distributing Advanced Services using SDN
High performance servers without the event loop
Building an operations team from the ground up in an OpenStack enterprise production environment at Comcast
Deploy OpenStack on Multi-arch Environments
Leveraging vSphere Distributed Switches and NSX vSphere for Neutron
Making Supporting Distributed System Suck Less with OpenStack
Oppps we recreated DevStack with Chef
How FICO Manages Cloud Images - An Automated Approach
Attaining Compliance with Micro-Segmentation using Neutron Security Groups and the NSX Distributed Firewall
OpenStack Docs Done Right \'96 Tips and tricks for contributing
Software Defined Security in the next generation data center
Overcoming Subtle Bias \'96 Sponsored by Women of OpenStack
Heat, cloud-init and cloud-config: OpenStack Orchestration Deep Dive
OpenvSwitch Performance Secrets Revealed
Hybrid Cloud \'96 A different approach to managing multiple clouds in a single pane
Indian Banking Community Cloud
Open Stack at AT&amp;T Scale
Building Highly Available, Highly Secure, Continuously Deployable Micro Services based applications using Docker, Open Stack and Appcito CAFE
Full Stack Application Security in the Cloud
OpenStack Training Labs
Competing with Amazon and winning.
Fernet Tokens: Why They're Better and How to Switch
Is OpenStack's Future Still in the Cloud?
Keystone domain-specific drivers explained
Unlocking OpenStack for Service Providers
Key Success factors in a strong OpenStack OpEx culture
Taking an automated QA approach to OpenStack SLA monitoring
CDN for your Cloud - Openstack Poppy
Securing the Source
How Ansible Has Changed The Way Comcast Does OpenStack
At-Scale DataCenters and the Demand for New Storage Architectures
Tenant network isolation for Bare Metal deployments with Neutron
It's not working! Now what?
Fluentd vs. Logstash for OpenStack Log Management
OpenStack Neutron Reverse-Engineered
OpenStack Nova Project Update
Working with upstream OpenStack deadlines and internal deadlines
Fifty Shades of OpenStack: Breaking Down the Resistance
Multi-Tenant Isolation: Quarantine Your Tenants
Deploying OpenStack with OSAD
Operating Your OpenStack Cloud using Ansible
Docker meet OSAD, OSAD meet Docker
How to REALLY Install OpenStack Trove with OSAD
OpenStack and Nagios, against the world
Jump Starting SDN Applications in OpenStack
The Power of Two: Cloud Foundry and OpenStack
Welcome new Openstack Contributor!
High Performance Networking How-To with OVS Port Trunk Configuration
Introduction to Solum Languagepacks
Improved Configuration of iSCSI HA and performance in OpenStack
Nova Supreme: multi-dimensional application-aware VM placement
Can we really make an operating system for data center as a warehouse-scale computer? \'96 The T-RON Operating System with OpenStack
Supporting workload diversity in OpenStack
Why did a data scientist jump into the world of OpenStack? \'96 Operation Intelligence, Autonomous Warehouse-Scale Computer, and OpenStack
Sentinel: the intelligent application-aware hierarchical VM scheduler in OpenStack
Do you know the performance of your deployed cloud instance?
Magnum Container Technology - Swarm, Kubernetes, Mesos
Dynamic Policy for Access Control
CLIMBing the North Face of OpenStack for Microbial Bioinformatics
What to do when your Openstack startup is acquired by a giant corporation
Solum - An application life-cycle management system native to OpenStack
You\'92ve Got to Stack Somewhere: A Hands-On Workshop with Neutron Networking
You\'92ve Got to Stack Somewhere: A Hands-On Workshop with the Horizon Dashboard
Using Kerberos in OpenStack
Securing OpenStack with FreeIPA
An Extensible Framework for Predictive Analytics on Cost and Performance in OpenStack
How SUSE is testing its OpenStack product
Public, private, dedicated, hosted, managed, unmanaged - which OpenStack cloud is best suited for me?
Openstack block storage with Ceph back-end and its performance metrics
HyperStack - The next-gen Caas with Magnum, Metal and Hyper
What's Cooking? Deployment using the OpenStack Chef Cookbooks
Ongoing Resource Optimization in OpenStack-based Clouds
Swift the Social Butterfly
OpenStack core team in a company
Openstack Native QoS as a Services Framework: Design and Operational Practice
Proactively monitor your OpenStack Cloud security with OpenVAS
Storing metrics at scale with Gnocchi, triggering with Aodh
Highly available cinder volumes at over 100,000 IOPs
Converged Share Filesystem Storage for Magnum
Building Big and Awesome with OpenStack and Lean UX to Avoid 1,000 Disasters (and Hitting some Head-On)
Debugging the Virtualization layer (libvirt and QEMU) in OpenStack
Seagate Innovative Flash Technology Team Collaborates with University of Texas San Antonio
DevOps and Hybrid OpenStack: How An Integrated, Single View Makes our Internet of Things Platform Rock
Neutron Network Know-How: A Hands-On Workshop for Solving Neutron Nightmares
Develop, Deploy, and Manage Applications at Scale on an OpenStack based private cloud
Everything You Need to Know to Secure an OpenStack Cloud (but Were Afraid to Ask)
The Cloud Has a Down and Dirty Lining
"Hype as a Service"
Navigating OpenStack Ecosystem
Why is DevOps so hard for the Enterprise?
Leveraging OpenStack Services for your [Docker] Container Cloud
Pigeon brawling: A discussion on the successful methodologies used between development, support, and documentation
Virtual Storage Manager - Lower the barrier of Ceph adoption in Openstack
Elastic Analytics with Spark, Mesos and Docker over Openstack Ironic
Distributed local SDN Controllers with Openstack
R &amp; Spark &amp; OpenStack
Mobilize platform agnostic adaptability for Object storage on the go.
Role of SDN Controllers in Openstack
Taking the OpenStack Community in China to new heights!
Gaming as a Service with OpenStack
runV - hypervisor-based implementation of Open Container Spec
The Era of a New Data Center begins - Invisible Infrastructure
'Service Sentinel' - Mobile application envisioned to manage OpenStack related services on the go
Disaster Recovery, Backup and Restore at Your Service with Freezer (HP)
How to start a new OpenStack project and get your Company support (HP)
Senlin Clustering Service Deep Dive
Injecting failures and instabilities to OpenStack APIs with HeliosBurn
A Day in the Life of an Openstack &amp; Cloud Architect
Upgrade Your Nova Upgrades
IPython Notebook as a Unified Data Science Interface for Hadoop
NFV/Openstack lessons learned with Telcos
Managing containerized enterprise applications with OpenStack
Has OpenStack transcended infrastructure and expanded into a complete platform?
Packaging Sucks
Serving OpenStack Magnum in Open Containers
Auto scaling Cloud Infrastructure and Applications
State of Multi-Site Storage in OpenStack
Cloud Foundry on OpenStack HOL v2: Growing the stack!
Group Based Policy hands on lab
Hosted Private OpenStack in Production (Presenting the architecture and use case with Q+A)
'Fusion' : A self-adaptive framework enabling VM migration, auto-scaling and prioritization
Life without DevStack: Upstream Development with OSAD
Simplify Your Heat Orchestration Workflow With Nested Templates
deliver multi-region cloud, symphony of love and pain
Fluid Containers Movement in OpenStack: Docker + VM
Identity federation for Cisco Intercloudband why keystone to keystone federation is not the (only) answer
An introduction to "Database-as-a-Service" and OpenStack Trove
An introduction to "Database-as-a-Service" and OpenStack Trove
Accelerator as a Service in an OpenStack Cloud
Upgrading your system \'96 a telco user perspective
Is OPNFV only for Telcos?
"Who is doing What?" - Usage Metrics Access &amp; Aggregation
An implementation of a metrics collector for Manila
Cloud Data Management has Grown-up: Relational, NoSQL, Big Data in OpenStack
Troubleshooting A Highly Available Openstack Deployment.
Deploying Highly Available Application Storage for Cloud Foundary Apps on Openstack
OVN Networking Hands on Lab
Why does the lion\'92s share of time and effort goes to troubleshooting Neutron?
Driving in the fast lane: Enhancing OpenStack Instance Performance
Almost everything you need to know about provider networks
Interactive-tempest (itempest) - exploring Openstack resources interactively
Monitoring Neutron with Monasca
Being in a crossfire between devs and ops - Log Working Group
NIST Evaluation Management System\'92s OpenStack use case: Data and Algorithms protection
Connecting the Dots with Neutron: Unifying Network Virtualization Between Containers and VMs
Unifying the data center with a multi-arch, multi-hypervisor cloud
Get your Instance by Name: Integration of Nova, Neutron, and Designate
Performance and OpenStack with DPDK, NUMA, Hugepages, &amp; SR-IOV
Rolling Your Own Images with Packer
Distributed policy specification and automatic composition.
Dealing with pep8 failures
Accelerate Commercial Success with OpenStack Partnership Synergy
Power Systems Compute Deep Dive
How Do I Docker? -- Up and Running with Docker Machine and OpenStack
Running Cloud Foundry Applications on OpenStack without losing a finger !
Swift Erasure Code Performance vs Replication: Analysis and Recommendations
Mesos on OpenStack by using Model concept
Introducing the first China HP Public cloud
Scale testing while keeping your manager happy
Cyber Security leakage in building a trust worthy cloud
Media Cloud: Evolve Online Video Business with Full Graphics Virtualization
Managing multiple database technologies with Trove
Keystone deployment options
To use DBaaS with Trove or to build your own, that is the question!
Copy &amp; Paste Your OpenStack Cloud Topology
The Reproducible, Scalable, Observable, Reliable, Usable, Testable, Manageable Cloud
OpenStack Storage State of the Union
DBaaS: #1 value added service for every Cloud Service Provider
Using OpenStack to Build, Test and Deploy Applications
Learn how to exercise &amp; create Tempest tests for Neutron LBaaS V2
The Human Factor of Deploying OpenStack
Migration path from Legacy to Cloud
Barbican Support of Multi-Tenant Key Lifecycle Management
The Cloud Campus - using Openstack and SDN to create on-demand enterprise VPNs
Real World DevOps Experience and Demo Delivering Secure Cloud with OpenStack
Telemetry for a Billion Data Points
Hybrid your compute nodes
Cinder 101
Unifying Congress and Keystone Policies
Automated OpenStack Deployment: A Comparison
Achieving Performance and Cost Efficiency for Legacy Application Migration to Cloud using OpenStack
Congress Hands On Lab
Deep dive OvS on Ubuntu
Building high performance Ceph based open compute storage solutions for OpenStack Cloud
Overlay Cloud: OpenStack and Docker combination makes cloud federation realistic
Neutron use cases for LBaaS / FWaaS / VPaaS
A Deep Dive into Integrating Security Testing with OpenStack Project CI/CD Pipelines
Hyper Scaling Hyper-V for OpenStack Cloud
Architectures for Successful OpenStack Cloud Deployment
Learn how to deploy Cloud Foundry applications on OpenStack
Automating Security Tests for OpenStack APIs with Syntribos, an Open Source Security Scanner
OpenStack, Docker, and Cloud Foundry - Updates on the leading open source cloud triumvirate
Running a scalable Diego Cluster on OpenStack to orchestrate Docker containers using Lattice
Remotely managed stack from top to bottom&nbsp; (PaaS and IaaS) : Building a remotely managed scalable and hybrid Cloud Foundry Deployments on remotely managed OpenStack
Chef vs. Puppet vs Ansible vs. Salt - What's best for deploying and managing OpenStack?
Guide To Writing Tempest Independent Scenario Tests for Neutron Services
RDO: How we package the cloudy monster
Kuryr - Docker networking in an OpenStack world
The omniscient cloud: How to know all the things with bare-metal inspection for Ironic
Clusters, Routers, Agents and Networks: High Availability in Neutron
Solving the Jigsaw: Flexing the Ceilometer Architecture
Choosing the Right Container Ammunition for Magnum
Encrypting Data at Rest: Let's Explore the Missing Piece of the Puzzle
Chaos Monkey on OpenStack - a framework to increase your cloud's resilience
Lessons learned using SDN and Openstack for Big Data Infrastructure
Testing Beyond the Gate - Validating Production Clouds
Cisco's involvement with OpenStack
Intelligent Drive \'96 A New Way to index, store and manage Data
Testing Beyond the Gate - Openstack Tailgate
Container Service on SuperVessel Cloud via Magnum
Optimizing and extending overlay networking for containers
Exploring Magnum and Senlin integration for autoscaling containers
Running your own OpenStack continuous integration infrastructure
Upstream First
CI is dead, long live CI
Advantages and Challenges of Deploying OpenStack with Puppet
Distributed Security Groups: MidoNet's flow state
Data Center Cataloging and Provisioning with Vapor CORE and Ironic
Accelerating the creation of an epic OpenStack upstream contribution team in your organization
Designing the Hardware Stack for Your OpenStack Cloud
Getting Started with OpenStack
Simplifying Cloud Service Orchestration for the Enterprise
Getting Started with OPNFV
Routed Neutron Networks for Scale
Architecting an OpenStack Private Cloud for Cloud App Development
Building your first VNF
Introducing OpenStack Searchlight - Search your cloud at the speed of light!
An awesome way to do OpenStack service management and DevOps with Docker
Waffles Instead of Forks: Using the Wafflehaus Tool for Business Logic in OpenStack
Trove on Containers \'96 Live and without a net!
Crossing the Event Horizon - How to Build Upon Your OpenStack Dashboard
Extensible Neutron Service Function Chaining \'96 Here It Comes
OpenStack with NSX Advanced Deep Dive
Avengers Assemble! Building the Ultimate OpenStack Operations Team
subunit2sql: Tracking 1 Test Result in Millions
Something Broke, What Now? Managing and Troubleshooting OpenStack Environments
OpenStack and SDN: An Adventure in Customer Use-Cases
Monitoring Large OpenStack Deployments via Enterprise integration
High performance OpenStack Infra supporting vSBC NFV
How a Neutron Plug-in Reduced Our Network Failover Time from 15 Minutes to 0 Seconds
Embracing OpenStack: Efficient, Affordable &amp; Universal: How e-Governance Landscape is fast changing in Developing Countries!
Cloud Storage and Next-Gen Hardware: Fit or Mismatch?
How to organize a OpenStack Day, and what to avoid
Using the OpenStack REST APIs
Scalable and Successful OpenStack Deployments on FlexPod
CI on baremetal for OpenStack Apps &amp; Workloads
A closer look at ceph's performance - How fast is fast? It depends!
Stop thinking traditional infrastructure - Think Cloud! A recipe to build a successful cloud environment
ServiceVM: Provides Advanced Network Services&nbsp;
So how many 9s of availability and durability do I really have?
A DevOps State of Mind
Globally Distributed Swift vs. Container Sync: When, What and How?
Under the hood with Nova, Cinder and Neutron using the VMware drivers
Top 10 Questions From OpenStack Newbies
Improving the Learning Curve
99.999% available OpenStack Cloud - A builder\'92s guide
Barriers to Entry: The Challenge of Learning OpenStack
SWIFT without Database : Challenges &amp; Resolution
Me Tarzan, you Jane (or Operators are not Developers)
OpenStack - High Availability (as a Service) - Fact? Fiction (or maybe something in between)?
The Road to Enterprise-Ready OpenStack Network as Service
How to use docker to make trove delivered more elegantly
Pushing the Performance Limits of OpenStack Software Storage
High Capacity Service VMs/VNFs in OpenStack
Just Enough Openstack for Docker
CIO Guide to Successful Openstack Cloud Adoption
An overview on Zaqar's persistent transport implementation
Undecided Motivated Ready: A framework for your journey to the Cloud
A Real Life Comparison on Software Storage Performance
Nova-docker for HPC and sahara on Docker
The Power of Secret Sharing to Protect Your Data on Very Large Scale Storage Systems
Easest way to migrate Traditional Applications to OpenStack
Need a Kilo of Works to Get Liberty? No!
OpenStack DevOps in Intel IT: How to serve a private Cloud while continues contribute to community
OVSvAPP Hands-on Lab Session
Data Path performance characterization for OpenStack-based ESX cloud
Telco usecase for Congress: VM HA
A CI/CD Architecuture Template to Develop and Manage Variety of OpenStacks
Becoming an OpenStack Contributor: Tips and tricks from unconventional contributors
Panel Discussion: War Stories \'96 Cisco, DreamHost, HP, Piston, Rackspace and RedHat leaders speak candidly about how to help organizations overcome challenges to OpenStack adoption.
Storage Networking - The Storage Guy's Take
The leading edge reference architecture of Ceph as enterprise-grade
Operating Trove in production
OpenStack Trove -- Hands on the OpenStack Database Service
OpenStack Trove -- Building Databases on OpenStack
Simulating Data Paths to Replace Hypervisors with Containers for Large Test Environments
Alexandria: enabling SDI with OpenStack
3 Telcos' Journeys to OpenStack: the Good, the Bad, and the Hopeful
Network Node is not needed anymore - Completed Distributed Virtual Router
Build up an Hybrid HPC Cloud - Virtual Machine Enablement in Traditional HPC Cluster by using OpenStack
Disaster recovery your cloud: one more choice than volume replication
Why the heck is my Openstack 'still' not working
Osman: Openstack Service Manager
OpenStack Crafting Lab Guide
Even better OpenStack and Ceph integration
RabbitMQ operations for OpenStack
Selecting A Messaging System for OpenStack
RabbitMQ roadmap
Deployment and Integration of OpenStack Group Based Policy with Cisco ACI in the Enterprise
Real-World Highly Available OpenStack in Containers
RDO: Continuously packaging OpenStack master
ELK and Monasca Crossing: Logging as an OpenStack Service
Building and Deploying Your Custom OpenStack with Kolla and Docker
Lesssons learned while benchmarking Swift
Move that data
OpenStack Federation: Past, Present, and Future
Openstack Manila Hands-on lab session
Ceilometer-a-la-carte: Building a custom telemetry solution
Strategies for Resource Management in a Distributed Cloud
How to build a reliable Neutron DHCP service
How to build a secure cloud? Practice from public cloud
Workshop : Deploying OpenStack with Ceph as a backend for Glance, Nova, and Cinder
20 minutes to OpenStack using SaltStack!
NFV Orchestration - going beyond virtualization
Charge your OpenStack cloud with CloudKitty
CloudKitty an Open Source rating and chargeback component for OpenStack
Software Factory: Continuous integration/Continuous delivery (CI/CD) on OpenStack
Dive into Zuul
How to Prove Your Cloud is Secure: Case Studies in Automated Security Testing
Data-Driven Operations for Public Object Storage at Scale
OpenStack Discovery and Assurance
Deploying OpenStack with SaltStack
Virtualization basics for bare-metal applications \'96 Walk before run with OpenStack
Tips, Tricks, and Tactics for Monitoring RabbitMQ Clusters
OpenStack at Financial Services and Banking Industry
End to End Service Provisioning and OpenStack
Telco Industry made agile with NFV
Introducing a VLAN and VxLAN-free OpenStack Architecture
OpenStack as Enabler for Interoperability of Virtualization Platforms
Upgrading OpenStack Without Breaking Everything (Including Neutron!)
Mass Reporting &amp; ETL Service with OpenStack
Moving a Running OpenStack Cloud to a New Data Center
Common issues encountered during Neutron Open vSwitch configuration
Integration &amp; Deployment Testing of an OpenStack Cloud
Introduction to OpenStack Lab
Monitoring OpenStack with Monasca -- Totally Worth the Effort
Running an OpenStack cloud for several years and living to tell the tale
Going Beyond Virtual Network Functions with Tacker &amp; Murano
The Island of Solaris in a Sea of Linux
How much cluster can you muster?
Image Security and What You Can Do About It
Happy, Happy, Trove Trove.
Apples to Oranges: Comparison of Networking Solutions in OpenStack with Automated Tools
Neutron and BGP Dynamic Routing
Configuring Swift Using Puppet-swift: considerations and examples.
Cloud automation with ManageIQ: Migrating 1000+ servers from VMWare to OpenStack
Networking Evolution with OpenStack at Bloomberg
Upgrading OpenStack with Kolla Containers
Boosting the Power of Swift using Metadata Search
OpenStack Operations in public clouds:
Cloud automation with Red Hat CloudForms: Migrating 1000+ servers from VMWare to OpenStack
OpenStack Network Configuration Made Easy
Application &amp; infrastructure continuous delivery using OpenShift and OpenStack
Public cloud meeting high security standards based on Openstack
When the Auditors Come Calling
Multi-vendor NFV Orchestration using OpenStack Tacker
City Cloud Control Panel (cloud managament portal)
Why the Public Cloud is Like the Mob, You Can Get In But You Can\'92t Get Out, or Why You Still Need a Private OpenStack Cloud
VMware Integrated OpenStack (VIO): An Unbiased Review
Composing OpenStack for the Enterprise
OpenStackClient and OpenStack Python SDK
A testdrive of all OpenStack public clouds in the marketplace
Ceph community talk on high-performance solid state Ceph
Modeling Distributed Systems in Puppet
Transforming the Ceph integration tests with OpenStack
End Meetup Mayhem: Host the Perfect OpenStack Events to Build Your Community
Adventures in Hyper-Converged Controller Architectures
Lessons learned helping enterprise workload deployments to OpenStack: A practitioner's view
Automating the Deployment of OpenStack and MidoNet with Puppet
OpenStack Neutron: A Stadium in the Big Tent
Kolla: Ansible Deployment + OpenStack in Docker Containers = Operator Bliss
The cloud-enabled DBA of the 21st century
The MOC Big Data Testbed: Evaluating tiered storage, novel networking and on-demand Big-Data for data-science on OpenStack
Serving Two Masters
Uncharted: Data Analytics for NFV using Sahara &amp; Monasca
Cisco's OpenStack Container Grand Slam: Bringing container technologies including Docker, Kubernetes, Mesos, Swarm, Magnum, and Kolla to OpenStack
Operating an Oracle database with Trove
High Availability enablement and Fault Management mechanisms in OpenStack NFV cloud environments
Taking advantage of volume placement techniques in Cinder
DevOps for NFV through OpenStack
Overlays on Overlays
External Plugin Interfaces for OpenStack QA Projects
The Stack and Beyond: Analysis Paralysis
Nine Common OpenStack-able Problems
Looking beyond Horizon, data visualization of OpenStack clouds using D3.js
Secure Openstack Audit Compliance via integrated Enterprise solutions
The API and Contracts between Nova and Cinder
Enabling fast deployment of workloads in standard security-compliant cloud environments
Why Reinvent the Wheel? \'ad Using Murano, Heat, Container Clustering and Ceilometer to provide Auto\'adScaling and Enforce Self\'adHealing Best Practices in Applications
How secure is OpenStack right out of the box?
Everything before you get to OpenStack
Building Supporting Services for OpenStack: Challenges and Lessons Learned
Visualize your cloud: The power of iPython and Visualization
Are you forking crazy?
Benchmarking using OpenStack Rally
XenSecurity Advisories are full of VENOM - How to reboot "the Cloud"
Is your Cloud ready for prime-time?
OpenStack Operation Case Study
Cisco Intercloud Networking: How to Build a Massively Scalable Federated Network using OpenStack
Continuous security assurance in an OpenStack cloud
When worlds collide: Carriers, Cowboys &amp; Convergence
Subunit2SQL + Tempest = Healthy Cloud
Next Generation LBaaS
OpenStack Scalability and Performance Testing Strategy and Case Study
Cache-as-a Service in OpenStack
Preemptible VMs on OpenStack
Monitoring: How to get the outcomes you want and want the outcomes you get!
BYOPaaS - An unbiased review of several popular PaaS options for OpenStack (OpenShift, Cloud Foundry, Stackato, Apprenda, etc.), comparing the merits of each and suggestions on which platform to use based on use case, technical and business requirements, culture and constraints.
Multi-AZ HA of Trove DB Instances with DRBD
Intelligent monitoring for OpenStack operational excellence
Core Builds in the age of Service
TLS Auth Support in Kubernetes/Magnum
Container Security at Scale
High Availability and Dynamic Resource Scheduler of Virtual Machine Based on Ceilometer
Exploring the practice of DPaaS in OpenStack
Introduction to HA router deployment
How to Use OpenStack to Manage Existing VMWare Installation/Deployment ?
Evolution of Networking at Rackspace Public Cloud
Lessons Learned Using BOSH and OpenStack APIs to Deploy Large Distributed Systems
Rackspace Public Cloud - Engineers' Top 3 Ansible Playbooks
Welcome to Compliance Driven Workloads : Cinder Volume and Manila Share Encryption-at-Rest
macvlan and sriov in neutron deployment
A Single OpenStack Cloud for Enterprise and NFV Workloads
Ancestry's OpenStack &amp; Docker Journey
OpenStack Practice @ Intel IT: Let\'92s accelerate the design process of smart devices
"fsck" your cloud - detect resource leaks and keep Openstack consistent
Network in a box: lessons from containerizing neutron
Build High Performance OpenStack Cluster With Dedicated Infiniband Network
By autonomous (self-healing), improve openstack availability and maintainability
You Backed That -aaS Up...Right? Resurrecting Your OpenStack Cloud From Failure
NTT's journey with OpenStack
Storlets: Making Swift more Software defined than ever
Things will break! Ensuring that your OpenStack installation is up and running 24/7!
How S2 decided to use OpenStack in their services.
Towards Robust Live Migration in Dynamic Environments
Enhancing OpenStack FWaaS to address real world business needs
How OpenIO open source solution integrates with OpenStack to build and operate the perfect cloud platform?
Dynamic application deployment using Docker and OpenStack
Network-aware placement of OpenStack Workloads
I can't ping my VM! Learn how to debug Neutron and solve common problems
Effective IoT system on OpenStack
Get OpenStack to speak your language - OpenStack I18n Team introduction
In Real Life: vCPE on OpenStack
High Performance Cost-Effective Virtual Desktops with OpenStack
Unveiling CERN Cloud Architecture
Metadata Search on Swift: How to search massive data with scalability and availability
Live NFV Demo/Discussion using Mistral, Tacker, and Heat (NFV in Action - an Interactive Demonstration)
OpenStack HA deployment automation with Foreman, Docker, Ansible and Bash
Your First C# App on OpenStack
Insight into convergence architecture
Enterprise OpenStack Deployment: Security Challenges and Practical Solutions
The simple way to develop stateful and scalable applications on OpenStack
OpenStack Enabled Hybrid Cloud
Breaking the Physical/Virtual Barrier: Fault Management in Production NFV Systems
Ambassador community report
Say Hello to 100G OpenStack Networking by Offloading SDN flows using DragonFlow and intelligent NICs
Enhancing OpenStack To Support Instance Federation For Hybrid Cloud Operations
The Next Frontier: from Single App to fully loaded NSO with OpenStack building blocks
Hands-on Identity Federation
OpenStack and Containers Advanced Management
"Got Root?" is so 1994: Security in OpenStack
How to provide a third party plugin to OpenStack
OpenStack NFV Cloud Edge Computing for One Cloud
Template based migration of workloads from any cloud platform to OpenStack
Orchestration Tools Roundup with Deeper Dive
A Containerized Approach towards Application Lifecycle Management using Solum
CentOS loves OpenStack
Emergence of Cloud Orchestration using DSL, its standards and comparison
How you can build Hybrid Cloud Using OpenStack to leverage the power of Public clouds when required.
Get organized! OpenStack resource segregation explained
Autoscaling across multiple cloud platforms using Heat
Newbie OpenStack Contribution
Virtual Machine Introspection for OpenStack instances
Openstack cloud life-cycle management using Ansible
Libguestfs: the ultimate disk-image multi-tool
OpenStack Trivia
Truly durable backups with OpenStack Swift
Building web-applications using OpenStack Swift
Owls, Cats, Toads, Rats: Managing Magical Pets - VM persistence
Benchmarking OpenStack Swift
The evolution of Openstack Storage Services at TWC
Other Ways to Contribute
LibVirt: Where are we today?
Could not connect to gerrit
An all SSD Ceph cluster: Tips, Tricks, and lessons for running Ceph on solid state
Common OpenStack RPM packaging upstream
OpenVSwitch: Where are we today?
Overcoming the LBaaS Challenges. LBaaS in Practice at TWC
Leveraging KMIP for Hardened Key Storage in OpenStack
Cache as a Service for OpenStack with trove and docker
Murano and Cloud Foundry: How to Make Life Easier Together
OpenStack Infrastructure Management
Is Inter-Cloud really worked across China-Japan-Korea?
Panoramic View of OpenStack Scalability - An innovative overcast
Reimagining telemetry: The effects of simplification
Automated OpenStack Deployment: Let's Get The Ball Rolling!
OpenStack Heat Template Management
Openstack, Mesos for on-demand scalable infrastructure
The Real Slim Shade
Upgrading and Reconfiguring your cloud with Ansible
Deep dive into OpenStack Networking (Neutron) with the GNS3 network simulator
How Customers use OpenStack to deliver Business Applications
Visualize complex bare metal infrastructure provisioning
Vagrant up my cloud ! - using Ansible &amp; Vagrant to build OpenStack developer environments
Hadoop on OpenStack: Scaling Hadoop-SwiftFS for Big Data
Adventures Running a Free Public Cloud
OpenStack OpenSource Cloud Management
Using Terraform with OpenStack
10 things I wish I had known before rolling out &lt;%storage_service%&gt;
Cloudfoundry Your PaaS for Openstack
Planning for storage in the cloud
Dynamic and Efficient Transcoding in TransBurst
Container Management on OpenStack
Dive into instance high availability
Integrating OpenStack into a company environment at SAP SE
Making the Case for (and against) OpenStack Managed Services
Maintaining and Operating OpenSatck leveraging metric, alarm, event, logs
Containers everywhere - LXC and Docker in and around OpenStack
Building Adaptive Applications on Openstack \'96 leveraging databases, big data, message brokers &amp; more
Mix-and-Match Federation
Cloud Management Platform - ManageIQ Roadmap
Openstack in the Enterprise Space
Breaking the OpenStack Dream - OpenStack deployments with business goals in mind
Flexibility and Performance: Best Practices Using Hardware and Software In Enterprise Cloud
Routes Aren't Just for Networking: Inspecting OpenStack Services for REST API Docs
QoS - a Neutron n00bie
High Availability Barbican: Deployment Lessons Learned and Best Practices
Automating OpenStack Security
Container security: Do containers actually contain? Should you care?
What Should I Know About &lt;Insert_Container_Project_Here&gt;?
Managing Microservices at Scale with OpenStack + Docker - Your Ideal Environment for DevOps
Follow the packet - OpenStack Neutron Networking with OpenDaylight
Creating your own OpenStack Distribution
Unified Storage for OpenStack: Swift, Glance, Cinder and Manila in a single platform
One Cue to Rule All (message) Brokers - Hands on
Building Open Source with Open Source
The Kolla Command Line: Making The Easiest OpenStack Deployment Tool Even Easier
Learn OpenStack by Building a Micro-Distro
Multi-Tenancy Enhancements for OpenStack Swift
Security SLA: An Enabler for Secure OpenStack Cloud
Lessons from Rule the Stack - Rapid OpenStack Provisioning
Getting High with Poppy CDN
Improved QoS for OpenStack workloads by leveraging Hardware Instrumentation Data
Money Laundering with Poppy CDN
Turning Pets into Cattle: A Demonstration to Provoke Discussion
Hands on with Kubernetes on OpenStack
OpenStack Operations in Carrier Cloud
Simplifying Openstack in the Enterprise with Cisco and Red Hat
Driving Cloudlet in to Openstack
Testing Your Live Barbican Deployment
An Approach for Migrating Enterprise Applications into OpenStack
Cloud Automation: NetOps and DevOps
Provisioning Bare Metal Nodes in Half the Time with Arsenal
Method in the Madness of Your OpenStack DevOps Tool Chain
OpenStack for Hybrid Setup \'96 Telco &amp; Non-Telco Functions
OpenStack with 3PP + (KVM+ESXi)
Simplify Openstack Deployment and Operations using Docker Containers
Enabling near-zero Disaster Recovery with Hybrid clouds
Tooling for Operations: What\'92s Old is New Again
Shingled Magnetic Recording (SMR) Drives and Swift Object Storage
Hybrid Cloud Orchestration on OpenStack
GeoSwift: A Proposal for Enhancing Swift's Geo-Scaling with CRDTs
MANO-based Orchestration for OpenStack
Moar Nodes! - OpenStack's "InfraCloud"
Navigating the OpenStack Community, Regardless of Who You Are
Congrats you stood up an OpenStack environment, but now they want you to monitor it. Introducing using Monasca for production OpenStack monitoring.
Running NFV with IPv6 on OpenStack
Handling Application Scale Out and Failover in OpenStack
TOSCA-based Orchestration for OpenStack
Lessons From The Trenches: Monitoring Your OpenStack Cloud
RHCI: A comprehensive Solution for Private IaaS Clouds
Case Study: A multi-vendor Hosted Private Cloud Solution powered by OpenStack
You've Deployed OpenStack. Now What? Day Two Operational Tips from Managed OpenStack Providers
Lessons learned in building Docker-based app artifacts on a Solum production environment
All your base are belong to us - The why and how of bare metal provisioning and demo of basic to advanced ironic tasks (autoscaling, live migration, etc.)
Best practices for moving traditional bare-metal/virtualized environments to OpenStack
Contributing Charms to Ubuntu Open Stack \'96 A Case Study
Horizon Liberty Recap and Roadmap
Table for Two: Trove and a Guest
Liberty or Death: Horizon Dashboard Plugin Deep Dive
I am OpenStack, and so can you!
Efficient Image Management using Cinder Volumes for Virtual and Baremetal Machines
Organising OpenStack Community Training in your city
RDO Manager 101: OpenStack Deployment &amp; Management
Monasca Boot-Camp: An Introduction to Monasca with Hands-on Tutorials
Practical Experiences Benchmarking OpenStack Control and Data Plane Scalability using Rally
Tracing events in openstack using LTTng for efficient power consumption
Bootstrap All the Things; build a new reliable Openstack service with oslo and other stuff
Federate all the things: entering a world of clouds
Interoperability Testing and Refstack 2.0: more features, more security, more Foundation
Using OpenStack and IBM PowerVC to Transform a Large French Bank
Getting Involved with Cinder Development
Manila and Sahara: Crossing the Desert to the Big Data Oasis
Horses For Courses: A Comparison of Networking Architectures for OpenStack Clouds
Deploying OpenStack New Hotness on Old Servers with SaltStack and Python Wheels
Conservative or radical: two complementary approaches to federation
Hierarchical Port Binding in Practice: Experiences with At-Scale Production
Manila - An Update from Liberty
HPC on OpenStack Use Cases
How to Protect your Data in the Cloud
Securing OpenStack with Identity Management in Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Lustre and OpenStack
Massive data plane scale at your fingertip with KloudBuster
The Plot to Destroy OpenStack Swift Using C++: Enhancements of Swift API Compatibility in Ceph RADOS Gateway
OpenStack on ???\'85 the case for an Underlay Automation Framework.
The United Federation of Clouds
Are you smelling what I\'92m cooking - Working with Heat, Trove, Neutron and other native projects and services to perform advanced environment deployments (ex. multi-tier applications with LBaaS and DBaaS)
OpenStack is a legacy app
Reference security architectures for OpenStack
OpenStack Searchlight - Putting YOUR Resource into Elasticsearch: The OpenStack Way
Windows in OpenStack
Stateful Dockerized Applications with Flocker
How to build a CI testing infrastructure for OpenStack
Building the right underlay, lessons learned
Storage multi-tenancy for OpenStack Manila and Cinder
Insecure as a Service \'96 How OpenStack is failing the enterprise today
The state of Ceph, Manila, and containers in OpenStack
Securing your Application Stacks on OpenStack
Building a self-repairing cloud using AI
Data Processing is Made of People: A Case Study in Role-Empathic API Design in Sahara
Finally FDE - A nice way to encrypt an entire cloud deployment
Install your Tripleo Undercloud with a Standalone Heat Container
Nova: Enable Live migration in shared nothing environment.
Inserting advanced network security in OpenStack clouds
What OpenStack Can\'92t Do, And What You Need To Do It
Why UEFI Mode for Ironic Baremetal Provisioning?
Auto-scaling implementation inhibitor: I can\'92t automate cloud scaling with my current capacity plans.
Building an Open Source Cloud Controller with Cumulus Linux and Puppet
Cloud Adoption Inhibitor: Won\'92t move to the cloud until it is secured
Deploying and Operating an IPv6-only Openstack Cloud
OpenStack, SDN and NFV in the Telco Cloud - Business Opportunities and Technical Considerations
Cinder: Demystifying Storage Hyper-convergence
This is Sparkhara: OpenStack log processing in real-time using Spark on Sahara
Introduction to Cloudify
Building the Cloud Your Users Need, Not the Cloud They Deserve
Battle Royale - Ansible Vs Chef
Jury on OPNFV Policy Debate to OpenStack
Reliable Plumbing for a Scalable Future; How to build reliable and scalable services with Taskflow
Designate: Interactive Workshop - Install and Operate
Customer Pain Points Revealed in Time Warner Cable's OpenStack
When your Heat stack fails - Debugging Tips and Tricks
Live Demo on get the full potential out of automation by combining it with Public cloud
OpenStack at High Speed! Performance Analysis and Benchmarking
OVN: Feature Complete and Ready to Test
DNSaaS For Your Cloud - OpenStack Designate
Cloud Adoption Inhibitor: Won\'92t move to the cloud until my next IT capital cycle
Datacenter Transformation: Ironic, Magnum and Nova Networking
Automated deployment of HA OpenStack: lessons learned
Global Load Balancing - In the beginning
Zero Touch Horizon Extensions
One Click Big Data Cluster on Openstack: Using CloudBreak to Achieve Self-Service Analytics
Taskflow + Docker; Scalable Workflows on the Back of Whales
Accelerating the Core of the Cloud
OMG Objects! the (un)scaly underbelly of Openstack Swift.
Cloud Adoption Inhibitor: Won\'92t move to the cloud until workload mobility is easy
Test Drive Your OpenStack Network
VNF Onboarding 101
Realtime Big Data Analytics with Cue and Openstack
Lunr, the Cinder backend for Rackspace Cloud Block Storage
How to write a Neutron plugin, if you really need to (Neutron stadium edition)
Hands-on-Lab: Configuring and Troubleshooting Opendaylight networks
Managing Medical and Health Data with OpenStack, a Wearable Sensor, and Smart Apps
Storage vendors are killing Cinder
Networking for OpenStack Magnum: Containers-as-a-Service
Panel Discussion: Running OpenStack with the Enterprise Tools you already had in place \'96 a User Perspective
Implementing Enterprise Class, Fibre Channel based, highly available flash storage in your private cloud
Cloudpulse - Health Service for NFV applications.
Leveraging Hiera to deploy OpenStack with Puppet
Managing Multi-hypervisor OpenStack Cloud with Single Virtual Network
Building a Scalable Federated Hybrid Cloud
Operating OpenStack on a Budget
NFV-enabled Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) Services for Enterprise
Panel: How To Select an OpenStack Distribution That\'92s Right For You
Panel Discussion: What are Vendors of Enterprise Tools doing to adapt their tools to work with OpenStack (e.g. monitoring, CMDB, runbook automation\'85) \'96 Let\'92s ask them!
Navigating OpenStack Networking: Nova-networks, Neutron and Advanced Services
Panel Discussion: Lessons learned from adapting Enterprise Class Software Applications to run on OpenStack
From Proprietary to Open Source - A sales guy's nightmare..?
Best Practices of Building OpenStack Clouds from Around the World
Lessons learned: Running VNF as a Service on a public Openstack cloud
Topology awareness in Openstack
Why Top of Rack Whitebox Switches Is The Best Place To Run NFV Applications
Why today\'92s Hybrid Cloud needs a modern messaging system: NATS
Revolutionizing IT and Telecom Industry with OpenStack, SDN and NFV
alternate methods of deploying OpenStack w/ Docker, Puppet, and Heat
Secure your OpenStack Infrastructure
Lessons Learned: Operating OpenStack Networking Infrastructures
Scalability is Not a Challenge Anymore in OpenStack Networking
Flyway 2: Being a shepard in the clouds, a follow up
Unified Platform for All Types of Workloads: How OpenStack Can Enable It?
IO Visor: Enabling Internet of Everything with OpenStack
Neutron Deep Dive - Hands On Lab
Path to achieve Five 9s for Your OpenStack Cloud Networking
OPNFV Arno \'96 OpenStack and beyond
Architecting Secure, Multi-tenant Software Defined Networks for OpenStack Clouds
OPNFV: The Diary of an Infra Guy
How Can OpenStack Make the Telecom Cloud Interoperable?
OpenStack Neutron Done Right: SDN in Minutes instead of Weeks
ONE Reference Platform \'96 OpenStack Empowered OPNFV
Following a Redfish for Software Defined Compute, isn't it Ironic ?
Playbooks, Recipes, Manifests: Automating OpenStack Networking
Swift in Go: How it\'92s Going
How to make OpenStack reliable with (OPNFV) Doctor?
Economics of Deploying OpenStack Cloud
Neutron and the VLAN story
A ROI view of OpenStack Networking
CTO Panel: Future of Networking, Tracing, and Security for OpenStack Clouds
Troubleshoot Cloud Networking Like a Pro
Chasing the Rainbow \'96 National Computational Infrastructure\'92s Pursuit of High-Performance OpenStack Cloud
Deploying OpenStack Networking with Compass
Cloud Network Plumbing in Numbers
Resource Reservation? In cloud? Yes!
OpenStack - How to make the success a real win?
Multi Cloud and Common Control Realized with Containers
Container Applicability for Telco Oriented NFV Payloads
Telco Cloud Transformation \'96 Planning for Success
Increasing application awareness in cloud storage
Neutron and OpenvSwitch hands-on troubleshooting
Managing exponential chaos at accelerating speed and doing it well
State of Neutron VPN as a Service
A day late and a dollar short - An examination of several DIY and COTS options to provide chargeback capabilities in OpenStack including requirements, design considerations and comparison of cost, effort, feature and function.
Smart Control and Insight into Software Defined nature of OpenStack platform.
Swift 101: Technology and Architecture for Beginners
Turn OpenStack into the Global InterCloud -- Now!
The Journey to Enterprise Primetime
Using OpenStack and Ceph to provide SAN service
Dude, this isn't where I parked my instance!?
A Swift way to store Docker images: Docker Registry backed by Swift
Deploying Docker and Kubernetes with Heat and Atomic
A collaborative multi-university cloud
Event based alarming in Ceilometer
OpenStack for robust and reliable enterprise private cloud: An analysis of current capabilities, gaps, and how they can be addressed.
A Conversation with Cinder Developers
Docker + Duct Tape: Container Security in OpenStack
Deploying and Integrating OpenShift on Dell\'92s OpenStack Cloud Reference Architecture
Distros: Let\'92s Not Make *That* Mistake Again
Webhosting using OpenStack Heat with Designate
You are Not Hyperscale, and That\'92s Okay.
Building a PaaS based on OpenStack
In a World of Ephemeral Containers, How Do We Keep Track of Things?
OpenMANO Lab Experiences at a Network Operator
Uniform Software define networking solution for hybrid cloud (baremetal, virtual machine, container)
Big Data Analytics over Object Storage(Ceph RGW and Swift)
Expanding Heat's Ecosystem Through Portable Standard-Based Workflow Orchestration Language Support with Heat-Translator
Openstack Virtual Infrastructure Management in NFV Service Assurance and Fulfillment
Avoiding the 7 Deadly Sins while engineering your applications on Openstack
Edge VPN: Service framework API and L2 VPN demo
A better world for OpenStack and Ceph
Establish Your Heterogeneous Storage Cloud
The differences to deploy OpenStack + CEPH between HP Helion and Red Hat
OpenStack Networking (Neutron) 101
Telco OpenStack Cloud Deployment with Red Hat and Big Switch
Deploying Cassandra workload on Ceph \'96 an OpenStack Big Data Use Case
Enabling Persistence for Docker with OpenStack Cinder and Flocker
Up Your Availability Game With Cinder Data Services!
CORD: Central Office Re-architected as a Datacenter
Practical, Non-disruptive, Automated OpenStack Upgrades
Delivering a Secure Cloud with Openstack: TrustedBoot and GeoTagging
Contributing as an OpenStack User
TripleO and Heat for Operators: Bringing the values of Openstack to Openstack Management
PayPal's Cloud Journey from Folsom to Kilo -- What We Learned in the Upgrade
Enabling My Company To Be OpenStack Powered! - A Skit with a Business Perspective
Beginner's Essentials to OpenStack
Deploying Barbican: Backend Comparisons or Which HSM/Secret Store/CA is right for me?
Container Management at Scale (SuperCloud)
Openstack Neutron - Baremetal Server Network Provisioning
OpenStack Consumption Models: Three User Perspectives
Power intro to Application Centric OpenStack Cloud using Murano. Hands-on walk-thru of authoring an app template.
Overcome the barrier \'96 start contributing to OpenStack
Leveraging SDN and Cloud Infrastructure Innovations to Improve Docker Security
Evaluating High Performance Software Switch with OpenStack
L2 gateway using Neutron and OpenDaylight controller
Time based FWaaS
Discovering, Monitoring and Managing Bare Metal Servers in a Large Scale OpenStack Cloud
ZFS storage on an OpenStack Public Cloud "ConoHa" by NexentaStor(TM). Implement live backup system.
Rate-limiting accesses to OpenStack cloud services for tenants
OpenStack upgrade and HA how to make it working together, mission imposible?
Kirin user story: Migrating mission ciritcal applications to OpenStack private cloud.
OpenStack Controller HA Deep Dive
Openstack SDN Network Service Fulfillment in NFV orchestration
Challenge and learnings of running OpenStack bare metal at Yahoo
Hands-on lab for network namespaces in OpenStack
How to (not) lose friends and alienate people - Identifying use cases, establishing business justification and evangelizing OpenStack adoption in your organization without making people nervous
L7 health checks for OpenStack with HA Proxy and hardware LBs - Hands On!
Data Protection Ecosystem for OpenStack
Openstack Manila- An Overview of the File Sharing Service
Leverage physical hardware for carrier grade OpenStack networking
Build an agile cloud federation solution with Ubernetes, Magnum and Tricircle
VTEP: your high-throughput bridge from virtual to physical [with Cumulus Networks]
Forge Metal-as-a-Service with Ironic in eBay Cloud
Cloud as a Service: Unified OpenStack for Provider and Reseller
You will be assimilated - Building fully automated and advanced DevStack test environments using Vagrant (single command deployment, configuration and testing of complex services, e.g. Neutron w/ LBaaS, Keystone w/ LDAP, Trove, Heat, etc.)
Scaling Docker container storage
OpenStack contributions are not so scary after all
Distributed Health Checking for Compute Node High Availability
Enhancing your OpenStack experience: automatic provisioning of Security Groups.
Block, Object, NFS, SMB in a single region storage cluster
Why you should consider using a cluster file system for OpenStack
Using nested virtualization in OpenStack with KVM
Shipping OpenStack: Containerizing APIs
Performance improvements to the Neutron management and control plane APIs
Isolate compute node usage with OpenStack Nova host aggregates
Integrating and Orchestrating OpenDaylight with Neutron to enforce Group Based Policies
Know-how of challlenging deploy/operation NTT Docomo's mail cloud system powered by OpenStack Swift
Introduce LBaaS(Load Balancer as a Service)
Unleash Native Virtualized EPC Software Performance through Enhanced Cloud Networking
The solution of Networking Problems in an OpenStack Public Cloud "ConoHa"
Astronomy Computing Workflows with OpenStack
Multi location implementation of OpenStack
Security groups for OpenStack Neutron with OpenDaylight controller
Hands-on lab: Configuring Ceph as a backend for OpenStack
Swift &amp; Tape: Optimizations to enable high-latency media
Hands-on lab: Deploying Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform
Automatic virtual-to-cloud (V2C) migration from VMware to OpenStack Cloud
Cutting Edge NFV On Openstack: Healing and Scaling Distributed Applications
Introduction of GMO Internet customization
How Adobe Makes Its OpenStack Deployment Truly Successful Only With Open Source Substrates
Ironic towards truly open and reliable, eventually for mission critical
Ceilometer best practice
OpenStack as a Business : OpenStack business trends and co-opetitive business development
Playing the Perfect SONATA: OpenStack as a platform for Service Programmability and Orchestration in 5G Networks
Using Swift and Ceph as ownCloud backends
OpenStack Boost Education in University
NFV Apps on Openstack
Continuous deployment &amp; benchmark for your OpenStack with Chef, Cobbler and Rally
Real-time log streaming analysis in OpenStack Cloud
Auto Healing in your OpenStack with Container and Consul
OpenStack vs Proprietary Solutions - What is the Future for the Enterprise?
Go Upstream! Why an Upstream Strategy is Critical for an NFV Platform.
ConoHa: Making GSLB - OpenStack Designate and PowerDNS
User Management Enahancement and Keystone V3 Usage in Horizon
Korejanai Story: How to integrate OpenStack into your business strategy
Split Django and front-end to complete rich-client application
The Comparison of Ceph and Commercial Server SAN
OpenStack at NTT Resonant: lessons learned in web infrastructure
Get the max out of open-source networking
Check your engine! NDB as database backend for performance and scalability.
Explaining Crowbar - Open Source provisioning framework
Multisite Openstack \'96 Deep Dive
Public, Private, Hybrid \'96 It\'92s Still Hazy up there...
Python 3 is coming!
Customizing and Extending Fuel for Agile CI Environment
Which Third party OpenStack Solutions should I use in my Cloud?
A Dinosaur Project Manager in Openstack
Implementing Regions/Federation for your Cloud - Why would you do either/both and how?
High performance, super dense system containers with OpenStack Nova and LXD
Container Networking
Vendor Agnostic Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) Solution for Enterprises
Advanced VNF scaling and healing, state preservation of a complex VNF system with multiple VNFs/VDUs (MANO language)
SONATA in the Limelight: Coming Together Globally to Enhance OpenStack
New interface, new experience
Ceph Performance Tuning and The Best Practices
A Field Story \'96 Telco NEP on Carrier Grade OpenStack based on ETSI NFV architecture
Using Ceph Radosgw Instead of Swift to Provide Object Storage
How to make high-availabilable instances in OpenStack
State of the Art: Mitaka for OpenStack Object Storage
Neutron QoS Plugin demo &amp; deep dive
Deploying an Openstack Cluster with Saltstack
Best practices for establishing an OpenStack based cloud business
Graph the Cloud
Secure Manila with GlusterFS
Monitoring is above everything, Monitoring is under everything
Building an agile business for Asia market with OpenStack
Lessons learned from embedded: Building declarative system images
Install, Update, Manage - Doing It the Easy Way (with an appliance!)
L3 HA, DVR, L2 population... oh my!
Be green without performance loss - tools for fine tune the cloud
Clouds of Tempest: certifying Openstack deployments
Cisco UCS &amp; Red Hat OpenStack: Upstream Partnership to Streamline OpenStack
Motoring Ahead - OpenStack in the BMW Group's enterprise environment
Accelerating your Ceph cluster with FPGA
Herding Cats into Boxes: How OpenStack release management changes with the big tent
OpenStack User Research - What have we learnt?
Finding the Xen of OpenStack
NFV orchestration powered by OpenStack
Accelerate your cloud network with Open vSwitch (OVS) and the Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK)
Interconnecting Neutron and BGP-based operator VPNs
Telemetry for NFV in OpenStack
China Provincial Government Running on OpenStack - Powered by WingCloud
Real-World OpenStack Hybrid Cloud Orchestration
Scale-out Cinder storage with guaranteed performance
Operators Guide to Everything Kolla (Lab)
Performance Tuning for BigData Application in eBay Cloud
Containers, Kubernetes, and GlusterFS, a match made in Tengoku
Neutron and Ironic: Security-group for Baremetal server
How to import existed VMware vSphere resources to OpenStack
Match Making: NFV Information Models with OpenStack Interfaces and Policy
GlusterFS making things awesome for Swift, Sahara, and Manila.
Implementation of Blue Green Deployment on OpenStack
Transparent cloudbursting in a federated cloud
Using Neutron with large and/or multi-cell deployments
Overview of GlusterFS integration with OpenStack
Deep diving to backup infrastructure for cloud (cinder backup)
On the Shoulders of Giants: Lessons learned orchestrating Kolla containers.
Woman in a man's world
Cinder Always On! Reliability and scalability - Liberty and beyond
Capacity Planning Your OpenStack Powered Cloud
Putting the D in LXD: Migration of Linux Containers
Tying it all together: Service Function Chaining, Network Service Headers and the roles for Neutron and OpenDaylight
Running a Telco VNF (Virtualized Network Function) on a policy driven network.
Policy Based Service Assurance for SDN and NFV Use Cases in OpenStack
Audit Logging for Docker
Evolution of ODL (OpenDayLight) towards a high performance Neutron
A proof of concept for porting a legacy (non-cloud ready) application to openstack cloud.
All you should know about connecting your virtual network to the internet with high-availability and scale
Containerize your OpenStack! Migration of existing OpenStack deployment to Kolla - case study.
Deploying OpenStack from Source to Scalable Multi-Node Environments
Elephant in the Room: What's the TCO for an OpenStack cloud?
Gohan: An Open-source Service Development Engine for SDN/NFV Orchestration
Zen and the Art of OpenStack Fleet Management
Unraveling Docker Security: Lessons from a Production Cloud
Evaluating Sahara for Real-World Big Data Application
Minimizing or eliminating service outages via robust application life-cycle management with container technologies
L3 HA, DVR, L2 Population... Oh My!
7 tips and tricks for a bloat-free development stack
Addressing DHCP and DNS Scalability: A dnsmasq alternative
Creating highly-available database services on Trove
Intro to the bug management of OpenStack and how you can contribute
How Amadeus Data Processing is using OpenStack to build global travel applications for millions of users
Meeting the performance, capacity, and availability requirements of OpenStack storage through service level classes
Object-Based Configuration for OpenStack Private Clouds: Implementation and Use Involving Real-World Examples
Experience of troubleshooting neutron security groups.
Cloud Automation: Deploying and Managing OpenStack with Heat
After One year of OpenStack Cloud Operation (NTT DOCOMO)
Specs - Taking agility out of Agile development
Tap as a Servie Phase-2 extensions and oportunities for Advanced User Needs
Customising Horizon: Vendor Extensions and Service Plugins
Ask the Experts: Are you ready for containers?
A new network packet logging mechanism for security-group and FWaaS - The admin and tenant users will be able to audit their network activity -
How to benchmark and measure your cloud using Perfkit Benchmarker
IIJ Open OpenStack Architecture
Providing multicast support on multi-tenant environments with OpenStack
Diagnostics as a Service
Integrating OpenStack and Cloud Foundry for the enterprise: lessons learned
Making Horizon Your Own: A Guide to Customize All The Things!
Let\'92s talk about the Diversity of our Community
Bridging virtual networks from different OpenStack based clouds
OpenStack for Architects
OpenStack in Asia-Pacific: Entering a new phase of growth
Let\'92s talk Roadmaps \'96 OpenStack Style
Kolla and Mesos - heaven for hyperscaled clouds!
Ask the Experts: What is the future for OpenStack Storage?
SaaS Experience: Building OpenStack on OpenStack CI with SDN and Containers
Decomposing Lithium\'92s monolith with Kubernetes and OpenStack
Hands on lab: Build an Application on an OpenStack Cloud
Bare Metal Deployment of OpenStack Clouds using Ironic and Heat
Better Living through Containers: LXD with OpenStack
Krusty the Cloud -- cluster-as-a-service private cloud with on-demand cloud bursting capabilities to public clouds
Connect the Dots: Magnum Networking in Detail
OpenStack Beginners Workshop with All-In-One + GitLab
Bare Metal, Containers and Hardware Virtualisation, which deployment option is right for your service.
It's Golden: Best Practice Cloud Operating System Images
Yahoo! Japan Builds an OpenStack Enterprise Storage Architecture for Japan's Largest Internet Portal
Containers versus Virtualization: The New Cold War?
Massively scalable secure cloud storage
Developing Cloud Applications: TOSCA, HOT &amp; MuranoPL
Developing OpenStack\'ae as a Framework for NFV\'94 [1] \'96Leveraging Features to Deploy Telco Use Cases
Using Puppet to Deploy and Operate OpenStack
Awareness of cloud efficacy in Taiwan
The Road to rolling upgrade of Intel IT private cloud
The evolution of Glance API: on the way from v1 to v3
Scalable, cloud-ready open source block storage with GlusterFS
Devstack for humans
Attribute Based User Role Assignment for Organizational Unit and its Implementation in Openstack Keystone
The OpenStack Orchestra: The next wave of OpenStack specialist startups
Software-Defined WAN implementation to optimize Enterprise Branch Networking
Leveraging Procedural Knowledge - A Path From n00b to OpenStack Developer
Cloud Applications and their versions: how not to end up in Dependency Hell
From MicroVMs to MicroServices: An Incremental Approach to Migrating a VM+AWS based Application to Containers under OpenStack Management
Operationalizing and Managing LBaaS at Scale
An introduction to WAN and LAN coordination for OpenStack
New Features in Tempest - simply and safely verify your production deployment
The physics of DAS, SAN and distributed storage for OpenStack clouds
Two-steps to reduce Plugin testing and certification time
Deploying and Managing OpenShift on OpenStack with Ansible and Heat
Public Cloud (Infrastructure as a Service and Bare Metal as a Service) deployment using OpenStack by Tier-1 Telco
Tips and Tricks for building an iSCSI Cinder data fabric at Scale
Openstack Networking: HA and Operational Best Practices
Cinder at Scale
A Technical Dive into Erasure Codes in OpenStack Swift
Comparison of Swift and Ceph as Object Storage Systems
Reducing infrastructure costs by combining storage and compute nodes.
Private Cloud Deployment connecting Multiple Heterogenous Environments by a Large Industrial Internet Enterprise
Road to immutable infrastructure: Paved with good intentions, looking to new solutions
Cinder works. Except when it doesn't.
Deploying OpenStack to transform IT at a Global Software Enterprise
Stimulus-based Sandbox for Profiling Distributed Applications
Vagrant and Oh-My-Vagrant
Cisco UCS Integrated Infrastructure for Red Hat OpenStack
Containers are Easy/Standards are Hard: Are You Down with OCP?
What are Clouds?
Heka, the new kid on the block for monitoring your infrastructure
Horizon customization for advanced networking features
Deploying a Cumulus Underlay Network for Network Virtualization with OpenStack
Migrating shares between backends using Manila
Building an OpenStack Hadoop Cluster Using Cloudbreak
Secure Data migration for Hybrid Clouds
Automated regression testing with Rally
How to escape digital distraction to become more productive and lead a healthier life
Get to know the nuts and bolts of the OpenDaylight OVSDB/net-virt with OpenStack Neutron for Tenant Virtual Networking
Use OpenStack &amp; PaaS to accelerate DevOps &amp; continuous delivery
Providing high density storage in Ceph for OpenStack
Done in 60 Minutes: Adding New Features by Creating a Plugin for Fuel
CoprHD SDS controller and Openstack \'96 how do we work together?
Protect those workloads from malware hijack
Application &amp; infrastructure continuous delivery using PaaS on OpenStack
Workload portability between AWS, Azure, and Openstack
How Yahoo! uses Neutron for Ironic
Elastic Big Data Processing and Analytics on OpenStack
Empower Your Cloud Through Neutron Service Function Chaining
How we build and test Mirantis OpenStack
Orchestrating your deployments with Mistral
VMware Integrated OpenStack, So Easy Your Granny Could Operate It
Openstack Networking: Performance, Troubleshooting and Best practices
Operating Enterprise Applications in Docker Containers with Kubernetes and Atomic Enterprise
Galera Cluster 4 sneak preview: Big transaction support and non-blocking DDL
Hands-on-Lab: OpenStack and OpenDaylight Together
Containers for the Hosting Industry
Bloomberg Cloud Data Center Architecture
Achieving true migration of existing services into openstack
Kubernetes, Docker, Swift, plus Tulsi - 100% Open Source way to deploy, manage, and monitor Swift
Scaling Continuous Integration and Deployment ONDEMAND with Openstack
The Fall and Rise of OpenStack Appliances
Unwind the Complexity with Neutron DVR
Platform as a Service (Kubernetes/Mesos + Openstack) Part 2 - The Demo
Taking OpenStack Deployment to the enterprise
Broadview\'99 in OpenStack deployments
Application &amp; Infrastructure Continuous Delivery using OpenShift and OpenStack
Maximize Your NFV MPG With EPG Deployed on Openstack
A beginner track to understand the evolution in Neutron networking
Building NFV applications using CloudFoundry and TOSCA
OpenStack &amp; The Future of the Containerized OS
OpenStack Project Management Fundamentals
Atomic Enterprise on OpenStack
How to create and debug a Single Node or Multinode Upstream CI job
Containerized Network Function Delivery for Enterprise Branches
OpenStack and OVS: From Love-Hate Relationship to Match Made in Heaven
How to become an efficient OpenStack Contributor from nowhere to Cor
Migrating Virtual Workloads Between OpenStack Clouds\'97Lessons Learned
Want to increase network performance for instances? Get rid of your virtual switch!
Hands-on Lab \'96 OpenStack Neutron Distributed Virtual Routers \'96 Deploy, Configure and Troubleshoot
High Availability in Neutron with Distributed Virtual Routers
Scale-up your Continuous Integration for the field
Sentinel: A Platform for Fine-grained Application Security on OpenStack
How to write valid and efficient tests for OpenStack
High-Performance OpenStack for Science and Data Analytics in a Hybrid Cloud Environment
Mistral Alchemy
Integrate Heat Template Management in an Openstack Public Cloud
Network Aware Workload Scheduling and Cloud Management
Scaling OpenStack: Cells or Regions?
How to implement \uc0\u1057 inder volume driver in a week
OpenStack Upgrades 101: How we do it at Mirantis
It Takes a Community: Interoperable Networking In OpenStack via DefCore
Super Enterprise Users Panel: What has SDN Done for You Lately? Moderated by Eric Hanselman, 451 Research
Delivering Hybrid Bare-metal and Virtual Infrastructure Using Ironic and OpenStack
Trust Your Service, Save your Keystone
Modernizing your Keystone Federation with OpenID Connect
Live Migration Hell
Unlocking the true promise of OpenStack: Open, Standard APIs on a Multi Hypervisor Platform
Why aren\'92t you a Barbicaneer?
OpenStack for VMware Administrators
Private to Public Products - Service Provider Challenges with Openstack
Tools, Tips and Tricks for Successfully Operating an OpenStack Private Cloud
Distros, Vendors, Plugins, Drivers. Forget them all and do it with your own team.
Do appliances violate OpenStack's prime directive?
Privatestack: A New Way to Quickly Build and Deploy Stable Code Using Virtualized Production Environments
Best practice: Testing OpenStack with Rally
Youngest OpenStackers?! +2 for the community!
Barbican Threat Modeling
Learning OpenStack, One Service At A Time
Making OpenStack Beginner Friendly
OpenStack Upgrades 101: How we do it at Mirantis
Networking Reunited - SDN and Legacy Interconnected!
Walking the Frontier of OpenStack with NetMan \'96 Security, Scalability and Performance
Containers are hot, but how do they network?
Open vStorage. The Hyper-Scale Cloud Storage Platform
The numbers of the open cloud (Tokio edition)
Network orchestration going global: underlay and overlay, any platform, any network, end to end
Strategies for Integrating Containers into your OpenStack Cloud
Under The Hood with OpenDaylight: Enhancing OpenDaylight for use with OpenStack and DPDK accelerated Open vSwitch
Paradigm Shift - Leveraging Private Cloud to Encourage Scale and Resiliency at the App Layer
Unified OpenStack Networking for Physical &amp; Virtual Switches: Sharing Experiences &amp; Lessons Learned
Baremetal and Hybrid Big Data clusters on OpenStack using Sahara
Running Private Cloud OpenStack as a Business
Cloud Adoption and Application Onboarding
Which strategy for carrier class Neutron?
OpenStack-based elastic scale solution for automated WLAN provisioning, O&amp;M, and analytics in highly distributed and multi-tenant environments
Hands-on lab: configuring Keystone to trust your favorite OpenID Connect Provider.
Presentation Zen: The art of visual &amp; oral communication
In and Out of Docbook Migration
Virtual Network Functions at the Edge
Charm your DevOps and Build Cloud-Native apps using Juju
Sahara+Storm: real-time data analytics in Openstack
Service Providers : Revolutionize your business model with OpenStack
Reliable Openstack - Designing for Availability and Enterprise Readiness
GlusterFS - The Thrilla in Manila
Integrating a scalable object storage solution with OpenStack on vSphere
Orchestrating system containers with Docker inside by Heat
From 0 to an OpenContrail'ed Openstack in minutes with TripleO
Hyperconverged OpenStack - an "Instant Noodle" approach to OpenStack Private Cloud
How Symantec Developers are inspired to innovate in OpenStack Community?
Delivering Scalable Infrastructure Monitoring in an OpenStack Public Cloud.
Traffic Visibility: Shining light onto OpenStack Networks
Comcast\'92s OpenStack Journey: Building and Scaling a Private Cloud
Cisco ITs OpenStack Cloud with multiple storage backends, thought process and approach
Questions you need to ask for making the right choices while rolling out OpenStack in production
Comcast CI/CD(Update) Can you continuous me now?
Competitive Cloud: Making sure your private cloud delivers real value to internal clients
Proud to be a Noob: How to make the most of your first OpenStack Summit
Rethinking High Availablity for Telcos in the new world of Network Functions Virtualization (NFV)
Hunting security bugs in OpenStack
Validate carefully before use!
OpenStack Compliance Audit: What you really need to know!
How do i get started contributing to Openstack
AVG Technologies Orchestrate deployments with OpenStack
Is Sahara ready for the primetime?
Organizing IT to Deliver OpenStack
OpenStack Networking Deployments: Sharing Deployment Experiences &amp; Lessons Learned on Neutron
Regional Keystone vs Federation - what\'92s right for you?
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of the OpenStack APIs: An Application Developer's View
NFV @ Comcast
An OpenStack Journey from the University of Cambridge
Do Clouds Really Need Containers?
Enterprise Analytics in the Cloud
Taming Global Madness with Horizon
Onboarding New Openstackers
Deep Dive into Keystone Tokens and Lessons Learned
A Public Cloud Perspective on Implementing Higher Layer Networking
Open Doors with an OpenStack Approach
Repeatable Processes for Building Secure Containers from Source to Image to Cloud
Managed IBM OpenStack for Dedicated and Local Private Clouds
Enable GPU Passthrough on Openstack
Delight your Developers PaaSively with Murano
OpenStack Managed PaaS Powered by Enterprise Containers
Building a Large Scale Public Cloud: From Ground Zero to Production
Study of performance comparison between SAS and SSD as swap space of compute node in OpenStack, under high memory overcommit
Visualizing complex Heat stacks
Scaling to Greater Heights: Swift Users Discuss their Experience
Why is Interop hard? Are we failing at closing Pandora's Cloud?
OpenStack Hybrid Cloud
Network Data-plane Programming in P4
Cloud Patterns and Practices: Solving Real-world Business Problems Using MagnetoDB
Busting the Top 11 Myths About Openstack based Cloud Deployments
Beyond the Horizon - Creating Single Pane of Glass
Implementing Group Based Policy with Cisco SDN controller VTS: Lessons learned
The journey to containers
Scale or Fail \'96 Scaling applications with Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, and OpenStack
Reliable Placement Control in OpenStack: Distributed Scheduling
Bookmarking Images in OpenStack
OpenStack PaaS using Heat, Docker and CloudFoundry
Suits and Cloudy DevOps Neckbeards, Together At Last: Bridging Traditional Enterprise IT and DevOps For OpenStack
Capacity Management for the Cloud
How to Train Your Admin
Simple, Scalable, and Secure OpenStack Clouds
Is OpenStack TOO Flexible?
Application of Cloud Policies -- Here Comes the Auditor
High Availability for Compute Nodes - finally!
Fringe benefits: What NFV brings to the table for HPC and Enterprise
Hypervisor Capacity Planning and Management - A summary of how the OpenStack team at Yahoo manages Capacity
Trusted network virtual appliances using OpenStack
Troubleshoot Your Next Open Source Deployment
Tapping into OpenStack\'92s Notification System
Practical Hadoop Backup and Scaling with Sahara
Where\'92s the beef? OpenStack as Cattle using Containers and Kubernetes
Swift Multi-Region - If I knew then what I know now...
SDN for OpenStack and Kubernetes Clouds: Comparing Nested, Connected Multi-Cloud, and Hybrid Cloud App Environments
Integrating Calico plugin with Mirantis OpenStack: how to automate testing process and get the plugin validated
Contributing to OpenStack 201: A primer for the not-so-new contributor
OpenDaylight Lithium &amp; OpenStack Neutron: Native Support and New Features
Distributing and Scaling Neural Networks on OpenStack - BrainStorm
Philosopher's Roundtable: Lofty thoughts on OpenStack
Creating business value with cross cloud infrastructure
CoreOS Tectonic on OpenStack
The de Facto NFV Stack
Paint Your Cloud Blue &amp; Green: Easy Upgrades That Actually Work (And Save Your -aaS When Something Goes Wrong)
Stay Calm and Graph On
Location and Boundary Control for Storage in the Cloud
From analytics to tags: describing OpenStack components the useful way
Deploying Openstack controller services via Docker for scalability, portability and flexbility
OPNFV Past, Present and Future: A Collaboration
Open source startups.. So how do you make money? - Lessons learned from fellow founders.
Integrating OpenStack Ecosystem with Existing IT Operations
DriverLog. One year after. On the way to the single Community database.
An Operator's Journey to 99.99% SDN Availability
Impact of OpenStack Networking on NFV System Performance and Efficiency
Applying devops to our OpenStack releases
Unpredictable Application Performance?&nbsp; Better check network I/O
Care and Feeding of Pets on OpenStack
Operating a Highly Available Public Cloud
Software Configuration Management using HEAT
Deploying containerized applications across the Open Hybrid Cloud using Docker and the Nulecule spec
Are you devstuck? Getting the setup right
The five years of the OpenStack Community in numbers
Dockerize Designate for Your Next Upgrade
Installers are dead, deploying our bits is a continuous process
LMA, a toolchain for monitoring and troubleshooting OpenStack clouds
Service Function Chaining and Virtualized Network Functions: OPNFV, OpenDaylight, OpenStack and IETF
OpenStack, Docker, and Zuul, CI!
The OpenStack Community Metrics Open API
Community Party Sponsorship \'96 more than a concept
Multi-Vendor Panel: Experiences and Challenges in Building L4-L7 Networks Services on OpenStack
Solving Real World DNS Issues with Designate
Leveraging Keystone to build multi-tenancy for a real-time data processing service
The route to application performance needs to be paved by the infrastructure
Private Cloud Dream Stack: CoreOS + Kubernetes + OpenStack
Not Another Typical Object Store Use Case!
The Challenge of Writing about Code, or How to Bathe an Elephant
Sustainable Efficiency: Creating Lasting Reliable Infrastructure
Rapidly deploy the OPNFV reference architecture with OpenStack
OpenStack Neutron FWaaS Roadmap
One year in production with Docker on OpenStack
Wait For My Cue: Openstack Cue, A Message Broker Provisioning and Management Service
Swapping Open Source Solutions for Resilient Networking
Adding low latency features in Openstack to address Cloud RAN Challenges
OpenStack Taiwan status report
Cisco's OpenStack Cloud with Ceph, what we learned so far in our journey.
Lessons Learned from Monitoring eBay Cloud
Getting the bang for your buck with Software-Defined Storage in OpenStack
OpenStack &amp; Ansible: Automating The Installation and Upgrade of Your Cloud
SDN for Web Services Companies: Ready for Prime Time? Moderated by Eric Hanselman, 451 Research
Fire up Your Cloud Deployments with Heat Templates
Is DefCore Picking OpenStack Winners and Losers? Answers in Interop 101
Automating Underlay and Overlay networks using OpenStack Neutron
Network Services Simplified in OpenStack Cloud
Making OpenStack Work In An Existing Environment - Challenges And Solutions
Adventures in running production workloads on upstream code -- Real World Trove
Federated Glance? On the challenge of distributing images among regions
Nested Virtualization on KVM with OpenStack
Dockerized Network Services Scaling in OpenStack Cloud
Stability and the Stack - Designing for the inevitable
Docker: Develop and Deploy
Generic Software Configuration Management using HEAT
Data Lake on OpenStack \'96 Petabyte Scale!
Have container. Need network? Ubuntu LXD+MidoNet
Cognitive: Machine Learning as a service for Openstack
Apply, Rinse, Repeat. (re)Build OpenStack Ready Infrastructure like a pro [Crowbar + Contrail]
Bare metal enhancement for enterprise systems
OpenStack Storage Strategies - From Requirements to Implementation
Beyond Baremetal Deploys: Managing Heterogeneous Hardware with the Ironic
OpenStack Storage Strategies - From Requirements to Implementation
Live migrating thousands of VMs between clouds in production
NFV Service Federation across Heterogeneous Sites
Upgrading Cisco IT production clouds from Havana to Juno
Brokenstack: A Hands-on Troubleshooting Lab
Building Clouds for the Financial Industry: Challenges and Solutions
Facing networking challenges when operating OpenStack in an Enterprise
Network Security and Service Function Chaining
Enabling better network troubleshooting [Cumulus + MidoNet]
Fast and Furious: Adding New Infrastructure Capabilities to Your OpenStack Cloud
Using Multiple Ceph Storage Backends with Openstack
It's Time to Think Outside the Box When it Comes to Scaling Your OpenStack Cloud
OpenStack SSO! How hard can it be?
Tailored to suit : The Theory and Practice of Role Based Access Controls
MidoNet 101 - Open source distributed overlay networking for Neutron
Hardware validated audit trails - using crypto hardware to generate bulletproof auditing
Walk Through a Software Defined Everything PoC
Deploying OpenStack with SaltSatck
Openstack Usability for Users and Operators
Open source approaches to secure multi-tenancy and service chaining in OpenStack+VMware clusters
Securing OpenStack Service Tenants and Instances: Lessons and Challenges
The (Not so) Long and Winding Road: the Journey to OpenStack Success
Ceph and OpenStack: current integration and roadmap
Cloud Lifecycle Management: Automated Capacity Management, Remediation and Decommission
<> Free OpenStack for Planet Earth
Persisting Data In Your Cloud with Cinder Block Storage
Ceph in production for the risk-averse
OpenStack on OpenStack (TripleO): First They Ignore You..
The Virtuous cycle - Aligning your business with the OpenStack release cycle
Stop reinventing the wheel: Setup your 3rd Party CI system using the new common open-source solution
Da plane! Da plane! - Dataplane Performance Tests in OpenStack
Large-Scale OpenStack User and System Support
Hierarchical identity management in OpenStack - Resellers in Keystone
Evolution of Neutron plugin architecture
React Fast to Zero-Day Attacks Leveraging IDS and Sandbox
Conditioning Multicore Openstack and Linux Host for Cloud/VNF Workload Deployment
Super Nova - Supporting advanced application use cases.
Use Salt to powerfully manage infrastructure on top of your OpenStack cloud.
Adding Operational Data and Infrastructure Visibility to the Horizon Dashboard
Deploying the World\'92s Largest Private OpenStack Cloud with Multi-Cell Support
An Alternative Implementation of Keystone in Haskell
Leverage the Hidden Power of Diversity
Why NFV Matters to OpenStack
It's a team sport: building a hardened enterprise ecosystem
Removing the Blindfold from OpenStack Networking
Nova - Black Ops : getting in and out without your users knowing
Using Merlin to Create an Interactive UI
MidoNet with Docker containers and Apache Mesos
Sharing access to GPU graphics and compute using containers
Integrating Neutron extensions with Horizon
Nanocell Gateway VNF Performance and Reliability Testing
Open Source SDN in the cloud: Real life experiences based on OpenStack and MidoNet
Running high throughput network applications in a virtualized environment
Flat no more! Hierarchical multitenancy support in OpenStack
TripleO Network Architecture Deep-Dive and What's New
A VC take on OpenStack growth and opportunity across Asia
DevOps: 96 Fully Automated Regression test runs per day against 12 reference configs using an OpenStack Cloud
SDN solutions with OpenStack: Juniper Contrail and Mirantis OpenStack integration
Cinder VMDK Datastore Selection Capability
Neutron Scaling and Resiliency with Mirantis OpenStack and Big Switch P+V SDN Fabrics
Nova-Solver-Scheduler: Addressing Scale and Optimizations for OpenStack Clouds
Saving your OpenStack Unicorn from Bikeshedding Yaks
Open Stack at AT&amp;T Scale
Integrating Ironic and Infrastructure Managers
Ceph block devices: A deep dive
Ceph block and SSD Performance: data, observations, and recommendations around all-flash Ceph pools.
How to build a next-gen analytics platform underpinned by OpenStack
Let's deploy the Lambda Architecture on OpenStack
Application Centric Microservices
Accelerating Public Cloud Services by OpenStack in Japan
Deep Dive Into Highly Available OpenStack Architecture, from Infrastructure to Application Workloads
Ceilometer: The Cloud Patrol
Openstack Traps and Pitfalls - Stabilizing Openstack at eBay scale
Real-time log analytics in the Openstack Cloud
Why Clouds Crash
OpenStack Infrastructure for Any Workload, Anywhere - Containers, VMs and Bare Metal, Private and Public
Build Full Openstack-wide Distributed Tracing Service in Ebay cloud
OpenStack Scaling for Telco: The Remote Compute Swarm and Beyond
Hierarchically arranging VMs for management using Puppet and Foreman
Huawei Public Cloud : Building a large scale public cloud on OpenStack
Build Murano Applications with Eclipse and MuranoPL
Automated Enterprise Cloud deployment of a complex environment using Fuel Plugins
Sustainable Efficiency: Creating Lasting Reliable Infrastructure
Converged Storage in hybrid VM and Container deployments using Docker, Kubernetes, Atomic and OpenShift
Cloud Janitor: Integrating Ceilometer and Mistral
Implement of live resize for kvm vms
Big Data...Protecting it from data loss using Swift storage
Openstack: 50% Technical, 50% Non-technical
LBaaS-integrated SDN Clos Fabric Solution for Application Scaling in OpenStack
Live Migration of a VM with PCI passthrough-ed devices
How to leverage OpenStack for cloud native application
OPNFV and Open Source - Enabling OpenStack for VNFs and Telco Grade SDN
Agent-less Distributed L3 forwarding for Openstack Neutron
Using Glance Tasks for Fun and Profit
Mixed Architecture Clouds: Hosting and Managing PPC and x86 Based Instances Together
Enterprise Architecture Design of your Under-Cloud
Backup to the Future with OpenStack Swift
Best Practices \'96 Architecting for OpenStack Cloud
Container Technology and the OpenStack Magnum strategy, for enterprise
Present &amp; Future-proofing your datacenter with SDS &amp; OpenStack Manila
Effectively using Puppet and salt for complex cloud deployments
Bridging The Gap: Connecting OpenStack To Container-Native Infrastructure
Make Keystone The Center Of Universe - How eBay use it in multi security zones
MySQL Database Backup and Recovery to Swift
Managing Security Requirements in an OpenStack Environment
Providing the Enterprise with Self-managed Distributed OpenStack
Life on the edge - deploying tip of master for a public cloud
Verizon's NFV Learnings
Hands on Lab: Learning all aspects of operating an OpenStack cloud
Smart MySQL Log Management with Swift
Towards a more Secure OpenStack Cloud
An "Easy Button" for File Sync &amp; Share on Swift
"Thinking Hierarchical" : Hierarchical Multi-tenancy and Nested Quota. What's the buzz about ?
The cold storage product using optical disc accessed with Swift API
Choose Your Own Adventure: An Unbiased Evaluation of OpenStack Consumption Models
Academic Cloud and Inter Cloud Architecture using OpenStack
Providing APIs to the cloud customers
Best Practices For Cloud Ready OpenStack Application Workloads
Public vs Private Cloud, a Cost-Performance Analysis
File Sync n Share with Swift: Five Options to Check out
The Last Step: Tools to Secure the Applications
The Open Data Center: OpenStack and Open Compute
Encrypted Duplicity Backups to OpenStack Swift
Implement High-Performance and Salable Cloud Networking with KVM Enhancements for OPNFV
Deploying tip of master in production on a public cloud
Protecting NoSQL from data loss using Swift storage
Toward 40Gbps NFV/SDN in Commodity Hardware
Challenges in Planning, Building, and Operating Large Scale Infrastructure
Extending Compass OpenStack Deployment Through Metadata
Running LBaaS at Scale for Multiple Virtual Private Clouds in PayPal
Cinder, Swift or Manila? And you thought it was just storage.
Open SDN Fabric as Powerful Underlay for OpenStack to Solve Key Traditional Network Infrastructure Challenges
Tuning HA OpenStack Deployments to Maximize Hardware Capabilities
Building a CI/CD pipeline for your OpenStack cloud
Object Storage For VMware VIO: Deploying SwiftStack Alongside VMware OpenStack
OpenStack Distributions that Help Enterprises
Adaptive Openstack Capacity for Enterprise deployments
Network performance problem in Openstack newtron
Big Data as a Service on OpenStack
Impact of Ceph hardware selection on Fault Resiliency
Flash Storage and Faster Networking Accelerate Ceph Performance
Tempest Rally on Fuel use and acceptance testing
Ironic on a chip
How to implement service admin roles in your cloud
How we use OpenStack ~ Creating workflows with OpenStack APIs
Open Source File Sync n Share using ownCloud with Swift
Software Defined Infrastructure with OpenStack
Rally plugin and extension development
Securing the Fortress with Barbican at Symantec
Extending OpenStack Heat to orchestrate security policies and network function service chains
OpenStack Sahara Performance with Ceph
Life on the edge - deploying tip of master for a public cloud
Introduction of Network Flow Management by Neutron Extension
TripleO: Beyond the Basic Openstack Deployment
Troubleshooting Message Broker and Analysis of Its Stability Improvement When Used with OpenStack
How to OpenStack; and you can too!
OpenStack and Containers: Together We Win
Empowering the Networking Team in an OpenStack and Overlay World
Beginners Guide to Containers Technology and how it actually Works
Workshop: Deploying OpenStack Swift
Trusted and Secure Containers for Enterprise Deployment
Let's Unite! (Physical + Virtual == Unified OpenStack Networking)
Gopher Farming and OpenStack
Where to use Ceph and Swift storage
A Deep dive into Customizing Glance Tasks
How to deploy OpenStack without getting anyone fired
Optimizing hardware for OpenStack Object Storage
Win-Win in a Tug of War: Service Chaining Optimization for Cloud-Native VNFs
Sleep Easy with Automated Cinder Volume Backup
Swift 102: Extensibility in Swift and What You Can Do With It
Scaling Neutron for your Enterprise Openstack Cloud deployments
No Valid Host Was Found: Translating Tracebacks
Building Applications with Swift: Developer On-Ramp
Running OpenStack over a VXLAN Fabric
Leveraging Cloud Foundry and Docker to Provide an Application Centric View on OpenStack
More than Read, Write and Delete: Looking at cool features in Swift
Deep-dive into the Swift API
Load Balancing approaches and best practices for OpenStack Swift
MySQL, Ceph, and Flash: How Fast Can We Go?
OpenStack, The Production - Beyonce Thunderdome
Designing OpenStack networks : rethink everything ?
The Critic as a Contributor: Comparing community review processes
Securing Bare-Metal in the Cloud for Maximizing Freedom under Multi-Tenancy
Differences &amp; Similarities between the Kinetic &amp; Open Ethernet Drives
Non-Disruptive Upgrades for OpenStack Swift
Automating the deployment and continous integration of your cloud
Reparo - Handling Repair / Rebuild Automation for Clouds
Advanced Neutron Networking with VMware NSX
Don\'92t blink! Deploy Cloud Foundry, and a Web Dashboard in 123
Implementing encryption of data at rest within Swift
Neutron Choices: Time to boldly go toward better networking
Building a metadata filesystem on Object Storage
Deploying Ceph Clusters for OpenStack Cinder and Scientific Research
Infrastructure Updates When Running OpenStack on VMware
Building a Private Cloud to efficiently handle 40 billion requests / day
Globally Distributed Swift vs. Container Sync: When, What and How?
Saving Power Gaining Performance with Intel SSDs and Ceph
From 0 to efficient Monitoring
What You Need to Know Before...and After Your Swift Deployment
A Look Ahead: OpenStack solves the 2006 problem, will it solve the 2016 problem?
Digital Preservation on OpenStack Cloud Storage
OpenStack Networking Enhancement for Carrier Cloud
A Cloud architect\'92s toolkit : What to expect when taking OpenStack from zero to Production in a Fortune-500
So, you say you want Swift to store the data using a cross-platform, private Dropbox that's also secure?
Cluster Management with Kubernetes @ eBay
System Images Aren't Sourdough Starters
Swift in the Enterprise - Architecting for Object Storage
Building S-M-L Ceph clusters: Are you getting expected performance?
Monitoring Swift with Elastic Search
Scaling workloads with Swift and containers
Managing Large Cloud Deployment and Infrastructure with CMS (Cloud CMDB)
Could you please pass me the PaaS?
One Operation, One Line log
Testing Openstack topologies fast and easy
How to Write a Heat Template with Auto-scaling Ability
How to build OpenStack billing system
Single Tenet of Cloud - It's All About Applications
Openstack support for Federated (Local &amp; Distributed) High Availability and Data mobility for Multiple Datacenter in Enterprise
User Story:'s journey to record family journeys with OpenStack Swift &amp; Docker
The Evolution of OpenStack Dev/Test Environment Setup at eBay
Disaster Recovery in OpenStack: What Are My Options and What Can I Recover?
Requirements for Providing Telecom Services on OpenStack-based Infrastructure
Providing differentiated security services with Juniper vSRX and Openstack in a virtual CPE solution.
User Story: Storage supporting Social Networking at Scale
How we can implement NFV features in OpenStack?
Neutron Networking for Containers with VMware NSX
NO Datacenter object storage
Let's Unite! (Physical + Virtual == Unified OpenStack Networking)
Storage Options for your OpenStack infrastructure (SAN, NAS, Scale out, etc.): Which One(s) Should You Choose?
Mutual Backup Across Data Centers Based on Cinder and Ceph
What's New in Magnum
User Story: Storage for high-concurrency video streaming
How to manage the multi-hypervisor environment using OpenStack.
Testing rolling upgrade using Grenade with Kolla
Lessons learned from OpenStack study group activities in Korea
High Availability for your Application: Tenant level HA
Murano-based DevOps Best Practice for SaaS Applications
Leveraging Kubernetes to scale containers in Hybrid Multi-Cloud clusters
User Story: Silicon Valley tech giant builds private cloud with Swift
Time to Upgrade!!
7 Habits of Highly Effective Contributors
OpenStack - Write once Run Anywhere
Storage is not virtuliazed enough
Production workloads in Murano: SugarCRM
A large-scale Enterprise OpenStack Cloud in hours?! Reality? Yes, says eBay!
Using Docker with OpenStack - Hands On!
Behind the Cloud: The challenges and solutions in developing a nationwide user support service for an OpenStack based Cloud
Customer-to-cloud private connections: how we built it.
Choose your API: Swift, S3, or Both
OpenStack Magnum - Containers-as-a-Service
Private , Public and Hybrid - unique challenges with Openstack
Monitoring Docker Container and Dockerized Applications
How to integrate openstack in OPNFV via compass
When Getting to Green Isn't Enough - A Holistic Approach to Pre-Release Validation
User Story: How Burton rides on Swift for Backups
Our Story od Live Migration Tunning
Meet the Magnum Cores
Development Openstack Code.
CI/CDaaS based on Magnum/Murano within Intel IT Private Cloud
High Availability L2 Gateways for OpenStack
Monitoring and recovery of Openstack Applications
Are the world\'92s Fourtune1000 enterprises ready for Openstack based cloud-ready-blocks?
How to build a next-gen analytics platform underpinned by OpenStack?
A Swift Cluster behind multiple OpenStack systems.
Literate Computing for Infrastructure \'96 DevOps meets Jupyter Notebook
User Story: How SpringCM delivers global document management SaaS with Swift
Japan\'92s Smart DataCenter, powered by Openstack and Midonet, to deliver On-demand video streaming services
25GbE is the new 10, 50GbE is the new 40, and 100GbE is the new Amazing
Building Heat Templates the Easy Way
Security conscious OpenStack deployment - hardening for production readiness
User Story: Counsyl
Openstack meters and logging with Ceilometer and ELK Stack
Openstack Networking approaches
Resource tracking Complexity and Challenges
Openstack Networking Operator Hands On Lab
Role of the Vendor neutral Professional Certification in promotion of OpenStack
Openstack Networking Users Hands On Lab
Live Migration Technical Deep Dive, Code Review and Cinder-based Demo
Object / Block / File...choosing the best storage for your workloads
Delivering predictable storage performance at scale
Getting the most out of block storage with OpenStack Cinder
Maximum Scale; Minimum Time: An Intro to VMware Integrated OpenStack and SolidFire
Block Storage Replication with Cinder
Best use cases for OpenStack in the Enterprise
Simplifying OpenStack: The True Value of the Easy Button
99 Problems But a Cluster Ain't One: New world Ops with OpenStack and Apache Mesos
Authorship-as-a-Service for Engineers: How to Unlock OpenStack for "mere mortals"
OpenStack Pulse \'ad an unbiased industry analyst view
Multi-site, multi-cloud, multi-region Openstack environments running carrier workloads
High performance networking for running carrier workloads (this is based on HCG plus AVS)
Celestial \'96 Streaming as a Service
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