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Last active September 15, 2022 11:22
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An extensive excel vba documentation for creating large-scale apps without a total mess

Excel VBA

Many times you want to fiddle around with amazing tech like React or RustLang that are pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Back to the real world, there are still cases where an Excel sheet is more appropiate. Especially when companies previously built around it and have existing legacy code. Maybe the end user simply wants just one file to send per mail or move around. For this, Excel is still a viable option.

So for those people that are struggling with the limited vba language, this documentation aims to improve just a little bit of the developer experience while creating excel applications.

This may also partially apply to other office suite applications.

Feel free to send pull request with your Excel code that you found helpful or documentation additions.


' Define variables  
Dim intNum As Integer

' Set variables
intNum = 21

' Business logic

In each module or sheet there there is a header. @name improves orientation when browsing modules as the vba editor does not clearly highlight the current module. Option Explicit helps for stricter code and better error messages.

' @name Overview

Option Explicit

Naming Conventions

I personally hate naming conventions but you can't get around it with VBA. VBA has a very strict type system so it helps when creating lots of functions

These are prefixes and are used like [prefix]Name.

' Example
Dim intNum As Integer
Dim colUsers As Collection
' ...


  • Checkbox chk
  • Button cmd
  • TextInput txt
  • Form frm
  • Image img
  • Label lbl

These must be strictly followed. More

Variables in Code

For small functions you can use only the prefix for a variable name.

  • Integer int
  • Double dbl
  • String str
  • Object obj
  • Boolean bln
  • Collection col
  • Currency cur
  • Date dtm
  • Error err
  • Range rng

These must be strictly followed. More


  • Use Option Explicit in each file for better errors
  • Use 2 spaces for indentation
  • Write functions/subs (except eventHandlers), OLEObject identifiers camelCase
  • Only pass arguments to a functions that are needed. For Example use tbl.Range instead of just tbl. This makes functions less coupled
  • Write modules PascalCase


  • Use Application.ScreenUpdating to prevent flickering, -> 05_render.vb


  • Always get a sheet by their codename, -> 09_getWorksheetFromCodeName.vb
  • Never use ActiveSheet , always reference the real name or access it through a Common module

Data Types

  • Get the type of a variable with TypeName(variable)
  • Use Currency data type for numbers longer than 10 digits (useful for like byte to mbytes conversion)


  • Log via Debug.Print to immediate window
  • You can also evaluate arbitrary code via ? [code] and then pressing enter

Application Structure

The Common Module

It is advised to have a common module for table and sheet acessors.

Public mainSheet As Worksheet
Public tblServers As ListObject
Public rowHeight As Integer

Public Function init()
  ' Sheets
  Set mainSheet = utils.getWorksheetFromCodeName("oleOverview")
  ' Tables
  Set tblServers = mainSheet.ListObjects("tblServers")
  ' Styles
  rowHeight = 30
End Function

The Style Module

In the style module there are small helpers that are used for a consistent styling throughout your application.

Public Sub setFontFamily(rng As Range, family As String) = family
End Sub

Public Sub setFontSize(rng As Range, size As Integer)
  rng.Font.size = size
End Sub

Public Sub setRowHeight(rng As Range, height As Integer)
  rng.rowHeight = height
End Sub

Public Sub setRowAlignment(rng As Range, alignment As Integer)
  rng.VerticalAlignment = alignment
End Sub

' etc ...

The Fs Module

When doing lots of file transformations and analysis, create a fs module. A lot of those snippets are standalone down below.

Function getTotalSize(fso As Object, nt As String)
  Dim drive As Object
  Dim pathspec As Variant
  Set drive = fso.GetDrive(nt)
  getTotalSize = drive.totalSize
End Function

Function rootify(path As String)
  rootify = "\\" + path
End Function

' etc...


In sheets there should only ever be event handlers and an init() function used for bootstrapping. Delegate actual business logic into a seperate module.

In this example I declare the sheet oleOverview and the module Overview

' @name: oleOverview

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
End Sub

Sub cmdRefresh_Click()
  Dim tbl As ListObject
  Set tbl = Common.tblName
  ' reference to the external module for actually doing stuff
  Overview.render tbl
End Sub

Sub init()
  Dim tbl As ListObject
  Set tbl = Common.tblName
  Overview.initStyles tbl
End Sub


Each module has an initStyles() function which can be used to set styling

Public Sub initStyles(rng As Range)
  Style.setFontFamily rng, "Arial"
  Style.setFontSize rng, 8
  Style.setRowHeight rng, Common.rowHeight
  Style.setRowAlignment rng, xlCenter
End Sub


Filesystem API

Create a new instance

Set Fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Check if a given sheet exists
Public Function sheetExists(SheetName As String, Optional wb As Excel.Workbook)
Dim s As Excel.Worksheet
If wb Is Nothing Then Set wb = ThisWorkbook
On Error Resume Next
Set s = wb.Sheets(SheetName)
On Error GoTo 0
sheetExists = Not s Is Nothing
End Function
' Convert a `Collection` to an `Array`
Public Function toArray(col As Collection)
Dim Arr() As Variant
ReDim Arr(1 To col.Count) As Variant
For i = 1 To col.Count
Arr(i) = col(i)
toArray = Arr
End Function
' Convert hexadecimal colors to the wierd excel color thing
' @Example
' #000000 -> &H80000012&
Public Function hexToLongRGB(sHexVal As String) As Long
Dim lRed As Long
Dim lGreen As Long
Dim lBlue As Long
lRed = CLng("&H" & Left$(sHexVal, 2))
lGreen = CLng("&H" & Mid$(sHexVal, 3, 2))
lBlue = CLng("&H" & Right$(sHexVal, 2))
HexToLongRGB = RGB(lRed, lGreen, lBlue)
End Function
' Stops or starts updating the application screen. When doing lots of
' sheet manipulation, disable rendering to prevent flickering
Public Function render (b As Boolean)
Application.screenUpdating = b
End Function
' Formats bytes to a human-readable form.
' @Example
' `2101388760` -> 1.96 GB
Function formatBytes(bytes As Currency) As String
If bytes >= 1073741824 Then
formatBytes = Format(bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, "#0.00") & " GB"
ElseIf bytes >= 1048576 Then
formatBytes = Format(bytes / 1024 / 1024, "#0.00") & " MB"
ElseIf bytes >= 1024 Then
formatBytes = Format(bytes / 1024, "#0.00") & " KB"
ElseIf bytes < 1024 Then
formatBytes = Fix(bytes) & " Bytes"
End If
End Function
' Get the size of a directory
' @param fso:Object [CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")]
' @param dir:String
Function getDirSize(fso As Object, ByVal dir As String) As Double
Dim fsofolder As Object
getDirSize = 0
If fso.folderExists(dir) Then
Set fsofolder = fso.getFolder(dir)
getDirSize = fsofolder.Size
End If
End Function
' Get the next free drive letter
' @param fso:Object [CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")]
Function getNextFreeDriveLetter(fso As Object)
Dim i As Integer
Dim drive As String
For i = 67 To 90
drive = Chr(i) & ":"
If Not fso.folderExists(drive & "\") Then
getNextFreeDriveLetter = drive
Exit Function
End If
getNextFreeDriveLetter = "No Drive Found"
End Function
' Get a worksheet from the codename
Function getWorksheetFromCodeName(CodeName As String) As Worksheet
Dim WS As Worksheet
For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If StrComp(WS.CodeName, CodeName, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Set GetWorksheetFromCodeName = WS
Exit Function
End If
Next WS
End Function
' Open a dialog, centered on the screen.
Public Function openDialog(ByRef frm)
With frm
.StartUpPosition = 0
.Left = Application.Left + (0.5 * Application.Width) - (0.5 * .Width)
.Top = Application.Top + (0.5 * Application.Height) - (0.5 * .Height)
End With
openDialog = frm
End Function
' Excel always has something selected. To get around that and have
' nothing selected, use this sub which gets around that by selecting
' a cell that is far away.
Public Sub unselectAll(sheet As Worksheet)
If = sheet.Name Then
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll up:=100
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll ToLeft:=44
End If
End Sub
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