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Last active May 28, 2023 20:06
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An alternative to Start-Sleep that adds a progress bar and wait wheel using the FiraCode font. If not running in VSCode and FiraCode font is not setup, then it will fallback to ASCII.
function Start-SleepProgressBar {
A Start-Sleep alternative that prints a progress bar with a spinning wheel at the end.
A Start-Sleep alternative that prints a progress bar with a spinning wheel at the end.
Duration in seconds to wait.
Only displays a spinning wheel/line
Forces the display with FiraCode font specific Unicode.
Start-SleepProgressBar -Seconds 10
A Start-Sleep alternative that prints a progress bar with a spinning wheel/line at the end.
Sample with out FiraCode font Output:
[################....................] -
Sample with FiraCode font Output:
 
Start-SleepProgressBar -Seconds 10 -Force
Skip VSCode font detection.
A Start-Sleep alternative that prints a progress bar with a spinning wheel at the end.
Sample with FiraCode font Output:
 
param (
begin {
$IsFiraCode = if ($env:TERM_PROGRAM -eq 'vscode' -and (Test-Path -Path "$env:APPDATA\Code\User\settings.json")) {
$VSCodeSettings = Get-Content -Path $env:APPDATA\Code\User\settings.json | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($VSCodeSettings."editor.fontFamily" -like "*Fira Code*") {
else {
else {
$IsFiraCode = if ($Force) {
else {
$Progress = @(
if ($IsFiraCode) {
[char]0xEE06 # 
[char]0xEE07 # 
[char]0xEE08 # 
[char]0xEE09 # 
[char]0xEE0A # 
[char]0xEE0B # 
else {
function Get-ProgressBar {
param (
$MaxLength = $($PSCmdlet.Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width - 2)
begin {
if ($IsFiraCode) {
$EmptyBarStart = [char]0xEE00 # 
$EmptyBar = [char]0xEE01 # 
$EmptyBarEnd = [char]0xEE02 # 
$FullBarStart = [char]0xEE03 # 
$FullBar = [char]0xEE04 # 
$FullBarEnd = [char]0xEE05 # 
else {
$EmptyBarStart = "[" # 
$EmptyBar = ":" # 
$EmptyBarEnd = "]" # 
$FullBarStart = "[" # 
$FullBar = "#" # 
$FullBarEnd = "]" # 
process {
$CurrentProgress = [System.Math]::Round(($Percentage / 100 * $MaxLength), 0)
$Bar = if ($CurrentProgress -ge ($MaxLength - 1)) {
"$FullBar" * ($MaxLength - 4)
elseif ($CurrentProgress -gt 1) {
if (($CurrentProgress - 2) -ge 0) {
"$FullBar" * ($CurrentProgress - 2)
if (($CurrentProgress - 2) -lt $MaxLength -and ($MaxLength - $CurrentProgress - 2) -gt 0) {
"$EmptyBar" * ($MaxLength - $CurrentProgress - 2)
else {
"$EmptyBar" * ($MaxLength - 4)
$Bar -join ''
process {
$StartTime = Get-Date
function GetTime {
param (
$(New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $(Get-Date))
while ($(GetTime($StartTime)).Seconds -lt $Seconds) {
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Progress.Count; $i++) {
$ProgressBar = Get-ProgressBar -Percentage $($(GetTime($StartTime)).TotalSeconds / $Seconds * 100)
if ($NoBar) {
Write-Host -NoNewline -Object "`r$($Progress[$i])"
else {
Write-Host -NoNewline -Object "`r$($ProgressBar) $($Progress[$i])"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
Write-Host " "
# Replace with below to print a complete status
# Write-Host "`rDone!"
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