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Last active April 5, 2021 08:41
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function sleep(ms = 5000) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
function stripHTML(html) {
return html.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, "");
function clickOnAction(actionSelector) {
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll(actionSelector);
if (buttons.length != 0) {
buttons.item(buttons.length - 1).click();
async function runAction(action_id) {
console.log(`💩 ${action_id}`)
await sleep();
await sleep();
async function hide() {
await runAction("hide");
async function searchForWeapons() {
await runAction("searchforweapons");
async function searchForHealth() {
await runAction("searchforhealth");
async function healMe() {
await runAction("reviveself");
async function progress() {
await sleep();
function getHealthValue() {
var progressHTML = document.querySelectorAll('[data-qa="message_pane"] [data-qa="slack_kit_list"]')[0].innerHTML;
var healthStatus = stripHTML(progressHTML).match(/\(\s\d{1,3}\s\/\s100\s\)/g);
var healthValue = parseInt(healthStatus[healthStatus.length - 1].match(/\d{1,3}/));
console.log(`💩 Health: ${healthValue}/100`);
return healthValue;
async function healIfNeeded(healthValue) {
if (healthValue <= 65) {
await hide();
await healMe();
return getHealthValue();
async function botForWeapons(max = 1000) {
for (i=0;i<max;i++) {
console.log(`💩 Iteration: ${i}`);
if (i % 5) {
await progress();
await searchForWeapons();
await healMeBot();
async function healMeBot() {
var healthValue = 0;
do {
await searchForHealth();
healthValue = await getHealthValue();
healthValue = await healIfNeeded(healthValue);
} while (healthValue <= 65);
// healMeBot();
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