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Created July 21, 2020 13:17
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import Data.IORef
-- class Closet closet where
-- newClosetIO :: a -> IO (closet a)
-- getClosetIO :: closet a -> IO a
-- putClosetIO :: closet a -> a -> IO ()
-- instance Closet MVar where
-- newClosetIO = newMVar
-- getClosetIO = readMVar
-- putClosetIO closet a = modifyMVar_ closet (return . const a)
-- now we have the ability to write functions that are polymorphic over closets
data Present = Present { donorName :: String, presentName :: String } deriving Show
-- storeCloset :: Closet closet => [Present] -> IO (closet [Present])
-- storeCloset xs = do
-- closet <- newClosetIO []
-- forM_ xs $ \x -> do
-- old <- getClosetIO closet
-- putClosetIO closet (x : old)
-- return closet
-- There's a hidden problem here and that is we have committed to working in
-- the IO monad. What would be better is to be able to associate the type of
-- monad with the type of closet we are using - as knowing the closet tells us
-- the monad we have to work in.
class Closet closet where
type ClosetMonad closet :: * -> *
new :: a -> (ClosetMonad closet) (closet a)
get :: closet a -> (ClosetMonad closet) a
put :: closet a -> a -> (ClosetMonad closet) ()
instance Closet IORef where
type ClosetMonad IORef = IO
new = newIORef
get = readIORef
put ioref a = modifyIORef ioref (const a)
instance Closet TVar where
type ClosetMonad TVar = STM
new = newTVar
get = readTVar
put ioref a = modifyTVar ioref (const a)
storeCloset :: (Closet closet, Monad (ClosetMonad closet)) => [Present] -> ClosetMonad closet (closet [Present])
storeCloset xs = do
closet <- new []
forM_ xs $ \x -> do
old <- get closet
put closet (x : old)
return closet
main :: IO ()
main = do
let presents = [ Present{ donorName = "Tim" , presentName = "Toaster" },
Present{ donorName = "Tim" , presentName = "Ironing Board" },
Present{ donorName = "John", presentName = "Vase" }]
-- Here's how you can leverage the same'ol IO Monad
-- ys <- (storeCloset presents) :: IO (MVar [Present])
-- _ys <- readMVar ys
-- putStrLn . show $ _ys
-- Here's how you can leverage IORef
ys <- (storeCloset presents) :: IO (IORef [Present])
_ys <- readIORef ys
putStrLn . show $ _ys
-- Here's how you can leverage Software Transactional Memory i.e. STM
ys <- atomically $ ((storeCloset presents) :: STM (TVar [Present]))
_ys <- readTVarIO ys
putStrLn . show $ _ys
return ()
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