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Created January 29, 2019 23:24
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Merkle multi-queries
import hashlib
import math
from sha3 import keccak_256
def hash_leaf(leaf_value):
'''Convert a leaf value to a digest'''
assert(leaf_value < 2**256)
return leaf_value.to_bytes(32, 'big')
def hash_node(left_hash, right_hash):
'''Convert two digests to their Merkle node's digest'''
return keccak_256(left_hash + right_hash).digest()
def make_tree(leafs):
'''Compute the Merkle tree of a list of values.
The result is returned as a list where each value represents one hash in the
tree. The indices in the array are as in a bbinary heap array.
num_leafs = len(leafs)
depth = int(math.log2(num_leafs))
assert(num_leafs == 2**depth)
num_nodes = 2 * num_leafs
tree = [None] * num_nodes
for i in range(num_leafs):
tree[2**depth + i] = hash_leaf(leafs[i])
for i in range(2**depth - 1, 0, -1):
tree[i] = hash_node(tree[2*i], tree[2*i + 1])
return tree
def root(tree):
return tree[1]
def proof(tree, indices):
'''Given a Merkle tree and a set of indices, provide a list of decommitments
required to reconstruct the merkle root.'''
depth = int(math.log2(len(tree))) - 1
num_leafs = 2**depth
num_nodes = 2*num_leafs
known = [False] * num_nodes
decommitment = []
for i in indices:
known[2**depth + i] = True
for i in range(2**depth - 1, 0, -1):
left = known[2*i]
right = known[2*i + 1]
if left and not right:
decommitment += [tree[2*i + 1]]
if not left and right:
decommitment += [tree[2*i]]
known[i] = left or right
return decommitment
def verify(root, depth, values, decommitment, debug_print=False):
'''Verify a set of leafs in the Merkle tree.
Merkle root that is commited to.
Depth of the Merkle tree. Equal to log2(number of leafs)
Mapping leaf index => value of the values we want to decommit.
List of intermediate values required for deconstruction.
# Create a list of pairs [(tree_index, leaf_hash)] with tree_index decreasing
queue = []
for index in sorted(values.keys(), reverse=True):
tree_index = 2**depth + index
hash = hash_leaf(values[index])
queue += [(tree_index, hash)]
while True:
assert(len(queue) >= 1)
# Take the top from the queue
(index, hash) = queue[0]
queue = queue[1:]
if debug_print:
print(index, hash.hex())
# The merkle root has tree index 1
if index == 1:
return hash == root
# Even nodes get merged with a decommitment hash on the right
elif index % 2 == 0:
queue += [(index // 2, hash_node(hash, decommitment[0]))]
decommitment = decommitment[1:]
# Odd nodes can get merged with their neighbour
elif len(queue) > 0 and queue[0][0] == index - 1:
# Take the sibbling node from the stack
(_, sibbling_hash) = queue[0]
queue = queue[1:]
# Merge the two nodes
queue += [(index // 2, hash_node(sibbling_hash, hash))]
# Remaining odd nodes are merged with a decommitment on the left
# Merge with a decommitment hash on the left
queue += [(index // 2, hash_node(decommitment[0], hash))]
decommitment = decommitment[1:]
contract MerkleVerifier {
function hash_leaf(uint256 value)
internal pure
returns (bytes32 hash)
return bytes32(value);
function hash_node(bytes32 left, bytes32 right)
returns (bytes32 hash)
assembly {
mstore(0x00, left)
mstore(0x20, right)
hash := keccak256(0x00, 0x40)
return hash;
// Indices are required to be sorted highest to lowest.
function verify(
bytes32 root,
uint256 depth,
uint256[] memory indices,
uint256[] memory values,
bytes32[] memory decommitments
require(indices.length == values.length, "LENGTH_MISMATCH");
uint256 n = indices.length;
// Dynamically allocate index and hash queue
uint256[] memory tree_indices = new uint256[](n + 1);
bytes32[] memory hashes = new bytes32[](n + 1);
uint256 head = 0;
uint256 tail = 0;
uint256 di = 0;
// Queue the leafs
for(; tail < n; ++tail) {
tree_indices[tail] = 2**depth + indices[tail];
hashes[tail] = hash_leaf(values[tail]);
// Itterate the queue until we hit the root
while (true) {
uint256 index = tree_indices[head];
bytes32 hash = hashes[head];
head = (head + 1) % (n + 1);
// Merkle root
if (index == 1) {
//require(hash == root, "INVALID_MERKLE_PROOF");
// Even node, take sibbling from decommitments
} else if (index & 1 == 0) {
hash = hash_node(hash, decommitments[di++]);
// Odd node with sibbling in the queue
} else if (head != tail && tree_indices[head] == index - 1) {
hash = hash_node(hashes[head], hash);
head = (head + 1) % n;
// Odd node with sibbling from decommitments
} else {
hash = hash_node(decommitments[di++], hash);
tree_indices[tail] = index / 2;
hashes[tail] = hash;
tail = (tail + 1) % (n + 1);
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