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Created February 25, 2016 00:19
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Reproduction for rust-lang/rfcs#1409
name = "repro"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Jonathan Reem <>"]
scoped-pool = "*"
scopeguard = "*"
extern crate scopeguard; // for defer!,
extern crate scoped_pool; //
use scoped_pool::{Scope, Pool};
pub struct Fs {
_blah: Vec<u8> // details
impl Fs {
fn init<'fs>(&'fs self, _: &Scope<'fs>) {
// Pass off (self, scope) to an internal type which spawns a bunch of worker
// threads that operate on self - this function does not block.
// Starts a threadpool, creates Fs, passes it to F, takes care to clean up on panic etc.
pub fn run<F, R>(threads: usize, fun: F) -> R
where F: for<'fs> FnOnce(&'fs Fs, &Scope<'fs>) -> R { // Problematic clause
let pool = Pool::new(threads);
let fs = &Fs::default();
pool.scoped(move |scope| {
fs.init(scope); // Start threadpool.
fun(fs, scope)
// Stops worker threads started by init
fn shutdown(&self) { }
mod tests {
use super::Fs;
use std::sync::Mutex;
fn it_doesnt_work() {
let m = &::std::sync::Mutex::new(());
Fs::run(12, |fs, scope| {
scope.execute(move || {
let _l = m.lock().unwrap();
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