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Created January 5, 2022 09:10
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Sketch: JDBC ResultSet -> Java Stream
public class LazyJdbcConnection extends JdbcConnection {
public LazyJdbcConnection(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
public <T> T executeQueryLazily(final String sqlQuery, final LazyResultSetExtractor<T> resultSetExtractor) throws SQLException {
log.debug("Executing query: {}", sqlQuery);
if (jdbcTemplate.getDataSource() == null) {
throw new SQLException("Data source not available via JdbcTemplate");
var connection = jdbcTemplate.getDataSource().getConnection();
var pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(sqlQuery);
var rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
resultSetExtractor.onFinish(() -> {
return resultSetExtractor.extractData(rs);
* Promises to run all actions registered via {@link LazyResultSetExtractor#onFinish(Runnable)},
* in the order in which they were registered,
* after it finished consuming the {@code ResultSet}.
* <em>Note:</em> This may happen at any point during the lifetime of an instance,
* not necessarily before {@link LazyResultSetExtractor#extractData(ResultSet)} returns!
* (As would be the case for regular {@code ResultSetExtractor}s.)
* @param <T>
public interface LazyResultSetExtractor<T> extends ResultSetExtractor<T> {
void onFinish(Runnable action);
public class RecordExtractor<PrimaryKey> implements LazyResultSetExtractor<Stream<ValueOrError<GenericRecord, SQLException>>> {
@Override @Nonnull
public Stream<ValueOrError<GenericRecord, SQLException>> extractData(@Nonnull final ResultSet rs) {
return ResultSetSpliterator(rs), false);
class ResultSetSpliterator implements Spliterator<ValueOrError<GenericRecord, SQLException>> {
private final ResultSet resultSet;
public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super ValueOrError<GenericRecord, SQLException>> action) {
Objects.requireNonNull(action); // as per specification of `tryAdvance`
boolean hasRows;
try {
hasRows =;
} catch (SQLException e) {
// TODO: make error handling injectable
log.debug("Stopped record extraction with exception", e);
// NB: According to the doc of ResultSet#next, this is a valid way of implementing a ResultSet. Meh.
hasRows = false;
if (!hasRows) {
extractionFinished(); // TODO: generalize; can contain stuff like closing ResultSet, statement,
return false;
try {
action.accept(new ValueOrError<>(generateRecord(resultSet))); // TODO: abstract from generateRecord
return true;
} catch (SQLException e) {
action.accept(new ValueOrError<>(e));
return true;
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.error("Unexpected error while extracting result set -- aborting", t);
action.accept(new ValueOrError<>(new Aborted("Unexpected error", t)));
try {
resultSet.afterLast(); // skip to the end
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.warn("Could not skip to the end of the result set", e);
// ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
return true;
public Spliterator<ValueOrError<GenericRecord, SQLException>> trySplit() {
return null;
public long estimateSize() {
return 0;
public int characteristics() {
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