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Last active October 30, 2017 21:53
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  • Save rentrop/8c3b0a0cd9991f60180b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Parse nested xml_children in R with rvest/xml2
parse_nested <- function(x, prefix = ''){
kids = x %>% xml_children()
ind = which(sapply(kids, xml_length) != 0)
return(setNames(kids %>% xml_text(),
paste0(prefix,kids %>% xml_name())))
nested = parse_nested(kids[ind],
prefix = paste0(prefix, kids[ind] %>% xml_name(), "_"))
unnested = setNames(kids[-ind] %>% xml_text(),
paste0(prefix, kids[-ind] %>% xml_name()))
as.list(c(unnested, nested))
r <- POST("",
body = "pages=Euroswydd&offset=1&limit=2&action=submit")
doc <- read_html(r)
# Binding via data.table::rbindlist (results in a data.table by default)
doc %>%
html_nodes("revision") %>%
lapply(parse_nested) %>% #Parse each revison seperately
data.table::rbindlist(fill=TRUE) # rbind and fill
# Binding via plyr::rbind.fill (results in a data.frame by default)
doc %>%
html_nodes("revision") %>%
lapply(parse_nested) %>%
lapply(function(x) data.frame(x)) %>% #Convert character-vector to data.frame
plyr::rbind.fill() # rbind and fill
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rentrop commented Mar 19, 2016

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