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Last active May 10, 2023 05:34
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Shunting yard algorithm in Haskell
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as M
import Data.Maybe
data Assoc = L | R deriving (Eq, Show)
-- operator table
table = [
(["||"], 20, L),
(["&&"], 30, L),
(["|"], 40, L),
(["^"], 50, L),
(["&"], 60, L),
(["===", "!==", "==", "!="], 70, L),
(["<=", ">=", "<", ">"], 80, L),
(["<<", ">>>", ">>"], 90, L),
(["+", "-"], 100, L),
(["*", "/", "%"], 110, L),
(["**"], 120, R)]
-- transform table into a Map
ot = M.fromList $ do
(ops, prec, assoc) <- table
op <- ops
return (op, (prec, assoc))
-- find priority and associativity by name
desc o = fromJust $ M.lookup o ot
-- check if operator steals right operand from another operator
cmp (p1, a1) (p2, _) = pd > 0 || pd == 0 && a1 == L where
pd = p2 - p1
-- create AST node for operator call
update top (v1, o2) = Call o2 [v1, top]
-- syntax trees that we're generating
data Ast = Call String [Ast] | Val Int deriving (Eq, Show)
-- if there's no operators, there's nothing to do either
yard a [] = a
yard a ((op, b) : xs) = result where
-- `stack` stores unfinished AST trees with no right argument, i.e.
-- `(1 + ?), (2 * ?)` (but we implement stack with a list, it's in reverse order)
-- `top` stores last "value" on top of the stack
go (stack, top) (o1, n) = (newStack, n) where
d1 = desc o1
-- pop from stack trees that we know won't change anymore
(sat, unsat) = span (\(_, o2) -> d1 `cmp` desc o2) stack
-- combine trees and put them back onto the stack
newStack = (foldl update top sat, o1) : unsat
-- combine operator-operand pairs one by one
(stack, top) = foldl go ([(a, op)], b) xs
-- apply leftover AST trees on stack
result = foldl update top stack
main = print $ yard (Val 1) [("+", Val 2), ("*", Val 3)]
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