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Last active June 29, 2016 11:24
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MultiLocationField for django-haystack
import datetime
import six
from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point, MultiPoint
from haystack import indexes
from haystack.exceptions import SpatialError, SearchFieldError
from haystack.utils.geo import ensure_geometry, ensure_point
def ensure_multipoint(geom):
Makes sure the parameter passed in looks like a GEOS ``MultiPoint``.
if geom.geom_type != 'MultiPoint':
raise SpatialError("Provided geometry '%s' is not a 'MultiPoint'." % geom)
return geom
class MultiLocationField(indexes.SearchField):
A field for specifying multiple locations for a single document.
Spatial queries will include the document if any of the points in
the MultiPointField match the query.
Input can be a MultiPoint GEOS geometry object, an array of Point GEOS geometry objects,
or a sequence of any representation of a Point object recognized by the built-in LocationField
((lat,long) tuples, {"lat": lat, "long": long} dictionary, or "lat,long" string.)
Works with elasticsearch backend for sure. Haven't tested with other backends.
field_type = 'location'
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(MultiLocationField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.is_multivalued = True
def prepare(self, obj):
value = super(MultiPointField, self).prepare(obj)
if value is None:
return None
return ['{0},{1}'.format(point.y, point.x) for point in value]
def convert(self, value):
if value is None:
return None
if hasattr(value, 'geom_type'):
value = ensure_multipoint(value)
value = [Point(coord[0], coord[1]) for coord in value.coords]
return value
for point in value:
# Essentially copied from LocatonField. Probably not the DRYest code
if hasattr(point, 'geom_type'):
point = ensure_point(value)
if isinstance(point, six.string_types):
lat, lng = point.split(',')
elif isinstance(point, (list, tuple)):
# GeoJSON-alike
lat, lng = point[1], point[0]
elif isinstance(point, dict):
lat = point.get('lat', 0)
lng = point.get('lon', 0)
point = Point(float(lng), float(lat))
return value
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