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Last active May 5, 2017 13:18
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Darktable homebrew formula
class Darktable < Formula
desc 'Photography workflow application and raw developer'
homepage ''
url ''
version '2.2.4'
sha256 'bd5445d6b81fc3288fb07362870e24bb0b5378cacad2c6e6602e32de676bf9d8'
needs :openmp
depends_on 'cmake' => :build
depends_on 'intltool' => :build
depends_on 'jpeg'
depends_on 'desktop-file-utils'
depends_on 'exiv2'
depends_on 'flickcurl'
depends_on 'gcc'
depends_on 'gettext'
depends_on 'glib'
depends_on 'gphoto2'
depends_on 'graphicsmagick'
depends_on 'gtk+3'
depends_on 'gtk-mac-integration'
depends_on 'json-glib'
depends_on 'lensfun'
depends_on 'librsvg'
depends_on 'libsecret'
depends_on 'libsoup'
depends_on 'little-cms2'
depends_on 'llvm'
depends_on 'lua'
depends_on 'ninja'
depends_on 'openexr'
depends_on 'openjpeg'
depends_on 'osm-gps-map'
depends_on 'pugixml'
fails_with gcc: 6
def install
mkdir 'build' do
system 'cmake', '..', *std_cmake_args
system 'make'
system 'make', 'install'
test do
require 'open-uri'
ohai 'Downloading image''image.dng', 'wb') do |fo|
fo.write open(',%20rgb%20(3:2).DNG').read
ohai 'Converting raw to jpeg'
system bin/'darktable-cli', 'image.dng', '-o', 'image.jpg'
assert File.size?('image.jpg')
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