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Last active June 20, 2017 17:11
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The ingredients for a Python installation

(Last updated 6/20/17)


Let's talk for a second about what installing a Python environment requires:

  • A text editor
  • Python
  • Access to a command line interface
  • pip
  • virtualenv
  • virtualenvwrapper
  • A connection to the internet

Here's what the various parts do, as well as why you need them:

The text editor allows you to write scripts for the Python interpreter in a plain text format. Something along the lines of a full word processor (think Microsoft Word or Apple's Pages) won't cut it; those are designed for presentation and resulting files will be cluttered with a bunch of elements that control text styling. Having one at your disposal is a must for writing code and great for examining data.

Python is the engine of the entire affair; it's a code interpreter that's going to look at the commands you write and then faithfully execute them.

Access to a command line interface in the form of the OS X terminal or Windows command prompt. It will be used to run Python scripts and access the Python interpreter.

pip is an external Python library that helps you manage the download and installation of packages that don't come with standard Python. There's a lot there already, sure, but people have written new modules to assist with tasks like web scraping and dealing with PDF files. It makes adding new functionality as easy as typing pip install <some new package>. pip will fetch it from the internet and install it for you — and do the same for any other packages required to make it all work correctly.

virtualenv is an external Python library that allows you to create virtual sandboxes where your scripts can live and have their own packages, completely compartmentalized from one another. It solves a problem in development where you may have conflicting package needs among different pieces of code. It also insulates you from mucking around with the core Python and pip you'll be installing. When a new virtual environment is created, it springs up with its own copy of Python and pip. The packages in the environment can be modified, removed and reset at will, but it will never screw with the underlying Python and pip on the system, even if the environment is deleted.

virtualenvwrapper is another external Python library that just makes it easier to deal with the various virtual environments; it keeps them organized in one place, and you can easily jump in and out of environments with a few brief commands. It's important to note that the Windows command prompt has its own version (virtualenvwrapper-win).

A connection to the internet is necessary because pip will be fetching packages from the web.

On Windows

Note: This guide was initially written for Windows 8.1. The process should be similar for more current versions.

1. Download Python 2.7

You'll want to download the most current release of Python 2 for Windows; you'll likely have the best luck with the Windows x86 MSI installer.

2. Install Python 2.7

After opening the installer, there are two things you'll want to include during the installation process that should make your life much easier.

First, the installer will give you the option of having pip ride along with the rest of the Python installation. By default, this should already be selected for you.

Second, the installer will give you the option to add python.exe to your PATH. All that means is that typing python at the command prompt will get you to the interpreter or give you the ability to execute a Python script, regardless of where you've navigated on your system. By default, this will not be selected; you'll have to change it on your own.

Make sure both of these options are selected before completing the install.

3. Verify installation of Python and pip

Open the Windows command prompt. If you're unable to locate it in the "Start" menu, search for an application called cmd.

To check that Python was installed successfully, issue the following command:

python --version

If everything went as planned, this should spit out the version number of Python you just installed.

Troubleshooting: If you get an error message that says Python isn't recognized as a legitimate command, something's gone awry. Python may not have been added to your command prompt PATH, which you can resolve by following step 3 in this guide. If the main Python directory, its Scripts folder and site-packages are all in the PATH, you'll need to attempt to reinstall.

Once we've verified all is well with Python, let's turn our attention to pip:

pip list

If pip was installed correctly along with Python, you should get a quick recap of nonstandard packages it can find. The output should look something like:

pip (7.0.1)
setuptools (16.0)

It may also have a message griping about an outdated version of pip, but ignore that for now.

Troubleshooting: If the command prompt threw some kind of error at you, pip may not be installed and you have a few options. You can reinstall Python from the MSI file and make sure the option to install pip is selected. It can also be installed manually by following the instructions here.

4. Install virtualenv

With pip, adding the virtualenv package is as easy as typing:

pip install virtualenv

It should appear among pip and setuptools when you type pip list and you should be able to verify the version with:

virtualenv --version

5. Install virtualenvwrapper-win

You may start to be seeing a pattern here with installation using pip:

pip install virtualenvwrapper-win

Note: If you prefer to use a more robust command line interface like Windows PowerShell, note that the package virtualenvwrapper-win won't work; try something like virtualenvwrapper-powershell instead.

This wrapper just adds commands for easier interaction with virtualenv. For example: Instead of having to navigate to an environment's "Scripts" folder and activate it, typing workon <virtual environment> wherever you're navigated in the system achieves the same effect.


Python comes pre-installed on OS X, which actually makes the process of getting set up properly more difficult.

Yes, more difficult.

The version accompanying OS X has been tinkered with by Apple, and it's responsible for other functionality on your computer. It's also likely out of date.

The accepted way to get around this problem is to install an OS X program called Homebrew, which is essentially a package manager for your system — similar to what pip does for Python. It will allow you to download an independent and updateable version of Python that you can use going forward. A side benefit is that pip comes with the Python you install with Homebrew.

Not to evangelize about Homebrew too much, but if you decide to travel down the path leading to some of the more complex data journalism techniques on the command line, you'll find other uses for Homebrew and its many packages beyond just providing a clean copy of Python.

Homebrew requires a current version of Apple's Xcode's command line tools to be installed on your computer first. A full guide is available here to get you up and running.

1. Check for pip

Homebrew's Python comes with pip in tow. If you're using the OS X system version, let's see if it's installed. Open the Terminal and type the following:

pip -V

If pip is installed, this will return a version number.

2. If it's not there: Get pip

Download, navigate to it and type the following:


For more information on installing pip, there's a walkthrough as a part of its online documentation.

3. Verify the presence of Python and pip

Let's see what we're working with here and check to make sure all is well:

python -V
pip -V

4. Get and install virtualenv

With pip, adding the virtualenv package is as easy as typing:

pip install virtualenv

It should appear among pip and setuptools when you type pip list and you should be able to verify the version with:

virtualenv --version

5. Get and install virtualenvwrapper

We can install virtualenvwrapper with pip as well:

pip install virtualenvwrapper

This wrapper just adds commands for easier interaction with virtualenv. For example: Instead of having to navigate to an environment's "Scripts" folder and activate it, typing workon <virtual environment> wherever you're navigated in the system achieves the same effect.

6. Modify your .bash_profile so you can use virtualenvwrapper commands and give your virtualenvs a home

This can be accomplished by opening your .bash_profile, which is typically in your main user directory. Typing:

open -e ~/.bash_profile

Opens the file in your system's default text editor — probably TextEdit.

If you get an error saying that the file doesn't exist, create one and then try opening it again.

touch ~/.bash_profile
open -e ~/.bash_profile

The following lines need to be added once it's been opened:

export WORKON_HOME=~/Envs
source /usr/local/bin/

The first line just sets up a directory for your virtual environments; if you don't want them in your Home directory in a folder called "Envs," you can change the path accordingly.

The second line is a hook for virtualenvwrapper so that its commands will work when you type them in the Terminal.

7. Reload your .bash_profile

So that these new changes take effect, type:

source ~/.bash_profile

You should see several new thing run in the Terminal after the reload as it makes a place for your environments.

All done? Test it out

mkvirtualenv mytest
workon mytest
pip list mytest

These lines do the following:

  • Create a new virtual environment called "mytest"
  • Exit the "mytest" environment
  • List the virtual environments that presently exist
  • Move into the "mytest" environment again
  • List all libraries presently installed in "mytest"
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