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Created June 8, 2009 08:29
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# This scripts searches for meetings between two mice which is
# the time two mice spend in the boxes together.
# - 9.1.2009
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Date::Calc qw(:all);
use lib 'lib';
use lib::DBHandler;
use lib::XMLPaths;
use lib::DBTables;
# Global variables
my $DBH;
my $TABLES = DBTables->new();
my $PATHS = XMLPaths->new();
my $PERLCONFIG = PerlConfig->new();
# database tables
my $TABLE_RFIDS = $TABLES->get_table_name('rfids');
my $TABLE_RES = $TABLES->get_table_name('results');
my $TABLE_BOX = $TABLES->get_table_name('boxes');
my $TABLE_MEETINGS = $TABLES->get_table_name('meetings');
my $SCRIPT_PATH = $PERLCONFIG->get_scriptsfolder();
my $RFIDS;
my $BOXES;
my $BOX;
# open db connection
$DBH = DBHandler->new()->connect();
# Preparing sql statements
# rfid res data for given box, exclude under three seconds stay results and the ones which are already searched for meetings
my $RFIDS_FOR_BOX = $DBH->prepare(qq{SELECT id,rfid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(box_in), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(box_out), dt FROM `$TABLE_RES`
WHERE box= ? AND dt > '00:00:03' AND meetings=1})
or die("Could not prepare statement to get rfid dir results: " . $DBH->errstr);
# add meetings to the db
my $MEETINGS_TO_DB = $DBH->prepare(qq{INSERT INTO `$TABLE_MEETINGS`(`box`,`rfid_from`, `res_id_from`, `rfid_to`, `res_id_to`, `from`, `to`, `dt`, `typ`)
(SELECT rfid FROM `$TABLE_RES` WHERE id= ?),?,(SELECT rfid FROM `$TABLE_RES` WHERE id= ?),?,
or die("Could not prepare statement to insert meetings data: " . $DBH->errstr);
# get all rfid and boxes data
$RFIDS = $DBH->selectall_hashref("SELECT id FROM rfid", 'id');
$BOXES = $DBH->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT id FROM $TABLE_BOX");
#print " => \$RFIDS: " . Dumper($RFIDS) ."\n";
#print " => \$BOXES: " . Dumper($BOXES) ."\n";
# Loop through boxes
foreach $BOX (@$BOXES) {
# get results for this box
or die("Could not execute select: " . $DBH->errstr);
# the hash looks like this rfid=>{results for rfid and box}
my $rfids_results = {};
#my %rfid_res_count = ();
my $box_res = sel_array_ref($RFIDS_FOR_BOX, 'id', [qw{id rfid box_in box_out dt}]); # get tableData for the current rfid
#print " => \$box_res: " . Dumper($box_res) ."\n";
while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%$box_res) ) {
my $rfid = $value->{'rfid'};
# check if the rfid is already a key with an anonymous hash as value
# if true add the new key/value pair to the hash, if not create the
# anonymoous hash and add the first key/value pair
if (defined $rfids_results->{$rfid}) {
$rfids_results->{$rfid}->{$key} = $value;
} else {
$rfids_results->{$rfid} = { $key => $value };
#print " => \$rfid_res: " . Dumper($rfid_res) ."\n";
#print " => \$rfid_res_count: " . Dumper(\%rfid_res_count) ."\n";
print"------ BOX $BOX ------------------------------------------\n";
# Loop through each rfid and get the assiciated results
# meaning that this results have a time overlap (box_in, box_out)
my $meetings = {};
my $rfid_count = 0;
for my $rfid ( keys %$rfids_results ) {
($rfid_count % 10 == 0) ? print "\n[$rfid] " : print "[$rfid] ";
# Loop through all results for this rifd and search for overlapping time
# results
my $rfid_results = $rfids_results->{$rfid};
for my $result_id ( keys %$rfid_results ) {
my $assoc_result_id = &search_meetings($rfid,$result_id, $rfids_results);
push(@RESULT_IDS_SEARCHED, $result_id);
$meetings->{$rfid}->{$result_id} = $assoc_result_id if(keys %$assoc_result_id);
# delete the rfid with results from the hash
# to avoid duplicate searches
delete $rfids_results->{$rfid};
# uncomment next line to test only one rfid for this box
# add meetings for this box to the db the db
if(keys %$meetings) {
&meetings_to_db($BOX, $meetings)
print" $rfid_count rfids searched for box $BOX";
# uncomment next line to test only one box
# updating res table to indicate which results have been searched for meetings
my $SET_MEETING_TRUE = $DBH->prepare(qq{UPDATE $TABLE_RES SET meetings='true' WHERE id= ?}) or die("Could not prepare statement to update meetings in $TABLE_RES: " . $DBH->errstr);
print"setting searched result sets as searched for meetings ... ";
foreach my $result_id (@RESULT_IDS_SEARCHED) {
$SET_MEETING_TRUE->execute($result_id) or die("Could not execute statement to update meetings in $TABLE_RES: " . $DBH->errstr);
my @args = ( "/usr/bin/perl -I$SCRIPT_PATH " . $SCRIPT_PATH."");
system(@args) == 0
or die "system @args failed: $?";
# search with whom this rfid spent time with
sub search_meetings {
my ($rfid, $result_id, $rfids_results) = @_;
my $meetings_for_rfid = {}; # hash for the assoc (stay together) results
#print"rfid: $rfid\tresult_id: $result_id" ."\n";
# values to check against (passed rfid times)
my $box_in_rfid = $rfids_results->{$rfid}->{$result_id}->{'box_in'};
my $box_out_rfid = $rfids_results->{$rfid}->{$result_id}->{'box_out'};
my $result_data = $rfids_results->{$rfid}->{$result_id};
#print "search_meetings => \$rfid_res_id: " . Dumper($rfid_res_id) ."\n";
#print "search_meetings => \$box_in_rfid: " . Dumper($box_in_rfid) ."\n";
#print "search_meetings => \$box_out_rfid: " . Dumper($box_out_rfid) ."\n";
# looping over rfids to check against (rfid_check)
for my $rfid_check ( keys %$rfids_results) {
next if ($rfid_check eq $rfid); # skip if the rfid is the same as the rfid we passed
# looping over results for the rfid_check
my $rfid_results = $rfids_results->{$rfid_check};
for my $result_check_id ( keys %$rfid_results ) {
# values to check (rfid_check_result)
my $box_in_rfid_check = $rfid_results->{$result_check_id}->{'box_in'};
my $box_out_rfid_check = $rfid_results->{$result_check_id}->{'box_out'};
my $result_check_data = $rfid_results->{$result_check_id};
#print "search_meetings => \$box_in_rfid_check: " . Dumper($box_in_rfid_check) ."\n";
#print "search_meetings => \$box_out_rfid_check: " . Dumper($box_out_rfid_check) ."\n";
# check for cases we have always two datasets to check against each other ds1, ds2.
# And we always have to check when one ds1,ds entered left (box_in, box_out)
# We can exclude the results matching the following conditions:
# 1.)ds1 left before ds2 entered
# ds1.out <
next if ( $box_out_rfid < $box_in_rfid_check );
# 2.) ds1 entered after ds2 left
# > ds2.out
next if ( $box_in_rfid > $box_out_rfid_check );
# We have these cases to get a valid result or 'stayed together in the box'
# 1.) ds2 is in the range of ds1:
# <= AND ds1.out >= ds2.out
# In this case we catch the possibility that the == AND ds1.out == ds2.out (with the <= / >= operators)
if( $box_in_rfid <= $box_in_rfid_check && $box_out_rfid >= $box_out_rfid_check ) {
my $assoc_res = &add_meeting_res($box_in_rfid_check, $box_out_rfid_check);
#print"ds2 is in the range of ds1:\t" . Dumper($assoc_res) . "\n";
#print "\$result_data: " . Dumper($result_data) ."\n";
#print "\$result_check_data: " . Dumper($result_check_data) ."\n";
$assoc_res->{'typ'} = 1;
$meetings_for_rfid->{$result_check_id} = $assoc_res;
# 2.) ds1 is in the range of ds2:
# > AND ds1.out < ds2.out
elsif( $box_in_rfid > $box_in_rfid_check && $box_out_rfid < $box_out_rfid_check ) {
my $assoc_res = &add_meeting_res($box_in_rfid, $box_out_rfid);
#print"ds1 is in the range of ds2:\t" . Dumper($assoc_res) . "\n";
#print "\$result_data: " . Dumper($result_data) ."\n";
#print "\$result_check_data: " . Dumper($result_check_data) ."\n";
$assoc_res->{'typ'} = 2;
$meetings_for_rfid->{$result_check_id} = $assoc_res;
# 3.) ds1 entered after ds2 and ds2 left while ds1 was still in the box:
# > AND < ds2.out ds2.out AND ds1.out > ds2.out
elsif( $box_in_rfid > $box_in_rfid_check && $box_in_rfid < $box_out_rfid_check && $box_out_rfid > $box_out_rfid_check ) {
my $assoc_res = &add_meeting_res($box_in_rfid, $box_out_rfid_check);
#print"ds1 entered after ds2 and ds2 left while ds1 was still in the box:\t" . Dumper($assoc_res) . "\n";
#print "\$result_data: " . Dumper($result_data) ."\n";
#print "\$result_check_data: " . Dumper($result_check_data) ."\n";
$assoc_res->{'typ'} = 3;
$meetings_for_rfid->{$result_check_id} = $assoc_res;
# 4.) ds2 entered after ds1 and ds1 left while ds2 was still in the box:
# < AND ds1.out > AND ds1.out < ds2.out
elsif( $box_in_rfid < $box_out_rfid_check && $box_out_rfid > $box_in_rfid_check && $box_out_rfid < $box_out_rfid_check ) {
my $assoc_res = &add_meeting_res($box_in_rfid_check, $box_out_rfid);
#print"ds2 entered after ds1 and ds1 left while ds2 was still in the box:\t" . Dumper($assoc_res) . "\n";
#print "\$result_data: " . Dumper($result_data) ."\n";
#print "\$result_check_data: " . Dumper($result_check_data) ."\n";
$assoc_res->{'typ'} = 4;
$meetings_for_rfid->{$result_check_id} = $assoc_res;
} # END looping over results
} # END looping over rfids
return $meetings_for_rfid;
# return an anonymouse hash consisting of the data needed for a 'meeting' result
sub add_meeting_res {
my ($from, $to) = @_;
my @dt = localtime($to - $from);
my $dt_string = sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d",$dt[2] - 1, $dt[1], $dt[0]);
return { 'from' => $from,
'to' => $to,
'dt' => $dt_string
# add meetings for rfid to database
sub meetings_to_db {
my ($box,$meetings) = @_;
# looping over rfids
for my $rfid ( sort keys %$meetings ) {
my $rfid_meetings = $meetings->{$rfid};
# looping over result ids
for my $res_id ( sort keys %$rfid_meetings ) {
my $res_id_meetings = $rfid_meetings->{$res_id};
# Looping over the result ids for the matching data
for my $res_id_match ( sort keys %$res_id_meetings) {
my $from = $res_id_meetings->{$res_id_match}->{'from'};
my $to = $res_id_meetings->{$res_id_match}->{'to'};
my $typ = $res_id_meetings->{$res_id_match}->{'typ'};
# execute insert statement
$MEETINGS_TO_DB->execute($box, $res_id, $res_id, $res_id_match, $res_id_match, $from, $to, $to, $from, $typ )
or die("Could not execute insert: " . $DBH->errstr);
return undef;
# Returns a hashref for a dbi result with the desired field ($key) as key
sub sel_array_ref {
my ($sth, , $key, $fields) = @_;
my $result = {};
my %rec =();
$sth->bind_columns(map {\$rec{$_}} @$fields);
while ($sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
#print "rec: " . Dumper(\%rec) ."\n";
$result->{$rec{$key}} = {%rec};
return $result;
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