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Created June 8, 2009 08:37
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Handles log file raw import - Step 1 of importing the data.
# Reads out the logfile and writes the data into the 'data' table.
# Continues with '' when finished.
# - 8.1.2009
use strict;
use DBI;
use POSIX;
use Fcntl;
use Data::Dumper;
use Date::Calc qw(:all);
use File::stat;
use IO::File;
use lib 'lib';
use lib::DBHandler;
use lib::XMLPaths;
use lib::DBTables;
my @ARGS;
# counters
my $DATACOUNT = 0;
# Global variables
my $DBH;
my $TABLES = DBTables->new();
my $PATHS = XMLPaths->new();
my $PERLCONFIG = PerlConfig->new();
# Paths / directories
my $DATA_PATH = $PATHS->get_path('data');
my $IMPORTED_FOLDER = $PATHS->get_path('imported');
my $IMPORTED_LOGS_FOLDER = $PATHS->get_path('importedlogs');
my $SCRIPT_PATH = $PERLCONFIG->get_scriptsfolder();
my $DB = DBHandler->new->{DB};
# database tables
my $TABLE_DATA = $TABLES->get_table_name('data');
my $TABLE_LOGS = $TABLES->get_table_name('logfiles');
my $TABLE_RFIDS = $TABLES->get_table_name('rfids');
my $DAYS_TO_COUNT_TABLE = $TABLES->get_days_to_count_table();
my $BACKUPUSER = $PERLCONFIG->get_dbbackupuser();
my $DBBACKUPDIR = $PERLCONFIG->get_dbbackupdirectory();
my $DATEFORMAT = "20%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d";
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime time;
$year += 1900;
# Creating needed folders
umask(000); # UNIX file permission junk
(mkdir($IMPORTED_FOLDER, 0771) || die ("Could not create folder $IMPORTED_FOLDER: $!")) unless (-d $IMPORTED_FOLDER);
my $dayDate = $mday."_". $mon ."_". $year ."/";
(mkdir($DAY_FOLDER, 0771) || die ("Could not create folder $DAY_FOLDER: $!")) unless (-d $DAY_FOLDER);
(mkdir($IMPORTED_LOGS_FOLDER, 0771) || die ("Could not create folder $IMPORTED_LOGS_FOLDER: $!")) unless (-d $IMPORTED_LOGS_FOLDER);
# setting up file for output
my $filename = $DAY_FOLDER . "logimport_log\.txt";
# opening file for writing
sysopen (RES, $filename, O_CREAT |O_WRONLY, 0755) or die("Can't open file $filename : $!");
# open db connection
$DBH = DBHandler->new()->connect();
# Create 'temporary' table to store the days which have to be counted in the script.
$DBH->do(qq{DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $DAYS_TO_COUNT_TABLE}) || die ("Could not drop table '$DAYS_TO_COUNT_TABLE': " . $DBH->errstr);
$DBH->do(qq{CREATE TABLE `$DAYS_TO_COUNT_TABLE` (`day` date NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`day`) )}) || die ("Could not create table '$DAYS_TO_COUNT_TABLE': " . $DBH->errstr);
# get logfiles
my @logFiles = map {/(\d{8}_\d{6}\.txt)/} <$DATA_PATH* .txt>;
# getting the time info (yy-mmddhhmnss - readable by the Datemanip module) out of the filename
my %logFiles;
foreach (@logFiles) {
my $log = $_;
my ($y, $m, $d, $h, $min, $sec) = /\d{2}(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})_(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})\.txt/;
$logFiles{$y."-".$m.$d.$h.$min.$sec} = $log;
print "======================================================\n";
printf RES "======================================================\n";
if( keys %logFiles == 0) {
print"No Files to import for today ... bye\n";
printf RES"No Files to import for today ... bye\n";
} else {
print "Files to import:\n";
printf RES "Files to import:\n";
my $i = 1;
for my $file( sort keys %logFiles ) {
print "\t$i.)\t$file => $logFiles{$file}\n";
printf RES "\t$i.)\t$file => $logFiles{$file}\n";
# db backup backup
( mkdir($DBBACKUPDIR, 0771) || die("Cannot create database backup directory: $!") ) unless (-d $DBBACKUPDIR); # create backup dir if necessary
my $dbbackupfile = $DBBACKUPDIR . 'micedata_'. $year . '_' . $mon . '_' . $mday . '.sql.bz2';
print "\n======================================================\n";
printf RES "\n======================================================\n";
if (-e $dbbackupfile) {
print "\nBackup file '$dbbackupfile' for today already exists, skipping backup ...\n";
printf RES "\nBackup file '$dbbackupfile' for today already exists, skipping backup ...\n";
} else {
print "\nBacking up database '$DB' to file '$dbbackupfile' ...\n";
printf RES "\nBacking up database '$DB' to file '$dbbackupfile' ...\n";
my @ARGS = ("/usr/bin/mysqldump --opt -u $BACKUPUSER --lock-tables $DB | /bin/bzip2 -c > $dbbackupfile");
system(@ARGS) == 0
or die "Backup process '@ARGS' failed: $?";
print "... backup complete.\n";
printf RES "... backup complete.\n";
print "------------------------------------------------------\n";
printf RES "------------------------------------------------------\n";
## Now that we have the log time in the key and the LOGFILE name in the value let's start
for my $logFile( sort keys %logFiles ) {
#print $STARTTIME ."\n";
my $fileName = $logFiles{$logFile};
next if (&CheckImport($fileName) == 1); # check if the file has already been imported and skip if it is so
# send each file to the main loop
&File($logFile,$fileName); # send each file in the main loop
# updating logs table
my $size = ((stat($DATA_PATH.$fileName)->size)/1024);
my $logSQL = qq {INSERT INTO $TABLE_LOGS(logfile, short, start, end, size, duration,import)
(SELECT MIN(time) FROM $TABLE_DATA WHERE import='$logFile' ),
(SELECT MAX(time) FROM $TABLE_DATA WHERE import='$logFile' ),
(SELECT TIMEDIFF((select max(time) from data where import='$logFile'),(select min(time) from data where import='$logFile'))),
or die("Could not update or insert value: " . $DBH->errstr );
# Get the days for this log file has data for and insert them into the table with the days to count
or die("Could not execute statement to insert day into $DAYS_TO_COUNT_TABLE for $logFile: " . $DBH->errstr);
# move analyzed file
@ARGS = ("/bin/mv", "$DATA_PATH$fileName", "$IMPORTED_LOGS_FOLDER$fileName");
system(@ARGS) == 0
or die "Moving file failed from $DATA_PATH$fileName to $IMPORTED_LOGS_FOLDER$fileName: $?";
# uncomment to test one file
# close db and result File
close (RES);
# continue with analyzing data for direction pairs
my @args = ( "/usr/bin/perl -I$SCRIPT_PATH " . $SCRIPT_PATH."");
system(@args) == 0
or die "system @args failed: $?";
# kind of main loop for one file
sub File {
my ($logFile, $fileName) = @_;
# open LOGFILE for read and clean it from silly windows style line feeds (^M)
#print "reading file: $logFile\n";
open(LOG, "< $DATA_PATH$fileName") or die("Can't open file $DATA_PATH$fileName: $!");
open(LOG_CLEAN, "+> $DATA_PATH$fileName.tmp") or die("Can't open file $DATA_PATH$fileName.tmp: $!");
while (my $line = <LOG>) {
$line =~ s/^\s+//g;
if($line =~ m/\x0D/) {
$line =~ s/\x0D/\n/g;
print LOG_CLEAN $line;
open(LOG_CLEAN, "< $DATA_PATH$fileName.tmp") or die("Can't open file $DATA_PATH$fileName.tmp: $!");
rename("$DATA_PATH$fileName.tmp", "$DATA_PATH$fileName");
open(LOG, "< $DATA_PATH$fileName") or die("Can't open file $DATA_PATH$fileName: $!");
# reading in LOGFILE and put the data into a table named after the LOGFILE time info
# preparing mysql insert
my $sth = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO `$TABLE_DATA` (time, millisec, ant, rfid, import) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)")
or die("Could not prepare insert statement: " . $DBH->errstr);
my $sthRfid = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO $TABLE_RFIDS (id,i) VALUES(?, 0)")
or die("Could not prepare update statement: " . $DBH->errstr);
# when the file is exported from excel it has ^M as the newline character ... replace it with a normal newline
my $line_count = 0;
my $day = '';
while (my $lineLog = <LOG>) {
next if($lineLog =~ m/\t0\t?$/); # get rid of the size 0 nonsense data (log files with tabs as delimiter)
next if($lineLog =~ m/\s+0;\s*$/); # get rid of the size 0 nonsense data (log files with spaces as delimiter)
# inform user
(($DATACOUNT % 100) == 0) ? print "\n[$DATACOUNT] lines read\t" : print ".";
(($DATACOUNT % 100) == 0) ? printf RES "\n[$DATACOUNT] lines read\t" : printf RES ".";
# prepare the data
my ($datetime, $millisec, $ant, $rfid) = LineManip($lineLog);
if(defined $datetime) {
my @records = ($datetime, $millisec, $ant, $rfid, $logFile);
# insert data into data table
or die("Could not insert into $TABLE_DATA: " . $DBH->errstr );
# update rfid in rfids table
or die("Could not update rfid table: " . $DBH->errstr );
} else {
print"\n[$line_count] WARNING: Skipping the line. Maybe malformed: $lineLog\n";
printf RES "\n[$line_count] WARNING: Skipping the line. Maybe malformed: $lineLog\n";
print"\nread: [$fileName]\t data sets: $DATACOUNT\n";
printf RES "\n====================\n";
printf RES "Data sets:\t$DATACOUNT\n";
printf RES "======================\n";
# Checks if this file has already been imported
sub CheckImport {
my $fileName = shift;
my $checkSQL = qq{SELECT count(logfile) FROM $TABLE_LOGS WHERE logfile='$fileName'};
my $check = $DBH->selectrow_array($checkSQL,undef);
if (($DBH->selectrow_array($checkSQL,undef)) == 1) { # remove the file from the data directory if it
@ARGS = ("rm", $DATA_PATH.$fileName); # has already been imported
system(@ARGS) == 0 or die "system @ARGS failed: $?";
print"\nERROR: attempt to reimport [$fileName ]. The file has been deleted from $DATA_PATH\n";
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
return ();
# Manipulate the data line to get the data we need and format it so that we can put it in the database table
sub LineManip{
my $logLine = shift;
# get values
$_ = $logLine;
# some regex to get the values
my ($datetime,$millisec,$deli1, $ant, $deli2, $deli3, $rfid) =
# check if values are defined
my @check_values = ($datetime,$millisec,$deli1, $ant, $deli2, $deli3, $rfid);
my $check = 1;
foreach my $value(@check_values) {
if(!defined $value) {
$check = 0;
if($check == 0) {
return(undef, undef, undef, undef);
} else {
# get rid of whitespaces in the rfid
$rfid =~ s/\s//g;
# Some special handling for the badly adressed antennas
$ant =~ s/1A/16/;
$ant =~ s/2A/17/;
# Antennas 421 and 423 map to box 13 (Mail from B.Koenig 30.12.2008)
$ant =~ s/421/131/;
$ant =~ s/423/133/;
# fromatting antenna
$ant = sprintf('%03s', $ant);
# fromatting millisec
$millisec = sprintf('%03s', $millisec);
return($datetime, $millisec, $ant, $rfid);
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