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Last active April 24, 2024 13:17
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Script to resolve Configuration Manager Client (Enforcement) Error 0x87d01290 when processing
App-V packages.
Intended Use
To resolve an issue with Enforcement Error 0x87d01290 on App-V clients, where software is
being delivered by SCCM. This is a work around and does not solve the root case of the issue.
This script is to be used with a dynamic collection, this will allow resolved clients to 'fall'
out of the collection when the issue is resolved.
In regards restarting the App-V client service, we have found in almost all cases a reboot will
be required due to the fact that the Get-AppvClientPackage cmdlet is broken, thus we can't check
for running App-V packages.
If you don't understand WQL Query for the SCCM dynamic collection in the article, then take
care as you can easily break the SQL server SCCM utilises.
A thank you to...
* Mal Lagden for provding the other half of the solution from the ConfigMgr driving App-V
* Colin Millins for discovering the malformed Manifests.xml's, which breaks the processing
of App-V packages.
Code Snippet Credits
Version History
1.05 14/02/2019
Added Scheduled Task to add SCCM Detection registry key again, due to SCCM PowerShell detection
method not working correctly - see article for more details. Added detection for missing
content in the Package Store, which causes AppEnforce 0x87d0128f errors, which in turn causes
0x87d01290 errors. Added invoking of SCCM client actions.
1.04 20/10/2018
Added conditional big fix approach if no malformed XMLs found. Fixed bug with SCCM not
recognising exit codes.
1.03 15/10/2018
Added date and time to log. Fixed bug, it will now only exit with 3010 if fix was applied.
1.02 27/09/2018
Refined fix from the big bang to targeted approach. Fix needed to be applied in two areas, the
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppV\Client\Packages and
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Mobile Client\Software Distribution\VirtualAppPackages\AppV5XPackages
registry keys. Removed Scheduled Task, Mal advised simpler approach where the machine will fall
out of the collection when fixed.
1.01 26/09/2018
Following bug fixes. Changed Scheduled Task Trigger from test to production values (minutes to
days). Added variable for days in future to remove SCCM Detection registry key. Removed
ScheduledTaskSettingsSet Compatibility V1 switch to allow task to run as soon as possible on
reboot/missed trigger. Adjusted task to expire in one year from date of creation, this will
allow task to run on boot if task was missed due client being powered off. Forgot to add the
actual fix to the script!
1.00 25/09/2018
Initial script written.
Copyright & Intellectual Property
Feel to copy, modify and redistribute, but please pay credit where it is due.
Feed back is welcome, please contact me on LinkedIn.
Source Code:..
# Function List ###################################################################################
Function Write-Registry {
Param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$RegistryKey,
#Need to add logic to write to WOW3264Node if in 64bit system via switch.
Try {Switch ((Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryKey -Name $RegistryValueName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).$RegistryValueName.gettype().name)
{'String' {$RegistryValueTypeCheck = 'String'}
'Int32' {$RegistryValueTypeCheck = 'DWord'}
'Int64' {$RegistryValueTypeCheck = 'QWord'}
'String[]' {$RegistryValueTypeCheck = 'MultiString'}
'Byte[]' {$RegistryValueTypeCheck = 'Binary'}
Default {Return 'Unable to discover registry type for overwrite check'}}}
Catch {$RegistryValueTypeCheck = $null}
If ($RegistryValueTypeCheck -ne $null)
{If ($RegistryValueTypeCheck -ne $RegistryValueType)
{Return 'Registry type mismatch'}}
#Force create the registry path.
If (((Test-Path $RegistryKey) -replace "`n|`r") -eq 'False')
{$null = New-Item -Path $RegistryKey -Force}
Switch ($RegistryValueTypeCheck)
{MultiString {#Writing registry MultiString value.
$MultiStringArray = Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryKey | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $RegistryValueName
$MultiStringArray = @($MultiStringArray | where {$_ -ne $RegistryValueData})
If ($MultiStringArray -notcontains $RegistryValueData)
{$MultiStringArray += $RegistryValueData}
#Not in use yet, needs coded into params.
If ($Remove -eq $true)
{$MultiStringArray = @($MultiStringArray | where { $_ -ne $RegistryValueData })}
Set-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryKey -type $RegistryValueTypeCheck -Name $RegistryValueName -Value $MultiStringArray
Try {$RegistryWriteCheck = Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryKey | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $RegistryValueName
If ($RegistryWriteCheck -contains $RegistryValueData)
{$RegistryWriteCheck = $null
Return '0'}
Else{Return 'Unexpected value on validation'}}
Catch {Return 'Error'}}
Default {#Writing registry String, Dword, Qword, value.
$null = New-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryKey -Name $RegistryValueName -Value $RegistryValueData -PropertyType $RegistryValueType -Force
Try {$RegistryWriteCheck = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryKey | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $RegistryValueName)
If ($RegistryWriteCheck -eq $RegistryValueData)
{$RegistryWriteCheck = $null
Return '0'}
Else{Return 'Unexpected value on validation'}}
Catch {Return 'Error'}}}
} #End Function Write-Registry
Function LogWrite {Param ([String] $LogLine,
[Switch] $EndOfLog)
If ($EndOfLog -eq $True) {Add-content $LogFile -value 'INFO: END OF LOGGING'
Add-content $LogFile -value ''}
Else {Write-Verbose $LogLine
Add-content $LogFile -value $LogLine}
} #End Function LogWrite
#<<< End Of Function List >>>
# Setting up housekeeping for variables ###########################################################
$ScriptPath = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue' #SilentlyContinue|Continue
$PackageName = 'Fix-ConfigMgrClientError0x87d01290' #Registry value for SCCM detection.
$DetectionStamp = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\$PackageName" #Registry path SCCM detection key.
$RemoveSCCMDetectionTimeUnit = 'Hours' #Days|Hours|Minutes
$RemoveSCCMDetection = '8' #Time unit in future to remove SCCM Detection registry key.
$LogFile = "$env:systemroot\Temp\Fix-ConfigMgrClientError0x87d01290.log" #Log location.
$LogDate = Get-Date -Format 'dd MMMM, yyyy, HH:mm.'
#<<< End of Setting up housekeeping >>>
# Start of script work ############################################################################
$ArrayScriptExitResult = @()
$ArrayAllManifestFiles = @()
LogWrite 'INFO: ****************************************'
LogWrite 'INFO: Configuration Manager Client Fix For Error 0x87d01290'
LogWrite 'INFO: Author:'
LogWrite 'INFO: Co-author:'
LogWrite 'INFO: Source Script:'
LogWrite "INFO: $LogDate"
$ArrayAllManifestFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $Env:Programdata\Microsoft\AppV\Client\Catalog\Packages\ -Recurse -Filter Manifest.xml
LogWrite "Event: Found $($ArrayAllManifestFiles.Count) XML files to check."
Foreach ($ManifestItem in $ArrayAllManifestFiles)
{$ReadManifestTest = $null
$ReadManifestTest = Get-Content $ManifestItem.FullName -First 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
LogWrite "INFO: Checking on $($ManifestItem.FullName)"
$PathString = $ManifestItem.DirectoryName | Out-String
$AppVGUID = $PathString.Split('\')[$($PathString.Split('\').Count - 2)] -replace '[{}]'
$AppVVersionGUID = $($PathString.Split('\')[$($PathString.Split('\').Count - 1)] -replace '[{}]|\r|\n')
If (($ReadManifestTest -eq $null) -or
!(Test-Path "$Env:ProgramData\App-V\$AppVGUID\$AppVVersionGUID\AppxManifest.xml") -or
!(Test-Path "$Env:ProgramData\App-V\$AppVGUID\$AppVVersionGUID\FilesystemMetadata.xml") -or
!(Test-Path "$Env:ProgramData\App-V\$AppVGUID\$AppVVersionGUID\PackageHistory.xml") -or
!(Test-Path "$Env:ProgramData\App-V\$AppVGUID\$AppVVersionGUID\Registry.dat") -or
!(Test-Path "$Env:ProgramData\App-V\$AppVGUID\$AppVVersionGUID\StreamMap.xml"))
{LogWrite 'INFO: Found broken XML file or missing content in Package Store, more details to follow.'
$BrokenXMLCount += 1
LogWrite "INFO: App-V GUID is $AppVGUID."
If (Test-Path "$($ManifestItem.DirectoryName)\DeploymentConfiguration.xml")
{$RegEx = [RegEx]'DisplayName=".*?"'
$WorkingDisplayName = Select-String -Pattern $RegEx -InputObject $(Get-Content "$($ManifestItem.DirectoryName)\DeploymentConfiguration.xml") -AllMatches | foreach {$_.matches}
$AppVPackageName = $WorkingDisplayName.Value -replace 'DisplayName="|"'
LogWrite "INFO: App-V Package Name is $AppVPackageName."}
If ($ReadManifestTest -eq $null)
{LogWrite 'INFO: Confirmed broken XML file.'}
Else{LogWrite 'INFO: XML file is OK.'}
If (Test-Path "$Env:ProgramData\App-V\$AppVGUID")
{If ((Get-ChildItem "$Env:ProgramData\App-V\$AppVGUID" -Recurse | Measure-Object | %{$_.Count}) -gt 1)
{LogWrite "INFO: Found $(Get-ChildItem "$Env:ProgramData\App-V\$AppVGUID" -Recurse | Measure-Object | %{$_.Count}) files."}
Else{LogWrite 'INFO: Package Store missing content.'}}
Else{LogWrite "INFO: Path %ProgramData%\App-V\$AppVGUID does not exist, can't check for folder size/missing Package Store content."}
LogWrite 'INFO: Applying fix to broken App-V package.'
If (Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Mobile Client\Software Distribution\VirtualAppPackages\AppV5XPackages\$AppVGUID")
{LogWrite 'INFO: Test Path App-V GUID from Software Distribution\VirtualAppPackages registry entry found.'
Remove-Item "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Mobile Client\Software Distribution\VirtualAppPackages\AppV5XPackages\$AppVGUID" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($?)
{LogWrite 'Event: Removal of App-V GUID from Software Distribution\VirtualAppPackages registry success.'
$ArrayScriptExitResult += 0}
Else{LogWrite 'Event: Removal of App-V GUID from Software Distribution\VirtualAppPackages registry failure.'
$ArrayScriptExitResult += 1}}
Else{LogWrite 'INFO: Test Path App-V GUID from Software Distribution\VirtualAppPackages registry entry not found.'}
If (Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppV\Client\Packages\$AppVGUID")
{LogWrite 'INFO: Test Path App-V GUID from AppV\Client\Packages registry found.'
Remove-Item "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppV\Client\Packages\$AppVGUID" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($?)
{LogWrite 'Event: Removal of App-V GUID from AppV\Client\Packages registry success.'
$ArrayScriptExitResult += 0}
Else{LogWrite 'Event: Removal of App-V GUID from AppV\Client\Packages registry failure.'
$ArrayScriptExitResult += 1}}
Else{LogWrite 'INFO: Test Path App-V GUID from AppV\Client\Packages registry entry not found.'}}}
If ($BrokenXMLCount -ne $null)
{LogWrite "INFO: Total malformed XML files found is $BrokenXMLCount."
$null = Get-AppvClientPackage -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($?)
{LogWrite 'INFO: Commandlet Get-AppvClientPackage is working OK, will try and restart service.'
If ((Get-Service -Name AppVClient).Status -eq 'Running')
{LogWrite 'INFO: AppVClient service is running, checking that no App-V packages are running so we can restart service.'
If ((Get-AppvClientPackage -All | Where-Object -Property InUse -EQ True).Count -eq 0 )
{LogWrite 'Event: No packages running, restarting AppVClient service.'
Restart-Service AppVClient}
Else{LogWrite 'INFO: Packages in use, we will just have to wait for a reboot.'
$ArrayScriptExitResult += '3010'}}
Else{LogWrite 'INFO: AppVClient service is not running, now checking for stopped state.'
If ((Get-Service -Name AppVClient).Status -ne 'Stopped')
{LogWrite 'INFO: AppVClient service is in a weird state, recommend reboot.'
$ArrayScriptExitResult += '3010'}
Else{LogWrite 'Event: AppVClient service is in stopped state, starting service.'
Start-Service -Name AppVClient
If ($?)
{LogWrite 'Event: AppVClient service started OK.'}
Else{LogWrite 'Event: Error starting AppVClient service.'
$ArrayScriptExitResult += '1'}}}}
Else{LogWrite 'Event: Commandlet Get-AppvClientPackage did not run correctly, unable to determine if any packages are in use.'
LogWrite 'Event: Since we cant detect packages in use, we will just have to wait for a reboot.'
$ArrayScriptExitResult += '3010'}}
Else{LogWrite 'INFO: No malformed XML files found, going for big bang fix approach.'
If((Get-Service -Name AppVClient).Status -eq 'Running')
{LogWrite 'INFO: AppVClient service is running, big bang fix approach not taken.'}
Else{LogWrite 'INFO: AppVClient service is not running, able to go for big bang fix approach.'
$TargetPath = "$Env:ProgramData\Microsoft\AppV\Client\Catalog\Packages"
LogWrite "INFO: App-V working path for fix is $TargetPath."
LogWrite "Event: Taking ownership of $TargetPath."
$Account = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Principal.NTAccount -ArgumentList 'BUILTIN\Administrators';
$ItemList = Get-ChildItem -Path $TargetPath -Recurse
ForEach ($Item in $ItemList)
{$Acl = $null
$Acl = Get-Acl -Path $Item.FullName
Set-Acl -Path $Item.FullName -AclObject $Acl}
LogWrite "Event: Removing content from $TargetPath."
Get-ChildItem -Path $TargetPath | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse
If (Get-ChildItem -Path $TargetPath -Recurse)
{LogWrite "ERROR: Removing content failed, contents still exists."
$ArrayScriptExitResult += '1'}
Else{LogWrite "INFO: Removing content Successful."}
LogWrite 'INFO: Attempting to start AppVClient service.'
Start-Service -Name AppVClient
If ($?)
{LogWrite 'Event: AppVClient service started OK.'}
Else{LogWrite 'Event: Error starting AppVClient service.'
$ArrayScriptExitResult += '1'}}}
If (Test-Path $DetectionStamp)
{LogWrite 'Event: Found detection key, now removing.'
Remove-Item $DetectionStamp -Recurse -Force
$ArrayScriptExitResult += $?}
If (((Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName $PackageName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).TaskName).count -eq 1)
{LogWrite 'Event: Found Scheduled Task, now removing.'
Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName $PackageName -Confirm:$false
$ArrayScriptExitResult += $?}
LogWrite 'Event: Creating Task Scheduler Job.'
$Jobname = $PackageName
$Script = "delete $($DetectionStamp -replace ':') /f"
$Action = New-ScheduledTaskAction –Execute 'reg.exe' -Argument "$script"
Switch -Wildcard ($RemoveSCCMDetectionTimeUnit)
{'Days' {LogWrite 'Event: Applying Scheduled Task time unit in Days.'
$Trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Once -At $((Get-date).AddDays($RemoveSCCMDetection))}
'Hours' {LogWrite 'Event: Applying Scheduled Task time unit in Hours.'
$Trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Once -At $((Get-date).AddHours($RemoveSCCMDetection))}
'Minutes' {LogWrite 'Event: Applying Scheduled Task time unit in Minutes.'
$Trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Once -At $((Get-date).AddMinutes($RemoveSCCMDetection))}
Default {LogWrite 'ERROR: Unknown Scheduled Task time unit.'}}
$Trigger.EndBoundary = (Get-Date).AddYears(1).ToString('s')
$Description = 'Fix for Configuration Manager Client Error 0x87d01290, to allow SCCM re-evaluation by removing the SCCM detection key. See this page for initiating script'
$Settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -AllowStartIfOnBatteries -DontStopIfGoingOnBatteries -StartWhenAvailable -DisallowStartOnRemoteAppSession -ExecutionTimeLimit 00:05:00
$Settings.DeleteExpiredTaskAfter = 'PT0S'
Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName $Jobname -Action $Action -Trigger $Trigger -RunLevel Highest -User 'SYSTEM' -Settings $Settings -Description $Description
$ArrayScriptExitResult += $? #Capture success or failure of Register-ScheduledTask.
LogWrite 'Event: Writing registry detection method for SCCM.'
$ArrayScriptExitResult += Write-Registry -RegistryKey $DetectionStamp -RegistryValueName 'PackageName' -RegistryValueData "$PackageName" -RegistryValueType String
LogWrite "Event: Invoking three CCM actions."
Invoke-WMIMethod -Namespace root\ccm -Class SMS_CLIENT -Name TriggerSchedule "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000021}"
$ArrayScriptExitResult += $?
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
Invoke-WMIMethod -Namespace root\ccm -Class SMS_CLIENT -Name TriggerSchedule "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000022}"
$ArrayScriptExitResult += $?
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
Invoke-WMIMethod -Namespace root\ccm -Class SMS_CLIENT -Name TriggerSchedule "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000121}"
$ArrayScriptExitResult += $?
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
$SuccessCodes = @('Example','0','3010','True') #List all success codes, including reboots here.
$SuccessButNeedsRebootCodes = @('Example','3010') #List success but needs reboot code here.
$ScriptError = $ArrayScriptExitResult | Where-Object {$SuccessCodes -notcontains $_} #Store errors found in this variable
$ScriptReboot = $ArrayScriptExitResult | Where-Object {$SuccessButNeedsRebootCodes -contains $_} #Store success but needs reboot in this variable
If ($ScriptError -eq $null) #If ScriptError is empty, then everything processed ok.
{If ($ScriptReboot -ne $null) #If ScriptReboot is not empty, then everything processed ok, but just needs a reboot.
{$ScriptExitResult = 'Reboot'}
Else{$ScriptExitResult = '0'}}
Else{$ScriptExitResult = 'Error'}
LogWrite "Event: Result is $ScriptExitResult."
LogWrite -EndOfLog
Switch ($ScriptExitResult)
{'0' {[System.Environment]::Exit(0)}
'Reboot' {[System.Environment]::Exit(3010)}
'Error' {[System.Environment]::Exit(1)}
Default {[System.Environment]::Exit(1)}}
#<<< End of script work >>>
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