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Created October 19, 2012 02:55
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Viterbi algorithm for a simple class of HMMs
Viterbi algorithm for finding the most likely state sequence of a simple
hidden markov model.
The Model
The HMMs considered in this code are extremely simple. Every hidden state
is uniquely associated with an output symbol, but the link is "fuzzy". That is,
it has a certain probability of outputing correctly (a parameter you pick),
and if it fails, every other output is equally likely.
The other parameter is for the underlying markov chain, and is called the
metastability. The underlying markov chain has transition probabilies such that
for all states i, `T(i->i) = metastability`, and the transition probability
to every other state j is equally likely ( T(i->j) = (1-metastability)
/ (n_states - 1) )
The Speed
In return for all of this simplicity, you get speed. This module includes code
in multithreaded C, pure python, and an implementation that uses the python
machine learning library scikit-learn. For a problem with 100 states and 10,000
observations, the results are identitical:
c: (-64963.11150689036, array([23, 23, 23, ..., 27, 27, 27]))
py: (-64963.11150689036, array([23, 23, 23, ..., 27, 27, 27]))
skl: (-64963.11150689036, array([23, 23, 23, ..., 27, 27, 27]))
but the times are not.
scikit: 17.70 s
python: 26.16 s
weave: 0.482 s
This is only using two threads. If you have more cores on your machine, you can
probably do even better.
import numpy as np
import scipy.weave
def viterbi(signal, metastability, p_correct):
Use the viterbi algorithm to rectify a signal for a very simple HMM.
The underlying markov chain in the HMM is such that every i -> i transition
has the same probability (the metastability parameter), and the transitions
from i -> j (where j != i) are all equally likely. The emmission model
is that each hidden state i has probablility `p_correct` of emmitting the
signal `i`, and its probability of emmitting any other signal is equal to
(1 - p_correct) / (n_signals - 1).
This function is implemented in C using scipy.weave, and is multithreaded
via OpenMP. To control the number of threads, you may set the environment
variable OMP_NUM_THREADS (e.g. "export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2" in bash)
signal : np.array
metastability : float
p_correct : float
rectified : np.array
signal = np.array(signal)
if signal.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError('signal must be 1d')
if signal.dtype !=
raise ValueError('signal must be dtype int')
if metastability != float(metastability):
raise TypeError('metastability must be float')
if p_correct != float(p_correct):
raise TypeError('p_correct must be float')
# even something that passes the above test could be like a 32bit numpy int,
# which is unacceptable.
metastability = float(metastability)
p_correct = float(p_correct)
unique = np.unique(signal)
if np.count_nonzero(unique - np.arange(len(unique))) != 0:
raise ValueError('signal should contain contiguous integers from zero to its max value')
n_frames = len(signal)
n_states = len(unique)
# declare the three arrays that we'll be using in python, so that they are
# under python memory manaagement
rectified = np.zeros(n_frames,
pointers = np.zeros((n_frames, n_states),
V = np.ones((n_frames, n_states), dtype=np.float)
// these are the parameters for the log transition matrix and the log of
// the emission probabilities
double log_metastability = log(metastability);
double log_off_diagnal_tprob = log((1 - metastability) / (n_states - 1));
double log_p_correct = log(p_correct);
double log_p_incorrect = log((1 - p_correct) / (n_states - 1));
// these are used as scratch variables
int i, t, k, argmax_of_array;
double val, max_of_array;
// fill in the first column of V
for (i = 0; i < n_states; i++) {
V[i] = log_p_incorrect - log(n_states);
V[signal[0]] = log_p_correct - log(n_states);
// use dynamic programming to fill up the matrix V
for (t = 1; t < n_frames; t++) {
#pragma omp parallel for private(max_of_array, argmax_of_array, i, val) shared(V, pointers, t, n_states, log_p_correct, log_p_incorrect)
for (k = 0; k < n_states; k++) {
//printf("threads %d\n", omp_get_num_threads());
//compute max_product and argmax_product
max_of_array = -1e300;
argmax_of_array = -1;
for (i = 0; i < n_states; i++) {
if (i == k) {
val = log_metastability + V[(t-1)*n_states + i];
} else {
val = log_off_diagnal_tprob + V[(t-1)*n_states + i];
if (val > max_of_array) {
max_of_array = val;
argmax_of_array = i;
pointers[t*n_states + k] = argmax_of_array;
if (k == signal[t]) {
V[t*n_states + k] = log_p_correct + max_of_array;
} else {
V[t*n_states + k] = log_p_incorrect + max_of_array;
// okay now that we've filled out V, we need to work backwards
// to reconstruct the rectified signal
// set the last entry by looking at the final column of V
max_of_array = -1e300;
argmax_of_array = -1;
for (i = 0; i < n_states; i++) {
val = V[(n_frames-1)*n_states + i];
if (val > max_of_array) {
max_of_array = val;
argmax_of_array = i ;
rectified[n_frames - 1] = argmax_of_array;
// iterate backward from te last entry towards the beginning
// following the pointers
for (t = n_frames - 2; t >= 0; t--) {
rectified[t] = pointers[(t+1)*n_states + rectified[t+1]];
''', ['signal', 'rectified', 'pointers', 'V', 'metastability', 'p_correct',
'n_states', 'n_frames'],
extra_link_args = ['-lgomp'], extra_compile_args = ["-O3", "-fopenmp"],
return np.max(V[n_frames-1, :]), rectified
def _viterbi(signal, metastability, p_correct):
Use the viterbi algorithm to rectify a signal for a very simple HMM.
The underlying markov chain in the HMM is such that every i -> i transition
has the same probability (the metastability parameter), and the transitions
from i -> j (where j != i) are all equally likely. The emmission model
is that each hidden state i has probablility `p_correct` of emmitting the
signal `i`, and its probability of emmitting any other signal is equal to
(1 - p_correct) / (n_signals - 1).
This is a pure python implementation
signal : np.array
metastability : float
p_correct : float
rectified : np.array
unique = np.unique(signal)
n_frames = len(signal)
n_states = len(unique)
log_p_correct = np.log(p_correct)
log_p_incorrect = np.log((1 - p_correct) / (n_states - 1))
log_metastability = np.log(metastability)
log_off_diagnal_tprob = np.log((1 - metastability) / (n_states - 1))
# this array is awesome
V = np.ones((n_frames, n_states))
# declare the array of back pointers
pointers = np.zeros((n_frames, n_states))
# set the first time point. note V is holding the logs
V[0, :] = log_p_incorrect - np.log(n_states)
V[0, signal[0]] = log_p_correct - np.log(n_states)
def row_of_log_transition_matrix(k):
"Get the kth row of the transition matrix"
row = log_off_diagnal_tprob * np.ones(n_states)
row[k] = log_metastability
return row
# use dynamic programming to fill up the matrix V
for t in xrange(1, n_frames):
for k in xrange(n_states):
# do everything in log space, so this product is actually a sum
row_log_product = row_of_log_transition_matrix(k) + V[t-1, :];
maxval = np.max(row_log_product)
ptr = np.argmax(row_log_product)
pointers[t, k] = ptr
if k == signal[t]:
V[t, k] = log_p_correct + maxval
V[t, k] = log_p_incorrect + maxval
rectified = np.zeros(n_frames,
# set the last entry by looking at the final column of V
rectified[n_frames - 1] = np.argmax(V[n_frames-1, :])
# iterate backward from te last entry towards the beginning
# following the pointers
for t in xrange(n_frames - 2, -1, -1):
rectified[t] = pointers[t + 1, rectified[t + 1]]
return np.max(V[n_frames-1, :]), rectified
def viterbi_skl(signal, metastability, p_correct):
"Use the MultinomialHMM module in scikit-learn to test the above algorithms"
from sklearn.hmm import MultinomialHMM
n_states = len(np.unique(signal))
transmat = np.ones((n_states, n_states)) * (1-metastability) / (n_states - 1)
emission = np.ones((n_states, n_states)) * (1-p_correct) / (n_states - 1)
for i in range(n_states):
transmat[i,i] = metastability
emission[i,i] = p_correct
hmm = MultinomialHMM(n_components=n_states, startprob=np.ones(n_states)/n_states, transmat=transmat)
hmm.emissionprob_ = emission
return hmm.decode(signal)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import time
signal = np.random.randint(100, size=10000)
print signal
t1 = time.time()
print 'c ', viterbi(signal, metastability=0.99, p_correct=0.9)
t2 = time.time()
print 'py ', _viterbi(signal, metastability=0.99, p_correct=0.9)
t3 = time.time()
print 'skl', viterbi_skl(signal, metastability=0.99, p_correct=0.9)
t4 = time.time()
print t4-t3, t3-t2, t2-t1
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