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Forked from erica/
Last active May 14, 2016 16:00
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Enhancing closure argument flexibility


This proposal loosens closure requirements to provide developer flexibility. It removes the _ in requirement for ignored parameters and allow closures to use any, all, or none of the implicit $n variables as desired.

*The Swift-evolution thread about this topic can be found here: Removing "_ in" from empty closures


Swift closures that do not explicitly declare an internal parameter list must reference all arguments using implicit $N shorthand names. This requirement nullifies the effectivenes of Swift's $N syntactic sugar for closures that do not use all their arguments. Eliminating this requirement means:

  • {} becomes a valid 'noop' closure in any context requiring a Void-returning closure. Implementations discard unnecessary code cruft, and streamline the minimum implementation from { _ in } to {}.
  • { expression } is a valid closure in any context requiring return value. For example, when declaring a default closure argument the expression can simply offer a literal such as { 42 }.

Furthermore, the current approach is inconsistent in how it treats $0 versus other parameters. $0 is treated as the entire tuple, while $1 is treated as the second element of the tuple. For example, given the closure:

typealias Closure = (Int, String) -> Any
let f: Closure = { $0 }
f(1, "Test")          // (.0 1, .1 "Test")
let g: Closure = { $1 }
g(1, "Test")         // "Test"

This proposal changes $0 to be of type Int (the first parameter) in this case.

This proposal only applies to closures that would be eligible for $N shorthand names. Closures that name some parameters must still provide placeholders for all of them. For example:

Given a closure of type (Int, String) -> Int, the following closures would be valid:

{ 1 }
{ $0 }
{ x, y in x }
{ x, _ in x }
{ _, _ in 1 }

The following closure would not be valid:

{ x in x }

Detailed Design

Parameterized closures types should accept closures that do not explicitly mention any or all of the implicit arguments, as Swift currently does. These should all be valid:

let _: () -> Void = {}
let _: (Int) -> Void = {}
let _: (Int, Int) -> Int = { 5 }
let _: (Int, Int) -> Int = { $0 }
let _: (Int, Int) -> Int = { $1 }

The empty closure literal {} should autopromote to satisfy any void-returning closure type (T...) -> Void.

// Current
doThing(withCompletion: { _ in })
let x: (T) -> Void = { _ in }

// Proposed
doThing(withCompletion: {})
let x: (T) -> Void = {}

Alternatives Considered

  • Encourage optional closures. Rather than simplify the {} case, encourage APIs to use optional closures in cases where this would be meaningful. This approach does not scale to non-Void cases, and does not align well with current Cocoa APIs (most completion handlers are not optional in Cocoa).
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