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Created January 19, 2020 23:27
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@aws-cdk/assert: > cdk-build
aws-cdk: PASS test/api/bootstrap.test.ts
aws-cdk: ● Console
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: mockStack: creating CloudFormation changeset...
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: mockStack: creating CloudFormation changeset...
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: mockStack: creating CloudFormation changeset...
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: mockStack: creating CloudFormation changeset...
aws-cdk: /bin/sh: dotnet: command not found
aws-cdk: FAIL test/init.test.ts
aws-cdk: ● Console
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Applying project template lib for typescript
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Initializing a new git repository...
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Please run npm install!
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: ## AWS CDK Toolkit
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: ![Stability: Stable](
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: <!--END STABILITY BANNER-->
aws-cdk: The AWS CDK Toolkit provides the `cdk` command-line interface that can be used to work with AWS CDK applications.
aws-cdk: Command | Description
aws-cdk: ----------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
aws-cdk: [`cdk docs`](#cdk-docs) | Access the online documentation
aws-cdk: [`cdk init`](#cdk-init) | Start a new CDK project (app or library)
aws-cdk: [`cdk list`](#cdk-list) | List stacks in an application
aws-cdk: [`cdk synth`](#cdk-synthesize) | Synthesize a CDK app to CloudFormation template(s)
aws-cdk: [`cdk diff`](#cdk-diff) | Diff stacks against current state
aws-cdk: [`cdk deploy`](#cdk-deploy) | Deploy a stack into an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk destroy`](#cdk-destroy) | Deletes a stack from an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk bootstrap`](#cdk-bootstrap) | Deploy a toolkit stack to support deploying large stacks & artifacts
aws-cdk: [`cdk doctor`](#cdk-doctor) | Inspect the environment and produce information useful for troubleshooting
aws-cdk: This module is part of the [AWS Cloud Development Kit]( project.
aws-cdk: ### Commands
aws-cdk: #### `cdk docs`
aws-cdk: Outputs the URL to the documentation for the current toolkit version, and attempts to open a browser to that URL.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in the default browser (using 'open')
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in Chrome.
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs --browser='chrome %u'
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk init`
aws-cdk: Creates a new CDK project.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List the available template types & languages
aws-cdk: $ cdk init --list
aws-cdk: Available templates:
aws-cdk: * app: Template for a CDK Application
aws-cdk: └─ cdk init app --language=[java|typescript]
aws-cdk: * lib: Template for a CDK Construct Library
aws-cdk: └─ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: $ # Create a new library application in typescript
aws-cdk: $ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk list`
aws-cdk: Lists the stacks modeled in the CDK app.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List all stacks in the CDK app 'node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: Foo
aws-cdk: Bar
aws-cdk: Baz
aws-cdk: $ # List all stack including all details (add --json to output JSON instead of YAML)
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js' --long
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk: name: Foo
aws-cdk: environment:
aws-cdk: name: 000000000000/bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk: account: '000000000000'
aws-cdk: region: bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk: name: Bar
aws-cdk: environment:
aws-cdk: name: 111111111111/bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk: account: '111111111111'
aws-cdk: region: bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk: name: Baz
aws-cdk: environment:
aws-cdk: name: 333333333333/bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk: account: '333333333333'
aws-cdk: region: bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk synthesize`
aws-cdk: Synthesize the CDK app and outputs CloudFormation templates. If the application contains multiple stacks and no
aws-cdk: stack name is provided in the command-line arguments, the `--output` option is mandatory and a CloudFormation template
aws-cdk: will be generated in the output folder for each stack.
aws-cdk: By default, templates are generated in YAML format. The `--json` option can be used to switch to JSON.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for StackName and output it to STDOUT
aws-cdk: $ cdk synthesize --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for MyStackName and save it to template.yml
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --output=template.yml
aws-cdk: $ # Generate templates for all the stacks and save them into templates/
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' --output=templates
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk diff`
aws-cdk: Computes differences between the infrastructure specified in the current state of the CDK app and the currently
aws-cdk: deployed application (or a user-specified CloudFormation template). This command returns non-zero if any differences are
aws-cdk: found.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against the currently deployed stack
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against a specific template document
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --template=path/to/template.yml
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk deploy`
aws-cdk: Deploys a stack of your CDK app to it's environment. During the deployment, the toolkit will output progress
aws-cdk: indications, similar to what can be observed in the AWS CloudFormation Console. If the environment was never
aws-cdk: bootstrapped (using `cdk bootstrap`), only stacks that are not using assets and synthesize to a template that is under
aws-cdk: 51,200 bytes will successfully deploy.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk deploy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk destroy`
aws-cdk: Deletes a stack from it's environment. This will cause the resources in the stack to be destroyed (unless they were
aws-cdk: configured with a `DeletionPolicy` of `Retain`). During the stack destruction, the command will output progress
aws-cdk: information similar to what `cdk deploy` provides.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk destroy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk bootstrap`
aws-cdk: Deploys a `CDKToolkit` CloudFormation stack into the specified environment(s), that provides an S3 bucket that
aws-cdk: `cdk deploy` will use to store synthesized templates and the related assets, before triggering a CloudFormation stack
aws-cdk: update. The name of the deployed stack can be configured using the `--toolkit-stack-name` argument.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys to all environments
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys only to environments foo and bar
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js' foo bar
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk doctor`
aws-cdk: Inspect the current command-line environment and configurations, and collect information that can be useful for
aws-cdk: troubleshooting problems. It is usually a good idea to include the information provided by this command when submitting
aws-cdk: a bug report.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk doctor
aws-cdk: ℹ️ CDK Version: 1.0.0 (build e64993a)
aws-cdk: ℹ️ AWS environment variables:
aws-cdk: - AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG = 1
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: ### Configuration
aws-cdk: On top of passing configuration through command-line arguments, it is possible to use JSON configuration files. The
aws-cdk: configuration's order of precedence is:
aws-cdk: 1. Command-line arguments
aws-cdk: 2. Project configuration (`./cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: 3. User configuration (`~/.cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: #### JSON Configuration files
aws-cdk: Some of the interesting keys that can be used in the JSON configuration files:
aws-cdk: ```js
aws-cdk: {
aws-cdk: "app": "node bin/main.js", // Command to start the CDK app (--app='node bin/main.js')
aws-cdk: "context": { // Context entries (--context=key=value)
aws-cdk: "key": "value",
aws-cdk: },
aws-cdk: "toolkitStackName": "foo", // Customize 'bootstrap' stack name (--toolkit-stack-name=foo)
aws-cdk: "toolkitBucketName": "fooBucket", // Customize 'bootstrap' bucket name(--toolkit-bucket-name=fooBucket)
aws-cdk: "versionReporting": false, // Opt-out of version reporting (--no-version-reporting)
aws-cdk: }
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Applying project template app for typescript
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Initializing a new git repository...
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Please run npm install!
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: ## AWS CDK Toolkit
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: ![Stability: Stable](
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: <!--END STABILITY BANNER-->
aws-cdk: The AWS CDK Toolkit provides the `cdk` command-line interface that can be used to work with AWS CDK applications.
aws-cdk: Command | Description
aws-cdk: ----------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
aws-cdk: [`cdk docs`](#cdk-docs) | Access the online documentation
aws-cdk: [`cdk init`](#cdk-init) | Start a new CDK project (app or library)
aws-cdk: [`cdk list`](#cdk-list) | List stacks in an application
aws-cdk: [`cdk synth`](#cdk-synthesize) | Synthesize a CDK app to CloudFormation template(s)
aws-cdk: [`cdk diff`](#cdk-diff) | Diff stacks against current state
aws-cdk: [`cdk deploy`](#cdk-deploy) | Deploy a stack into an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk destroy`](#cdk-destroy) | Deletes a stack from an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk bootstrap`](#cdk-bootstrap) | Deploy a toolkit stack to support deploying large stacks & artifacts
aws-cdk: [`cdk doctor`](#cdk-doctor) | Inspect the environment and produce information useful for troubleshooting
aws-cdk: This module is part of the [AWS Cloud Development Kit]( project.
aws-cdk: ### Commands
aws-cdk: #### `cdk docs`
aws-cdk: Outputs the URL to the documentation for the current toolkit version, and attempts to open a browser to that URL.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in the default browser (using 'open')
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in Chrome.
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs --browser='chrome %u'
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk init`
aws-cdk: Creates a new CDK project.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List the available template types & languages
aws-cdk: $ cdk init --list
aws-cdk: Available templates:
aws-cdk: * app: Template for a CDK Application
aws-cdk: └─ cdk init app --language=[java|typescript]
aws-cdk: * lib: Template for a CDK Construct Library
aws-cdk: └─ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: $ # Create a new library application in typescript
aws-cdk: $ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk list`
aws-cdk: Lists the stacks modeled in the CDK app.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List all stacks in the CDK app 'node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: Foo
aws-cdk: Bar
aws-cdk: Baz
aws-cdk: $ # List all stack including all details (add --json to output JSON instead of YAML)
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js' --long
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk: name: Foo
aws-cdk: environment:
aws-cdk: name: 000000000000/bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk: account: '000000000000'
aws-cdk: region: bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk: name: Bar
aws-cdk: environment:
aws-cdk: name: 111111111111/bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk: account: '111111111111'
aws-cdk: region: bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk: name: Baz
aws-cdk: environment:
aws-cdk: name: 333333333333/bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk: account: '333333333333'
aws-cdk: region: bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk synthesize`
aws-cdk: Synthesize the CDK app and outputs CloudFormation templates. If the application contains multiple stacks and no
aws-cdk: stack name is provided in the command-line arguments, the `--output` option is mandatory and a CloudFormation template
aws-cdk: will be generated in the output folder for each stack.
aws-cdk: By default, templates are generated in YAML format. The `--json` option can be used to switch to JSON.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for StackName and output it to STDOUT
aws-cdk: $ cdk synthesize --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for MyStackName and save it to template.yml
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --output=template.yml
aws-cdk: $ # Generate templates for all the stacks and save them into templates/
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' --output=templates
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk diff`
aws-cdk: Computes differences between the infrastructure specified in the current state of the CDK app and the currently
aws-cdk: deployed application (or a user-specified CloudFormation template). This command returns non-zero if any differences are
aws-cdk: found.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against the currently deployed stack
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against a specific template document
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --template=path/to/template.yml
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk deploy`
aws-cdk: Deploys a stack of your CDK app to it's environment. During the deployment, the toolkit will output progress
aws-cdk: indications, similar to what can be observed in the AWS CloudFormation Console. If the environment was never
aws-cdk: bootstrapped (using `cdk bootstrap`), only stacks that are not using assets and synthesize to a template that is under
aws-cdk: 51,200 bytes will successfully deploy.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk deploy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk destroy`
aws-cdk: Deletes a stack from it's environment. This will cause the resources in the stack to be destroyed (unless they were
aws-cdk: configured with a `DeletionPolicy` of `Retain`). During the stack destruction, the command will output progress
aws-cdk: information similar to what `cdk deploy` provides.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk destroy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk bootstrap`
aws-cdk: Deploys a `CDKToolkit` CloudFormation stack into the specified environment(s), that provides an S3 bucket that
aws-cdk: `cdk deploy` will use to store synthesized templates and the related assets, before triggering a CloudFormation stack
aws-cdk: update. The name of the deployed stack can be configured using the `--toolkit-stack-name` argument.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys to all environments
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys only to environments foo and bar
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js' foo bar
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk doctor`
aws-cdk: Inspect the current command-line environment and configurations, and collect information that can be useful for
aws-cdk: troubleshooting problems. It is usually a good idea to include the information provided by this command when submitting
aws-cdk: a bug report.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk doctor
aws-cdk: ℹ️ CDK Version: 1.0.0 (build e64993a)
aws-cdk: ℹ️ AWS environment variables:
aws-cdk: - AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG = 1
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: ### Configuration
aws-cdk: On top of passing configuration through command-line arguments, it is possible to use JSON configuration files. The
aws-cdk: configuration's order of precedence is:
aws-cdk: 1. Command-line arguments
aws-cdk: 2. Project configuration (`./cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: 3. User configuration (`~/.cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: #### JSON Configuration files
aws-cdk: Some of the interesting keys that can be used in the JSON configuration files:
aws-cdk: ```js
aws-cdk: {
aws-cdk: "app": "node bin/main.js", // Command to start the CDK app (--app='node bin/main.js')
aws-cdk: "context": { // Context entries (--context=key=value)
aws-cdk: "key": "value",
aws-cdk: },
aws-cdk: "toolkitStackName": "foo", // Customize 'bootstrap' stack name (--toolkit-stack-name=foo)
aws-cdk: "toolkitBucketName": "fooBucket", // Customize 'bootstrap' bucket name(--toolkit-bucket-name=fooBucket)
aws-cdk: "versionReporting": false, // Opt-out of version reporting (--no-version-reporting)
aws-cdk: }
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Applying project template app for javascript
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Initializing a new git repository...
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Please run npm install!
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: ## AWS CDK Toolkit
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: ![Stability: Stable](
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: <!--END STABILITY BANNER-->
aws-cdk: The AWS CDK Toolkit provides the `cdk` command-line interface that can be used to work with AWS CDK applications.
aws-cdk: Command | Description
aws-cdk: ----------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
aws-cdk: [`cdk docs`](#cdk-docs) | Access the online documentation
aws-cdk: [`cdk init`](#cdk-init) | Start a new CDK project (app or library)
aws-cdk: [`cdk list`](#cdk-list) | List stacks in an application
aws-cdk: [`cdk synth`](#cdk-synthesize) | Synthesize a CDK app to CloudFormation template(s)
aws-cdk: [`cdk diff`](#cdk-diff) | Diff stacks against current state
aws-cdk: [`cdk deploy`](#cdk-deploy) | Deploy a stack into an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk destroy`](#cdk-destroy) | Deletes a stack from an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk bootstrap`](#cdk-bootstrap) | Deploy a toolkit stack to support deploying large stacks & artifacts
aws-cdk: [`cdk doctor`](#cdk-doctor) | Inspect the environment and produce information useful for troubleshooting
aws-cdk: This module is part of the [AWS Cloud Development Kit]( project.
aws-cdk: ### Commands
aws-cdk: #### `cdk docs`
aws-cdk: Outputs the URL to the documentation for the current toolkit version, and attempts to open a browser to that URL.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in the default browser (using 'open')
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in Chrome.
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs --browser='chrome %u'
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk init`
aws-cdk: Creates a new CDK project.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List the available template types & languages
aws-cdk: $ cdk init --list
aws-cdk: Available templates:
aws-cdk: * app: Template for a CDK Application
aws-cdk: └─ cdk init app --language=[java|typescript]
aws-cdk: * lib: Template for a CDK Construct Library
aws-cdk: └─ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: $ # Create a new library application in typescript
aws-cdk: $ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk list`
aws-cdk: Lists the stacks modeled in the CDK app.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List all stacks in the CDK app 'node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: Foo
aws-cdk: Bar
aws-cdk: Baz
aws-cdk: $ # List all stack including all details (add --json to output JSON instead of YAML)
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js' --long
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk: name: Foo
aws-cdk: environment:
aws-cdk: name: 000000000000/bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk: account: '000000000000'
aws-cdk: region: bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk: name: Bar
aws-cdk: environment:
aws-cdk: name: 111111111111/bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk: account: '111111111111'
aws-cdk: region: bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk: name: Baz
aws-cdk: environment:
aws-cdk: name: 333333333333/bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk: account: '333333333333'
aws-cdk: region: bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk synthesize`
aws-cdk: Synthesize the CDK app and outputs CloudFormation templates. If the application contains multiple stacks and no
aws-cdk: stack name is provided in the command-line arguments, the `--output` option is mandatory and a CloudFormation template
aws-cdk: will be generated in the output folder for each stack.
aws-cdk: By default, templates are generated in YAML format. The `--json` option can be used to switch to JSON.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for StackName and output it to STDOUT
aws-cdk: $ cdk synthesize --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for MyStackName and save it to template.yml
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --output=template.yml
aws-cdk: $ # Generate templates for all the stacks and save them into templates/
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' --output=templates
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk diff`
aws-cdk: Computes differences between the infrastructure specified in the current state of the CDK app and the currently
aws-cdk: deployed application (or a user-specified CloudFormation template). This command returns non-zero if any differences are
aws-cdk: found.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against the currently deployed stack
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against a specific template document
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --template=path/to/template.yml
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk deploy`
aws-cdk: Deploys a stack of your CDK app to it's environment. During the deployment, the toolkit will output progress
aws-cdk: indications, similar to what can be observed in the AWS CloudFormation Console. If the environment was never
aws-cdk: bootstrapped (using `cdk bootstrap`), only stacks that are not using assets and synthesize to a template that is under
aws-cdk: 51,200 bytes will successfully deploy.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk deploy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk destroy`
aws-cdk: Deletes a stack from it's environment. This will cause the resources in the stack to be destroyed (unless they were
aws-cdk: configured with a `DeletionPolicy` of `Retain`). During the stack destruction, the command will output progress
aws-cdk: information similar to what `cdk deploy` provides.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk destroy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk bootstrap`
aws-cdk: Deploys a `CDKToolkit` CloudFormation stack into the specified environment(s), that provides an S3 bucket that
aws-cdk: `cdk deploy` will use to store synthesized templates and the related assets, before triggering a CloudFormation stack
aws-cdk: update. The name of the deployed stack can be configured using the `--toolkit-stack-name` argument.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys to all environments
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys only to environments foo and bar
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js' foo bar
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk doctor`
aws-cdk: Inspect the current command-line environment and configurations, and collect information that can be useful for
aws-cdk: troubleshooting problems. It is usually a good idea to include the information provided by this command when submitting
aws-cdk: a bug report.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk doctor
aws-cdk: ℹ️ CDK Version: 1.0.0 (build e64993a)
aws-cdk: ℹ️ AWS environment variables:
aws-cdk: - AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG = 1
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: ### Configuration
aws-cdk: On top of passing configuration through command-line arguments, it is possible to use JSON configuration files. The
aws-cdk: configuration's order of precedence is:
aws-cdk: 1. Command-line arguments
aws-cdk: 2. Project configuration (`./cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: 3. User configuration (`~/.cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: #### JSON Configuration files
aws-cdk: Some of the interesting keys that can be used in the JSON configuration files:
aws-cdk: ```js
aws-cdk: {
aws-cdk: "app": "node bin/main.js", // Command to start the CDK app (--app='node bin/main.js')
aws-cdk: "context": { // Context entries (--context=key=value)
aws-cdk: "key": "value",
aws-cdk: },
aws-cdk: "toolkitStackName": "foo", // Customize 'bootstrap' stack name (--toolkit-stack-name=foo)
aws-cdk: "toolkitBucketName": "fooBucket", // Customize 'bootstrap' bucket name(--toolkit-bucket-name=fooBucket)
aws-cdk: "versionReporting": false, // Opt-out of version reporting (--no-version-reporting)
aws-cdk: }
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Applying project template app for javascript
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: ## AWS CDK Toolkit
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: ![Stability: Stable](
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: <!--END STABILITY BANNER-->
aws-cdk: The AWS CDK Toolkit provides the `cdk` command-line interface that can be used to work with AWS CDK applications.
aws-cdk: Command | Description
aws-cdk: ----------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
aws-cdk: [`cdk docs`](#cdk-docs) | Access the online documentation
aws-cdk: [`cdk init`](#cdk-init) | Start a new CDK project (app or library)
aws-cdk: [`cdk list`](#cdk-list) | List stacks in an application
aws-cdk: [`cdk synth`](#cdk-synthesize) | Synthesize a CDK app to CloudFormation template(s)
aws-cdk: [`cdk diff`](#cdk-diff) | Diff stacks against current state
aws-cdk: [`cdk deploy`](#cdk-deploy) | Deploy a stack into an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk destroy`](#cdk-destroy) | Deletes a stack from an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk bootstrap`](#cdk-bootstrap) | Deploy a toolkit stack to support deploying large stacks & artifacts
aws-cdk: [`cdk doctor`](#cdk-doctor) | Inspect the environment and produce information useful for troubleshooting
aws-cdk: This module is part of the [AWS Cloud Development Kit]( project.
aws-cdk: ### Commands
aws-cdk: #### `cdk docs`
aws-cdk: Outputs the URL to the documentation for the current toolkit version, and attempts to open a browser to that URL.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in the default browser (using 'open')
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in Chrome.
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs --browser='chrome %u'
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk init`
aws-cdk: Creates a new CDK project.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List the available template types & languages
aws-cdk: $ cdk init --list
aws-cdk: Available templates:
aws-cdk: * app: Template for a CDK Application
aws-cdk: └─ cdk init app --language=[java|typescript]
aws-cdk: * lib: Template for a CDK Construct Library
aws-cdk: └─ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: $ # Create a new library application in typescript
aws-cdk: $ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk list`
aws-cdk: Lists the stacks modeled in the CDK app.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List all stacks in the CDK app 'node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: Foo
aws-cdk: Bar
aws-cdk: Baz
aws-cdk: $ # List all stack including all details (add --json to output JSON instead of YAML)
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js' --long
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk: name: Foo
aws-cdk: environment:
aws-cdk: name: 000000000000/bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk: account: '000000000000'
aws-cdk: region: bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk: name: Bar
aws-cdk: environment:
aws-cdk: name: 111111111111/bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk: account: '111111111111'
aws-cdk: region: bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk: name: Baz
aws-cdk: environment:
aws-cdk: name: 333333333333/bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk: account: '333333333333'
aws-cdk: region: bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk synthesize`
aws-cdk: Synthesize the CDK app and outputs CloudFormation templates. If the application contains multiple stacks and no
aws-cdk: stack name is provided in the command-line arguments, the `--output` option is mandatory and a CloudFormation template
aws-cdk: will be generated in the output folder for each stack.
aws-cdk: By default, templates are generated in YAML format. The `--json` option can be used to switch to JSON.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for StackName and output it to STDOUT
aws-cdk: $ cdk synthesize --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for MyStackName and save it to template.yml
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --output=template.yml
aws-cdk: $ # Generate templates for all the stacks and save them into templates/
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' --output=templates
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk diff`
aws-cdk: Computes differences between the infrastructure specified in the current state of the CDK app and the currently
aws-cdk: deployed application (or a user-specified CloudFormation template). This command returns non-zero if any differences are
aws-cdk: found.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against the currently deployed stack
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against a specific template document
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --template=path/to/template.yml
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk deploy`
aws-cdk: Deploys a stack of your CDK app to it's environment. During the deployment, the toolkit will output progress
aws-cdk: indications, similar to what can be observed in the AWS CloudFormation Console. If the environment was never
aws-cdk: bootstrapped (using `cdk bootstrap`), only stacks that are not using assets and synthesize to a template that is under
aws-cdk: 51,200 bytes will successfully deploy.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk deploy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk destroy`
aws-cdk: Deletes a stack from it's environment. This will cause the resources in the stack to be destroyed (unless they were
aws-cdk: configured with a `DeletionPolicy` of `Retain`). During the stack destruction, the command will output progress
aws-cdk: information similar to what `cdk deploy` provides.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk destroy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk bootstrap`
aws-cdk: Deploys a `CDKToolkit` CloudFormation stack into the specified environment(s), that provides an S3 bucket that
aws-cdk: `cdk deploy` will use to store synthesized templates and the related assets, before triggering a CloudFormation stack
aws-cdk: update. The name of the deployed stack can be configured using the `--toolkit-stack-name` argument.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys to all environments
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys only to environments foo and bar
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js' foo bar
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk doctor`
aws-cdk: Inspect the current command-line environment and configurations, and collect information that can be useful for
aws-cdk: troubleshooting problems. It is usually a good idea to include the information provided by this command when submitting
aws-cdk: a bug report.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk doctor
aws-cdk: ℹ️ CDK Version: 1.0.0 (build e64993a)
aws-cdk: ℹ️ AWS environment variables:
aws-cdk: - AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG = 1
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: ### Configuration
aws-cdk: On top of passing configuration through command-line arguments, it is possible to use JSON configuration files. The
aws-cdk: configuration's order of precedence is:
aws-cdk: 1. Command-line arguments
aws-cdk: 2. Project configuration (`./cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: 3. User configuration (`~/.cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: #### JSON Configuration files
aws-cdk: Some of the interesting keys that can be used in the JSON configuration files:
aws-cdk: ```js
aws-cdk: {
aws-cdk: "app": "node bin/main.js", // Command to start the CDK app (--app='node bin/main.js')
aws-cdk: "context": { // Context entries (--context=key=value)
aws-cdk: "key": "value",
aws-cdk: },
aws-cdk: "toolkitStackName": "foo", // Customize 'bootstrap' stack name (--toolkit-stack-name=foo)
aws-cdk: "toolkitBucketName": "fooBucket", // Customize 'bootstrap' bucket name(--toolkit-bucket-name=fooBucket)
aws-cdk: "versionReporting": false, // Opt-out of version reporting (--no-version-reporting)
aws-cdk: }
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Applying project template app for typescript
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Please run npm install!
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: ## AWS CDK Toolkit
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: ![Stability: Stable](
aws-cdk: ---
aws-cdk: <!--END STABILITY BANNER-->
aws-cdk: The AWS CDK Toolkit provides the `cdk` command-line interface that can be used to work with AWS CDK applications.
aws-cdk: Command | Description
aws-cdk: ----------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
aws-cdk: [`cdk docs`](#cdk-docs) | Access the online documentation
aws-cdk: [`cdk init`](#cdk-init) | Start a new CDK project (app or library)
aws-cdk: [`cdk list`](#cdk-list) | List stacks in an application
aws-cdk: [`cdk synth`](#cdk-synthesize) | Synthesize a CDK app to CloudFormation template(s)
aws-cdk: [`cdk diff`](#cdk-diff) | Diff stacks against current state
aws-cdk: [`cdk deploy`](#cdk-deploy) | Deploy a stack into an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk destroy`](#cdk-destroy) | Deletes a stack from an AWS account
aws-cdk: [`cdk bootstrap`](#cdk-bootstrap) | Deploy a toolkit stack to support deploying large stacks & artifacts
aws-cdk: [`cdk doctor`](#cdk-doctor) | Inspect the environment and produce information useful for troubleshooting
aws-cdk: This module is part of the [AWS Cloud Development Kit]( project.
aws-cdk: ### Commands
aws-cdk: #### `cdk docs`
aws-cdk: Outputs the URL to the documentation for the current toolkit version, and attempts to open a browser to that URL.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in the default browser (using 'open')
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs
aws-cdk: $ # Open the documentation in Chrome.
aws-cdk: $ cdk docs --browser='chrome %u'
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk init`
aws-cdk: Creates a new CDK project.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List the available template types & languages
aws-cdk: $ cdk init --list
aws-cdk: Available templates:
aws-cdk: * app: Template for a CDK Application
aws-cdk: └─ cdk init app --language=[java|typescript]
aws-cdk: * lib: Template for a CDK Construct Library
aws-cdk: └─ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: $ # Create a new library application in typescript
aws-cdk: $ cdk init lib --language=typescript
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk list`
aws-cdk: Lists the stacks modeled in the CDK app.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # List all stacks in the CDK app 'node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: Foo
aws-cdk: Bar
aws-cdk: Baz
aws-cdk: $ # List all stack including all details (add --json to output JSON instead of YAML)
aws-cdk: $ cdk list --app='node bin/main.js' --long
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk: name: Foo
aws-cdk: environment:
aws-cdk: name: 000000000000/bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk: account: '000000000000'
aws-cdk: region: bermuda-triangle-1
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk: name: Bar
aws-cdk: environment:
aws-cdk: name: 111111111111/bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk: account: '111111111111'
aws-cdk: region: bermuda-triangle-2
aws-cdk: -
aws-cdk: name: Baz
aws-cdk: environment:
aws-cdk: name: 333333333333/bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk: account: '333333333333'
aws-cdk: region: bermuda-triangle-3
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk synthesize`
aws-cdk: Synthesize the CDK app and outputs CloudFormation templates. If the application contains multiple stacks and no
aws-cdk: stack name is provided in the command-line arguments, the `--output` option is mandatory and a CloudFormation template
aws-cdk: will be generated in the output folder for each stack.
aws-cdk: By default, templates are generated in YAML format. The `--json` option can be used to switch to JSON.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for StackName and output it to STDOUT
aws-cdk: $ cdk synthesize --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Generate the template for MyStackName and save it to template.yml
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --output=template.yml
aws-cdk: $ # Generate templates for all the stacks and save them into templates/
aws-cdk: $ cdk synth --app='node bin/main.js' --output=templates
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk diff`
aws-cdk: Computes differences between the infrastructure specified in the current state of the CDK app and the currently
aws-cdk: deployed application (or a user-specified CloudFormation template). This command returns non-zero if any differences are
aws-cdk: found.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against the currently deployed stack
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: $ # Diff against a specific template document
aws-cdk: $ cdk diff --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName --template=path/to/template.yml
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk deploy`
aws-cdk: Deploys a stack of your CDK app to it's environment. During the deployment, the toolkit will output progress
aws-cdk: indications, similar to what can be observed in the AWS CloudFormation Console. If the environment was never
aws-cdk: bootstrapped (using `cdk bootstrap`), only stacks that are not using assets and synthesize to a template that is under
aws-cdk: 51,200 bytes will successfully deploy.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk deploy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk destroy`
aws-cdk: Deletes a stack from it's environment. This will cause the resources in the stack to be destroyed (unless they were
aws-cdk: configured with a `DeletionPolicy` of `Retain`). During the stack destruction, the command will output progress
aws-cdk: information similar to what `cdk deploy` provides.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk destroy --app='node bin/main.js' MyStackName
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk bootstrap`
aws-cdk: Deploys a `CDKToolkit` CloudFormation stack into the specified environment(s), that provides an S3 bucket that
aws-cdk: `cdk deploy` will use to store synthesized templates and the related assets, before triggering a CloudFormation stack
aws-cdk: update. The name of the deployed stack can be configured using the `--toolkit-stack-name` argument.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys to all environments
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js'
aws-cdk: $ # Deploys only to environments foo and bar
aws-cdk: $ cdk bootstrap --app='node bin/main.js' foo bar
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: #### `cdk doctor`
aws-cdk: Inspect the current command-line environment and configurations, and collect information that can be useful for
aws-cdk: troubleshooting problems. It is usually a good idea to include the information provided by this command when submitting
aws-cdk: a bug report.
aws-cdk: ```console
aws-cdk: $ cdk doctor
aws-cdk: ℹ️ CDK Version: 1.0.0 (build e64993a)
aws-cdk: ℹ️ AWS environment variables:
aws-cdk: - AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG = 1
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: ### Configuration
aws-cdk: On top of passing configuration through command-line arguments, it is possible to use JSON configuration files. The
aws-cdk: configuration's order of precedence is:
aws-cdk: 1. Command-line arguments
aws-cdk: 2. Project configuration (`./cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: 3. User configuration (`~/.cdk.json`)
aws-cdk: #### JSON Configuration files
aws-cdk: Some of the interesting keys that can be used in the JSON configuration files:
aws-cdk: ```js
aws-cdk: {
aws-cdk: "app": "node bin/main.js", // Command to start the CDK app (--app='node bin/main.js')
aws-cdk: "context": { // Context entries (--context=key=value)
aws-cdk: "key": "value",
aws-cdk: },
aws-cdk: "toolkitStackName": "foo", // Customize 'bootstrap' stack name (--toolkit-stack-name=foo)
aws-cdk: "toolkitBucketName": "fooBucket", // Customize 'bootstrap' bucket name(--toolkit-bucket-name=fooBucket)
aws-cdk: "versionReporting": false, // Opt-out of version reporting (--no-version-reporting)
aws-cdk: }
aws-cdk: ```
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Applying project template app for csharp
aws-cdk: ● verify "future flags" are added to cdk.json
aws-cdk: Could not add project AwsCdkTestarAakc.csproj to solution AwsCdkTestarAakc.sln. Error code: 127
aws-cdk: at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (../../../../../../../private/var/folders/qy/4g09xft92tl4920lgkhc111c00265b/T/aws-cdk-testarAAKC/tmp/add-project.hook.js:30:16)
aws-cdk: PASS test/context-providers/asymmetric-vpcs.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/api/stacks.test.ts
aws-cdk: ● Console
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:640
aws-cdk: [Error at /resource] this is an error
aws-cdk: PASS test/docker.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/context-providers/vpcs.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/cdk-toolkit.test.ts
aws-cdk: ● Console
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:672
aws-cdk: undefined
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: undefined: deploying...
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:683
aws-cdk: ✅ undefined
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Outputs:
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: undefined.StackName = Test-Stack-A
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Stack ARN:
aws-cdk: console.log lib/logging.js:716
aws-cdk: arn:aws:cloudformation:::stack/Test-Stack-A/MockedOut
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:672
aws-cdk: undefined
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: undefined: deploying...
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:683
aws-cdk: ✅ undefined
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Outputs:
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: undefined.StackName = Test-Stack-B
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Stack ARN:
aws-cdk: console.log lib/logging.js:716
aws-cdk: arn:aws:cloudformation:::stack/Test-Stack-B/MockedOut
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:672
aws-cdk: undefined
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: undefined: deploying...
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:683
aws-cdk: ✅ undefined
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Outputs:
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: undefined.StackName = Test-Stack-A
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Stack ARN:
aws-cdk: console.log lib/logging.js:716
aws-cdk: arn:aws:cloudformation:::stack/Test-Stack-A/MockedOut
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:672
aws-cdk: undefined
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: undefined: deploying...
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:683
aws-cdk: ✅ undefined
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Outputs:
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: undefined.StackName = Test-Stack-B
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Stack ARN:
aws-cdk: console.log lib/logging.js:716
aws-cdk: arn:aws:cloudformation:::stack/Test-Stack-B/MockedOut
aws-cdk: PASS test/docker-new.test.ts
aws-cdk: ● Console
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: some-name:some-tag: image already exists, skipping build and push
aws-cdk: PASS test/context-providers/generic.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/diff.test.ts
aws-cdk: ● Console
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Including dependency stacks: A
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Including dependency stacks: A
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:640
aws-cdk: [Error at /resource] this is an error
aws-cdk: PASS test/api/deploy-stack.test.ts
aws-cdk: ● Console
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: withouterrors: creating CloudFormation changeset...
aws-cdk: PASS test/commands/context-command.test.ts
aws-cdk: ● Console
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Context value foo reset. It will be refreshed on next synthesis
aws-cdk: PASS test/settings.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/context.test.ts
aws-cdk: ● Console
aws-cdk: console.log test/context.test.ts:15
aws-cdk: Temporary working directory: /var/folders/qy/4g09xft92tl4920lgkhc111c00265b/T/aws-cdk-testLozjVu
aws-cdk: console.log test/context.test.ts:22
aws-cdk: Switching back to /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/packages/aws-cdk cleaning up /var/folders/qy/4g09xft92tl4920lgkhc111c00265b/T/aws-cdk-testLozjVu
aws-cdk: PASS test/context-providers/amis.test.ts
aws-cdk: ● Console
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Searching for AMI in 1234:asdf
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: Searching for AMI in 1234:asdf
aws-cdk: PASS test/account-cache.test.ts (6.222s)
aws-cdk: PASS test/assets.test.ts
aws-cdk: ● Console
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:683
aws-cdk: Updated: test/assets.test.ts (file)
aws-cdk: PASS test/cdk-doctor.test.ts
aws-cdk: ● Console
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: ℹ️ CDK Version: 1.21.1 (build ddba56a)
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: ℹ️ No AWS environment variables
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: ℹ️ No CDK environment variables
aws-cdk: PASS test/version.test.ts (6.365s)
aws-cdk: PASS test/archive.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/cdk-docs.test.ts
aws-cdk: ● Console
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: console.warn ../../node_modules/mockery/mockery.js:218
aws-cdk: WARNING: Replacing existing mock for module: ../../lib/logging
aws-cdk: console.error lib/logging.js:705
aws-cdk: PASS test/util/objects.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/util/console-formatters.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/serialize.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/util/arrays.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/yaml.test.ts
aws-cdk: PASS test/util/applydefaults.test.ts
aws-cdk: =============================== Coverage summary ===============================
aws-cdk: Statements : 63.75% ( 1349/2116 )
aws-cdk: Branches : 47.11% ( 465/987 )
aws-cdk: Functions : 64.29% ( 261/406 )
aws-cdk: Lines : 64.41% ( 1285/1995 )
aws-cdk: ================================================================================
aws-cdk: Summary of all failing tests
aws-cdk: FAIL test/init.test.ts
aws-cdk: ● verify "future flags" are added to cdk.json
aws-cdk: Could not add project AwsCdkTestarAakc.csproj to solution AwsCdkTestarAakc.sln. Error code: 127
aws-cdk: at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (../../../../../../../private/var/folders/qy/4g09xft92tl4920lgkhc111c00265b/T/aws-cdk-testarAAKC/tmp/add-project.hook.js:30:16)
aws-cdk: Test Suites: 1 failed, 26 passed, 27 total
aws-cdk: Tests: 1 failed, 113 passed, 114 total
aws-cdk: Snapshots: 0 total
aws-cdk: Time: 7.906s
aws-cdk: Ran all test suites.
aws-cdk: Error: /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js --testEnvironment=node --coverage --coverageReporters html lcov text-summary exited with error code 1
aws-cdk: Tests failed. Total time (8.7s) | /Users/rdjurasaj/code/robertd/aws-cdk/node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js (8.7s)
aws-cdk: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aws-cdk: npm ERR! Test failed. See above for more details.
aws-cdk: error Command failed with exit code 1.
aws-cdk: info Visit for documentation about this command.
lerna ERR! yarn run build+test exited 1 in 'aws-cdk'
lerna WARN complete Waiting for 1 child process to exit. CTRL-C to exit immediately.
real 1m6.155s
user 3m20.189s
sys 0m21.005s
❌ Last command failed. Scroll up to see errors in log (search for '!!!!!!!!').
error Command failed with exit code 1.
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