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Created November 16, 2023 14:31
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Lagoon Storage Charts

PoC Lagoon Environment Storage Charts

Generates a set of line charts to plot detailed storage information for all environments in a project. Can help when comparing the compiled data in a billing tool to the raw data from Lagoon.


  1. Get a copy of the storage data from the Lagoon API and save it as a file.

    query($name: String!) {
      projectByName(name: $name) {
        environments(includeDeleted: true) {
          storages {
  2. Generate a basic report.

    go run . <filename>
  3. Open the generated HTML file in a browser.

CLI Arguments

Usage: go run . <filename> <included storage in GB>

If you pass the amount of storage the project gets for free, a new line will be added to the totals chart to show the amount of overage for the project.

module lagoon/storage-data
go 1.21.4
require ( v2.3.2 // indirect v0.0.0-20231110203233-9a3e6036ecaa // indirect
) v2.3.2 h1:imRxqF5sLtEPBsv5HGwz9KklNuwCo0fTITZ31mrgfzo= v2.3.2/go.mod h1:56YlvzhW/a+du15f3S2qUGNDfKnFOeJSThBIrVFHDtI= v0.0.0-20231110203233-9a3e6036ecaa h1:FRnLl4eNAQl8hwxVVC17teOw8kdjVDVAiFMtgUdTSRQ= v0.0.0-20231110203233-9a3e6036ecaa/go.mod h1:zk2irFbV9DP96SEBUUAy67IdHUaZuSnrz1n472HUCLE=
package main
import (
// Types to represent the return data of the Lagoon API.
// {
// "data": {
// "projectByName": {
// "id": 1648,
// "name": "example-com",
// "environments": [
// {
// "id": 231314,
// "name": "dev",
// "deleted": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
// "environmentType": "development",
// "storages": [
// {
// "id": 3913612,
// "persistentStorageClaim": "mariadb",
// "bytesUsed": 5325968,
// "updated": "2019-12-13"
// },
type Storage struct {
Type string `json:"persistentStorageClaim"`
KiloBytes int `json:"bytesUsed"`
Updated string `json:"updated"`
type Environment struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Deleted string `json:"deleted"`
Storages []Storage `json:"storages"`
type Project struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Environments []Environment `json:"environments"`
type RespData struct {
ProjectByName Project `json:"projectByName"`
type RespErrors struct {
type ApiResponse struct {
Data RespData `json:"data"`
// Type to represent the converted raw API data.
type CalculatedData map[string]map[string]int
func kbToGb(kb int) float64 {
return math.Round(float64(kb)/10000) / 100
func gbToKb(gb float64) int {
return int(gb * 1000000)
// Chart a line for a given storage Type.
func generateTypeLine(data CalculatedData, dates []string, Type string) []opts.LineData {
items := make([]opts.LineData, 0)
for _, date := range dates {
kb, exists := data[date][Type]
if exists {
items = append(items, opts.LineData{Value: []interface{}{date, kbToGb(kb)}})
} else {
items = append(items, opts.LineData{Value: []interface{}{date, 0}})
return items
// Chart a line that sums all storage Types.
func generateTotalLine(data CalculatedData, dates []string) []opts.LineData {
items := make([]opts.LineData, 0)
for _, date := range dates {
types := maps.Values(data[date])
typesTotal := 0
for _, kb := range types {
typesTotal += kb
items = append(items, opts.LineData{Value: []interface{}{date, kbToGb(typesTotal)}})
return items
// Chart a line with a rolling average of the total.
func generateAverageLine(data CalculatedData, dates []string, days int) []opts.LineData {
dayBuffer := make([]int, days)
items := make([]opts.LineData, 0)
for _, date := range dates {
types := maps.Values(data[date])
typesTotal := 0
for _, kb := range types {
typesTotal += kb
dayBuffer = append(dayBuffer[1:], typesTotal)
daysTotal := 0
for _, kb := range dayBuffer {
daysTotal += kb
items = append(items, opts.LineData{Value: []interface{}{date, kbToGb(daysTotal / days)}})
return items
// Chart a line for a rolling sum of the total.
// When passed `allotted`, subtract that amount to show the total "overage."
func generateRollingTotalLine(data CalculatedData, dates []string, days int, allotted float64) []opts.LineData {
dayBuffer := make([]int, days)
items := make([]opts.LineData, 0)
for _, date := range dates {
types := maps.Values(data[date])
typesTotal := 0
for _, kb := range types {
typesTotal += max(kb-gbToKb(allotted), 0)
dayBuffer = append(dayBuffer[1:], typesTotal)
daysTotal := 0
for _, kb := range dayBuffer {
daysTotal += kb
items = append(items, opts.LineData{Value: []interface{}{date, kbToGb(daysTotal)}})
return items
// Chart a line with a billable month total.
func generateMonthAverageLine(data CalculatedData, dates []string) []opts.LineData {
monthTotal := 0
items := make([]opts.LineData, 0)
for i, date := range dates {
types := maps.Values(data[date])
typesTotal := 0
for _, kb := range types {
typesTotal += kb
monthTotal += typesTotal
today, _ := time.Parse(time.DateOnly, dates[i])
var tomorrow time.Time
if len(dates) == i+1 {
tomorrow = today.AddDate(0, 1, 0)
} else {
tomorrow, _ = time.Parse(time.DateOnly, dates[i+1])
if today.Month() != tomorrow.Month() {
t := time.Date(today.Year(), today.Month(), 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
daysInMonth := 32 - t.Day()
// If it's the last day of the month (that we have data), add a datapoint
items = append(items, opts.LineData{Value: []interface{}{date, kbToGb(monthTotal / daysInMonth)}})
// and reset the counter
monthTotal = 0
} else {
items = append(items, opts.LineData{Value: []interface{}{date, nil}})
return items
// Chart a line with a month excess over allotted.
func generateMonthTotalLine(data CalculatedData, dates []string, allotted float64) []opts.LineData {
monthTotal := 0
items := make([]opts.LineData, 0)
for i, date := range dates {
types := maps.Values(data[date])
typesTotal := 0
for _, kb := range types {
typesTotal += max(kb-gbToKb(allotted), 0)
monthTotal += typesTotal
today, _ := time.Parse(time.DateOnly, dates[i])
var tomorrow time.Time
if len(dates) == i+1 {
tomorrow = today.AddDate(0, 1, 0)
} else {
tomorrow, _ = time.Parse(time.DateOnly, dates[i+1])
if today.Month() != tomorrow.Month() {
// If it's the last day of the month (that we have data), add a datapoint
items = append(items, opts.LineData{Value: []interface{}{date, kbToGb(monthTotal)}})
// and reset the counter
monthTotal = 0
} else {
items = append(items, opts.LineData{Value: []interface{}{date, nil}})
return items
// Common line chart base.
func createLineChart(project string, title opts.Title) *charts.Line {
line := charts.NewLine()
PageTitle: fmt.Sprintf("%s | Lagoon Storage", project),
Width: "2400px",
Height: "500px",
Name: "Use (GB)",
NameLocation: "center",
Type: "value",
Type: "time",
Type: "slider",
charts.WithTooltipOpts(opts.Tooltip{Show: true, Trigger: "axis"}),
return line
// Generate a chart summing all environments.
func allEnvsChart(resp ApiResponse, dates []string) *charts.Line {
types := []string{}
calcData := CalculatedData{}
for _, env := range resp.Data.ProjectByName.Environments {
for _, stor := range env.Storages {
if !slices.Contains(types, stor.Type) {
types = append(types, stor.Type)
_, dateExists := calcData[stor.Updated]
if !dateExists {
calcData[stor.Updated] = map[string]int{}
calcData[stor.Updated][stor.Type] += stor.KiloBytes
line := createLineChart(resp.Data.ProjectByName.Name, opts.Title{
Title: fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s — %s", resp.Data.ProjectByName.Name, dates[0], dates[len(dates)-1]),
Subtitle: "All Environments",
for _, Type := range types {
line.AddSeries(Type, generateTypeLine(calcData, dates, Type),
Type: "dashed",
AddSeries("Daily Total", generateTotalLine(calcData, dates)).
AddSeries("30 Day Avg", generateAverageLine(calcData, dates, 30)).
AddSeries("Month End Avg", generateMonthAverageLine(calcData, dates),
ConnectNulls: true,
ShowSymbol: true,
Width: 5,
if len(os.Args) > 2 {
includedFreeStorage, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(os.Args[2], 64)
AddSeries("Month End Excess", generateMonthTotalLine(calcData, dates, includedFreeStorage),
ConnectNulls: true,
ShowSymbol: true,
return line
// Generate a chart for one environment.
func envChart(resp ApiResponse, dates []string, env Environment) *charts.Line {
types := []string{}
calcData := CalculatedData{}
for _, stor := range env.Storages {
if !slices.Contains(types, stor.Type) {
types = append(types, stor.Type)
_, dateExists := calcData[stor.Updated]
if !dateExists {
calcData[stor.Updated] = map[string]int{}
calcData[stor.Updated][stor.Type] += stor.KiloBytes
line := createLineChart(resp.Data.ProjectByName.Name, opts.Title{
Title: env.Name,
for _, Type := range types {
line.AddSeries(Type, generateTypeLine(calcData, dates, Type),
Type: "dashed",
line.AddSeries("Total", generateTotalLine(calcData, dates))
return line
func main() {
if len(os.Args) < 2 {
fmt.Println("Usage: go run . <filename> <included storage in GB>")
loadFile := os.Args[1]
fmt.Println("Generating charts from " + loadFile)
content, err := os.ReadFile(loadFile)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Error when opening file: ", err)
var resp ApiResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(content, &resp)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Could not unmarshal json: %s\n", err)
// Generate a list of all dates with recorded storage.
datesMap := map[string]bool{}
for _, env := range resp.Data.ProjectByName.Environments {
for _, stor := range env.Storages {
_, dateExists := datesMap[stor.Updated]
if !dateExists {
datesMap[stor.Updated] = true
dates := maps.Keys(datesMap)
page := components.NewPage()
page.AddCharts(allEnvsChart(resp, dates))
for _, env := range resp.Data.ProjectByName.Environments {
page.AddCharts(envChart(resp, dates, env))
saveFile := fmt.Sprintf("storage-%s.html", resp.Data.ProjectByName.Name)
f, _ := os.Create(saveFile)
_ = page.Render(f)
fmt.Println("Charts saved as " + saveFile)
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