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Created July 27, 2022 05:13
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Buggy solution. Can you spot the problem?
import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.pow
private data class GraphNode(val label: Int, val parent: Int?, val depth: Int)
private val nodes = mutableMapOf<Int, GraphNode>()
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val inputURL ="input_1_1.txt") ?: throw IllegalStateException("input not found")
val lines = ArrayDeque(File(inputURL.toURI()).readLines())
fun readLine() = lines.remove()
val (n, q) = readLine().split(" ").map { it.toInt() }
for (i in 1 until n) {
val (parent, child) = readLine().split(" ").map { it.toInt() }.sorted()
val parentNode = nodes[parent] ?: GraphNode(parent, null, 0).also {
nodes[parent] = it
val childNode = nodes[child] ?: GraphNode(child, parent, parentNode.depth + 1).also {
nodes[child] = it
if (childNode.parent != parent) {
throw IllegalStateException("child node parent is not correct")
val queries = Array(q) {
val k = readLine()!!.toInt()
val querySet = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() }.toSet()
for (querySet in queries) {
var productSum = 0L
val uniquePairs = querySet.flatMap { a ->
(querySet - a).map { b -> sortedPair(a, b) }
for ((a, b) in uniquePairs) {
val d = distance(sortedPair(a, b))
productSum += ((a.toLong() % M) * (b.toLong() % M) * (d.toLong() % M)) % M
println(productSum % M)
private val M = (10.0.pow(9) + 7.0).toInt()
private val memoizedAncestors = mutableMapOf<Int, Set<Int>>()
private fun ancestors(node: GraphNode): Set<Int> {
if (memoizedAncestors[node.label] != null) return memoizedAncestors[node.label]!!
val parent = node.parent?.let { nodes[it] } ?: return emptySet()
val ancestors = ancestors(parent) + setOf(parent.label)
return ancestors.also { memoizedAncestors[node.label] = it }
private val memoizedDistances = mutableMapOf<Pair<Int, Int>, Int>()
private fun distance(pair: Pair<Int, Int>): Int {
if (pair in memoizedDistances) return memoizedDistances[pair]!!
val (origin, target) = pair
val originNode = nodes[origin] ?: throw IllegalStateException("Node not found for id $origin")
val targetNode = nodes[target] ?: throw IllegalStateException("Node not found for id $target")
val ancestorsOfOrigin = ancestors(originNode).toList()
val ancestorsOfTarget = ancestors(targetNode).toList()
var lca: GraphNode? = nodes[1]
var i = 0
while (i < ancestorsOfOrigin.size && i < ancestorsOfTarget.size && ancestorsOfOrigin[i] == ancestorsOfTarget[i]) {
lca = nodes[ancestorsOfOrigin[i]]
if (lca == null) {
throw IllegalStateException("LCA not found")
val originToLCA = originNode.depth - lca.depth
val targetToLCA = targetNode.depth - lca.depth
memoizeDistance(origin, lca.label, originToLCA)
memoizeDistance(target, lca.label, targetToLCA)
memoizeDistance(origin, target, originToLCA + targetToLCA)
return originToLCA + targetToLCA
private fun sortedPair(a: Int, b: Int) = if (a < b) a to b else b to a
private fun memoizeDistance(a: Int, b: Int, value: Int) {
memoizedDistances[sortedPair(a, b)] = value
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