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Created May 10, 2018 11:02
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AppModule - Used to inject fragments, service, activities with other modules
@Module(includes = {
AndroidInjectionModule.class, RepositoryModule.class,
ViewModelModule.class, LocalRepositoryModule.class, MQTTModule.class
abstract class AppModule {
* Singleton annotation isn't necessary since Application instance is unique but is here for
* convention. In general, providing Activity, Fragment, BroadcastReceiver, etc does not require
* them to be scoped since they are the components being injected and their instance is unique.
* However, having a scope annotation makes the module easier to read. We wouldn't have to look
* at what is being provided in order to understand its scope.*/
abstract Application application(SmartHomeApplication app);
// Injecting Activities
@ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = { ActivityModule.class })
abstract SplashScreenActivity splashScreenActivityInjector();
@ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = { ActivityModule.class })
abstract HomeScreenActivity mainActivityInjector();
@ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = {ActivityModule.class})
abstract LoginActivity loginActivityInjector();
@ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = {ActivityModule.class})
abstract RegistrationActivity registrationActivityInjector();
// Injecting Services
abstract VoiceProcessingService voiceProcessingServiceInjector();
// Injecting Fragments
abstract MyFavoritesFragment myFavoritesFragmentInjector();
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