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Last active November 30, 2020 13:49
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Setting up multiple user write permission to WWW directory

addgroup www-admin
adduser joe
adduser www-admin joe
setfacl -R -m g:www-admin:rwx /var/www
setfacl -R -m -d g:www-admin:rwx /var/www
chmod -R g+s /var/www


  • Create group www-admin
  • Create user joe (example)
  • Add user joe to group www-admin
  • Give members of www-admin rwx access to the web directory (/var/www)
  • Set rwx access for www-admin to be a default permission for future files and directories inside /var/www
  • Set the setguid flag on /var/www and subdirectories so that future files and directories inside it will inherit group ownership (usually www-data) thereby remaining accessible to the web server.
    If we dont do this last step then any files created by joe inside /var/www would be owned by user joe and group joe and the web server will be unable to read them.
    Note: this aso sets the setguid bit on files which can have side effects for executable files. Maybe it would be better to apply it to directories only, using find: find /var/www -type d -exec chmod g+s {} +
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