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Created September 22, 2015 12:34
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JS Bin Adventure Engine // source
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="description" content="Adventure Engine" />
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>JS Bin</title>
<script id="jsbin-javascript">
GLOBALS ARE A BAD IDEA, but they are so easy to use, we will reorganize these in an advanced lesson
Game uses flash fram model to organize scene/level concepts
var gameTitle = "The Legend of {{PRINCESS}}";
var introText = "Adventurer what is your name?";
var backgroundStory = "The {{PRINCESS}} has been kidknapped, the local village blacksmith said that he saw her taken into the forest by a shadowy figure. " +
"He gave you a Silver Sword to help you in your quest. You'd better hurry into the forest and save her. ";
var ending = "A hidden stone door crumbles and the princess runs out and hugs you. Thank you for saving me {{HERO}} I do not know how to thank you. \r\n" +
"Congratulations what will you next quest be?";
var playerName = "";
var princess = "Princess Helga";
var continueGame = true;
var hasLantern = false;//Need to see in Dark Forest
var hasForestKey = false; //Nee to get into Dark Forest Temple
var hasSilverSword = true; //Defualt weapon
var hasLeatherShield = false; //forest shield
var matches = 5; //Can use these to temporarily look in dark places
var money = 0;
var hearts = 5;
var enemy1 = "Grublor";
var enemy2 = "Stolak";
var enemy3 = "Smoke Bhort";
var forestTempleBoss = "King Malvox";
var foundForestTempleBoss = false;
var forestTempleBossHearts = 6;
function showStats(){
var stats = "\n\n********************\n{{HERO}} Vital Stats\nHearts: {{HEARTS}}\nGems: {{GEMS}}\nMatches: {{MATCHES}}\n********************\n\n";
stats = stats.replace("{{HERO}}", playerName).replace("{{HEARTS}}", hearts).replace("{{GEMS}}", money).replace("{{MATCHES}}", matches);
return stats;
function xyzzy(){
if (hearts < 10) {
alert("HAZZZAH! You get an extra heart! How did you figure that out?");
alert("I bet you thought that would do something, didn't you?");
function playIntro(){
playerName = prompt(introText);
if (!playerName) {
playerName = "";
playerName = playerName.trim();
if (playerName) {
return true;
alert("Come on, tell me your name.");
function rollDice(){
var diceNumber = Math.random() * 12 + 1;
diceNumber = Math.floor(diceNumber);
return diceNumber;
//can use odd and even numbers to distinguish differnt enemy names
function fightEnemy(name, strength){
if (!strength) {
strength = 0;
var fightRoll = rollDice();
if (fightRoll >= 6 + strength) {
return true;
return false;
function fightForestTempleBoss(){
var forestTempleFightRoll = rollDice();
if (forestTempleFightRoll === 12) {
alert("You found " + forestTempleBoss + "'s hidden weak spot and defeated the temple boss!");
forestTempleBossHearts = 0;
return true;
if (forestTempleFightRoll < 7) {
hearts -= 1.5;
if (hasLeatherShield) {
hearts += 0.5;
alert("You tried to dodge " + forestTempleBoss + "'s attack but failed and sustained damage. You have " + hearts + " hearts left.");
if (forestTempleFightRoll >= 7 && forestTempleFightRoll < 12) {
forestTempleBossHearts -= 2;
alert("That was a quick attack, " + forestTempleBoss + " never saw that coming. The boss only has " + forestTempleBossHearts + " hearts left.");
if (forestTempleBossHearts < 1) {
alert("You did it, you defeated " + forestTempleBoss + "!");
return true;
if (hearts > 0) {
alert("Hang in there, the fight is almost over, errr... one way or the other.");
return true;
else {
alert("You will never defeat me " + forestTempleBoss + "! Was the last thing you heard as everything faded to black. - GAME OVER");
continueGame = false;
return false;
function visitForestTempleShop(){
var shopKeeper = "Dreecko";
var lanternPrice = 20;//20
var matchesPrice = 10;//10
var shieldPrice = 25;//35
var potionPrice = 15;//15
var shopText = "Hayloo, welcome to my shop. I am {{NAME}} What would yoooh like to buy? \n" +
"A) Buy a lantern " + lanternPrice + " gems \n" +
"B) Buy 5 matches " + matchesPrice + " gems \n" +
"C) Buy a leather shield " + shieldPrice + " gems \n" +
"D) Buy a health potion " + potionPrice + " gems \n" +
"E) Exit \n" +
" You currently have " + money + " gems";
shopText = shopText.replace("{{NAME}}", shopKeeper);
//added stats
shopText += showStats();
function checkShopChoice(choice){
if(choice) {
choice = choice.toUpperCase().trim();
if (choice === "A") {
if (hasLantern) {
alert("Looks like you already have a lantern, maybe you'd like something else?");
return true;
if (money >= lanternPrice) {
alert("You are the owner of a shiny new lamp!");
money -= lanternPrice;
hasLantern = true;
return true;
else {
alert("Uh, you are a little short, maybe there is something else you'd like?");
return true;
if (choice === "B") {
alert("I'd really like to sell you something, but in this temple, you really need a lantern. Maybe there is somethign else you need?");
return true;
if (choice === "C") {
if (hasLeatherShield) {
alert("You cannot carry two shields, maybe you would like something else?");
return true;
if (money >= shieldPrice) {
alert("You now have a leather shield, this gives you extra protection against attacks!");
money -= shieldPrice;
hasLeatherShield = true;
else {
alert("I wish I could give it away but I have 9 kids to feed. Are you going to buy something?");
return true;
if (choice === "D") {
if (hearts === 5) {
alert("You are already healthy, my fresh potions must be taken immediately, it wlll do you no good. Maybe you would like something else?");
return true;
if (money >= potionPrice) {
hearts = 5;
alert("Your health has been fully restored. You have " + hearts + " hearts.");
money -= potionPrice;
else {
alert("You need a little more money to buy that, do you see anything else you want?");
return true;
if (choice === "E") {
alert("Ohhh, so sad to see you go, come again!");
return true;
if (choice === "XYZZY") {
return true;
alert("Huh? I do have any of zat, maybe there is something else you like.");
return true;
var shopChoice = prompt(shopText);
return true;
function playScreen1(){
var screen1Text = "The {{PRINCESS}} is not going to save herself, where will you start? \n" +
"A) Venture into the Dark Forest \n" +
"B) Vist the Dark Forest Temple \n" +
"C) Quit";
screen1Text += showStats();
function checkScreen1(choice){
if (choice) {
choice = choice.toUpperCase().trim();
if (choice === "A") {
return true;
if (choice === "B") {
alert("You need a key to get in the Dark Forest Temple, maybe you should look for one in the forest.");
return true;
if (choice === "C") {
continueGame = false;
return false;
alert("Uh-oh, I think you should stick to A, B or C, try again.");
var screen1Choice = prompt(screen1Text.replace("{{PRINCESS}}", princess));
return true;
function playScreen2(){
var screen2Question = "The forest is dark, you will need a lantern to find anything, what will you do? \r\n";
if (hasLantern) {
screen2Question = "Keep your sword ready, the light of the lantern has shown you the true danger ahead, what will you do next? \r\n";
var screen2Text = screen2Question +
"A) Look for a lantern\n" +
"B) Look for the Key\n" +
"C) Quit";
screen2Text += showStats();
function checkScreen2(choice){
if (choice) {
choice = choice.toUpperCase().trim();
if (choice === "A") {
if (hasLantern) {
alert("You can't find something you already have, look for the key already!");
return true;
else {
var lanternRoll = rollDice();
if (matches) {
if (lanternRoll > 6){
hasLantern = true;
alert("You found a lantern!, Now you don't have to keep burning your fingers with those pesky matches \n" +
"You have " + matches + " matches left.");
else {
if (matches) {
alert("Ouch, you burned your finger and wasted one of your precious matches. \n" +
"You'd better hurry up and find the lantern quickly, you only have " + matches + " matches left.");
alert("That was your last match! You stumbled around in the dark and fell into the forest chasm - GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
else {
alert("You don't have anymore matches left and you can't see anything. You have been lost to the forest's darkness.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
if (choice === "B") {
if (hasLantern || matches > 0) {
if (!hasLantern) {
//use a match if there is no lantern
var keyRoll = rollDice();
if (keyRoll < 5) {
//fight enemy
var enemy = enemy1;
if (keyRoll % 2) {
enemy = enemy2;
var fightMsg = "A " + enemy + " has appeared, prepare for battle.";
var fightResult = fightEnemy(enemy);
if (fightResult) {
var reward = 5;
alert("You fought valiantly, you earned " + reward + " gems.");
money += reward;
else {
if (hasLeatherShield) {
hearts += 0.5;
if (hearts){
alert("You faught hard, but you sustained some damage before you vanquished your foe. You have " + hearts + " hearts left.");
else {
alert("The" + enemy + " was too strong, you suffered the ultimate defeat - GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
else {
if (keyRoll === 6 || keyRoll === 9 || keyRoll === 12) {
//Found key
var msg = "Congratulation, you found the temple key! ";
if (!hasLantern) {
msg += " I hope you have a lantern, there aren't enough matches in the world to make it through the temple. ";
msg += "It is time to head to the temple. ";
if (matches <= 0 && !hasLantern){
alert("Your last match just burned out and you are stuck in the dark of the forest forever. You really should have looked for a lantern! -GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
else {
var msg2 = "Drats, you have been looking, but you have yet to find the temple key.";
if (!hasLantern) {
msg2 = "No luck yet, you'd better find the key soon, you only have " + matches + " matches left";
else {
alert("You don't have a lantern or matches and have been swallowed by the dark, you are doomed to wander in the darkness of the forest forever. -GAME OVER");
continueGame = false;
return false;
if (matches <= 0 && !hasLantern) {
alert("As your last match burned to cinder, you saw your hope fade to blackness. You are lost forever in darkness. -GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
if (choice === "C") {
continueGame = false;
return false;
alert("I know there are 26 letters in the alphabet but you can only select A, B or C, try again.");
return true;
var screen2Choice = prompt(screen2Text);
return true;
function playScreen3(choice){
if (choice) {
choice = choice.toUpperCase().trim();
var screen3Text = "Stay alert, this temple is very dangerous, what will you do?\n" +
"A) Vist the temple shop \n" +
"B) Explore temple\n" +
"C) Quit";
if (foundForestTempleBoss) {
screen3Text = "Stay alert, this temple is very dangers, what will you do?\n" +
"A) Visit the temple shop \n" +
"B) Explore the temple\n" +
"C) Enter boss room \n" +
"D) Quit";
screen3Text += showStats();
function checkScreen3(choice){
if (choice) {
choice = choice.toUpperCase();
if (choice === "A"){
return true;
if (choice === "B"){
if (!hasLantern) {
var exploreRoll = rollDice();
if (exploreRoll === 1 || exploreRoll === 12) {
alert("You found a chest that contains 5 gems!");
money += 5;
if (matches <= 0 && !hasLantern) {
alert("Sadly, you'll never get to spend your spoils, you just burned you last match and are condemned to wander in darkness forever. - GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
if(exploreRoll > 1 && exploreRoll < 9) {
var templeEnemy = enemy2;
var templeReward = 10;
if (exploreRoll % 2) {
templeEnemy = enemy3;
var templeFight = fightEnemy(templeEnemy, 1);
if (templeFight) {
alert("BEAST-MODE activated, you slayed the " + templeEnemy + "! you earned " + templeReward + " gems.");
money += templeReward;
else {
hearts -= 2;
if (hasLeatherShield) {
hearts += 1;
if (hearts <= 0) {
alert("What is that sad music playing, this was your final battle, this temple is now your tomb - GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
alert("Temple monsters are much stronger than others, you defeated the " + templeEnemy + " but you were injured.");
if (matches <= 0 && !hasLantern) {
alert("To make matters worst, you just burned you last match and are condemned to wander in darkness forever. - GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
if(exploreRoll === 9 || exploreRoll === 10 || exploreRoll === 11) {
alert("You found the boss, room, are you ready to do battle?");
foundForestTempleBoss = true;
if (matches <= 0 && !hasLantern) {
alert("Sadly, you'll never get to spend your spoils, you just burned you last match and are condemed to wander in darkness forever. - GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
if (choice === "C"){
if (foundForestTempleBoss) {
//Fight boss
var templeBossMsg = "(Door Slams) I hope you have a shield, the temple boss {{BOSS}} is charging toward you!";
templeBossMsg = templeBossMsg.replace("{{BOSS}}", forestTempleBoss);
//Boss rooms have their own loop
return true;
else {
continueGame = false;
return false;
if (choice === "D") {
if (foundForestTempleBoss) {
continueGame = false;
return false;
alert("I know there are 26 letters in the alphabet but stick to the choices on the screen.");
return true;
var screen3Choice = prompt(screen3Text);
function main(){
alert( "Welcome to: " + gameTitle.replace("{{PRINCESS}}", princess));
alert(backgroundStory.replace("{{PRINCESS}}", princess));
if (continueGame){
alert(ending.replace("{{HERO}}", playerName));
if (matches < 2 && !hasLantern) {
alert("ACHIEVEMENT - you won the ***Burned Finger Award***, a special badge only given to people that beat the temple without a lantern!");
return true;
//If we get here the player quit
alert("Couldn't take it huh? Maybe next time.");
return false;
<script id="jsbin-source-javascript" type="text/javascript">(function(w){
GLOBALS ARE A BAD IDEA, but they are so easy to use, we will reorganize these in an advanced lesson
Game uses flash fram model to organize scene/level concepts
var gameTitle = "The Legend of {{PRINCESS}}";
var introText = "Adventurer what is your name?";
var backgroundStory = "The {{PRINCESS}} has been kidknapped, the local village blacksmith said that he saw her taken into the forest by a shadowy figure. " +
"He gave you a Silver Sword to help you in your quest. You'd better hurry into the forest and save her. ";
var ending = "A hidden stone door crumbles and the princess runs out and hugs you. Thank you for saving me {{HERO}} I do not know how to thank you. \r\n" +
"Congratulations what will you next quest be?";
var playerName = "";
var princess = "Princess Helga";
var continueGame = true;
var hasLantern = false;//Need to see in Dark Forest
var hasForestKey = false; //Nee to get into Dark Forest Temple
var hasSilverSword = true; //Defualt weapon
var hasLeatherShield = false; //forest shield
var matches = 5; //Can use these to temporarily look in dark places
var money = 0;
var hearts = 5;
var enemy1 = "Grublor";
var enemy2 = "Stolak";
var enemy3 = "Smoke Bhort";
var forestTempleBoss = "King Malvox";
var foundForestTempleBoss = false;
var forestTempleBossHearts = 6;
function showStats(){
var stats = "\n\n********************\n{{HERO}} Vital Stats\nHearts: {{HEARTS}}\nGems: {{GEMS}}\nMatches: {{MATCHES}}\n********************\n\n";
stats = stats.replace("{{HERO}}", playerName).replace("{{HEARTS}}", hearts).replace("{{GEMS}}", money).replace("{{MATCHES}}", matches);
return stats;
function xyzzy(){
if (hearts < 10) {
alert("HAZZZAH! You get an extra heart! How did you figure that out?");
alert("I bet you thought that would do something, didn't you?");
function playIntro(){
playerName = prompt(introText);
if (!playerName) {
playerName = "";
playerName = playerName.trim();
if (playerName) {
return true;
alert("Come on, tell me your name.");
function rollDice(){
var diceNumber = Math.random() * 12 + 1;
diceNumber = Math.floor(diceNumber);
return diceNumber;
//can use odd and even numbers to distinguish differnt enemy names
function fightEnemy(name, strength){
if (!strength) {
strength = 0;
var fightRoll = rollDice();
if (fightRoll >= 6 + strength) {
return true;
return false;
function fightForestTempleBoss(){
var forestTempleFightRoll = rollDice();
if (forestTempleFightRoll === 12) {
alert("You found " + forestTempleBoss + "'s hidden weak spot and defeated the temple boss!");
forestTempleBossHearts = 0;
return true;
if (forestTempleFightRoll < 7) {
hearts -= 1.5;
if (hasLeatherShield) {
hearts += 0.5;
alert("You tried to dodge " + forestTempleBoss + "'s attack but failed and sustained damage. You have " + hearts + " hearts left.");
if (forestTempleFightRoll >= 7 && forestTempleFightRoll < 12) {
forestTempleBossHearts -= 2;
alert("That was a quick attack, " + forestTempleBoss + " never saw that coming. The boss only has " + forestTempleBossHearts + " hearts left.");
if (forestTempleBossHearts < 1) {
alert("You did it, you defeated " + forestTempleBoss + "!");
return true;
if (hearts > 0) {
alert("Hang in there, the fight is almost over, errr... one way or the other.");
return true;
else {
alert("You will never defeat me " + forestTempleBoss + "! Was the last thing you heard as everything faded to black. - GAME OVER");
continueGame = false;
return false;
function visitForestTempleShop(){
var shopKeeper = "Dreecko";
var lanternPrice = 20;//20
var matchesPrice = 10;//10
var shieldPrice = 25;//35
var potionPrice = 15;//15
var shopText = "Hayloo, welcome to my shop. I am {{NAME}} What would yoooh like to buy? \n" +
"A) Buy a lantern " + lanternPrice + " gems \n" +
"B) Buy 5 matches " + matchesPrice + " gems \n" +
"C) Buy a leather shield " + shieldPrice + " gems \n" +
"D) Buy a health potion " + potionPrice + " gems \n" +
"E) Exit \n" +
" You currently have " + money + " gems";
shopText = shopText.replace("{{NAME}}", shopKeeper);
//added stats
shopText += showStats();
function checkShopChoice(choice){
if(choice) {
choice = choice.toUpperCase().trim();
if (choice === "A") {
if (hasLantern) {
alert("Looks like you already have a lantern, maybe you'd like something else?");
return true;
if (money >= lanternPrice) {
alert("You are the owner of a shiny new lamp!");
money -= lanternPrice;
hasLantern = true;
return true;
else {
alert("Uh, you are a little short, maybe there is something else you'd like?");
return true;
if (choice === "B") {
alert("I'd really like to sell you something, but in this temple, you really need a lantern. Maybe there is somethign else you need?");
return true;
if (choice === "C") {
if (hasLeatherShield) {
alert("You cannot carry two shields, maybe you would like something else?");
return true;
if (money >= shieldPrice) {
alert("You now have a leather shield, this gives you extra protection against attacks!");
money -= shieldPrice;
hasLeatherShield = true;
else {
alert("I wish I could give it away but I have 9 kids to feed. Are you going to buy something?");
return true;
if (choice === "D") {
if (hearts === 5) {
alert("You are already healthy, my fresh potions must be taken immediately, it wlll do you no good. Maybe you would like something else?");
return true;
if (money >= potionPrice) {
hearts = 5;
alert("Your health has been fully restored. You have " + hearts + " hearts.");
money -= potionPrice;
else {
alert("You need a little more money to buy that, do you see anything else you want?");
return true;
if (choice === "E") {
alert("Ohhh, so sad to see you go, come again!");
return true;
if (choice === "XYZZY") {
return true;
alert("Huh? I do have any of zat, maybe there is something else you like.");
return true;
var shopChoice = prompt(shopText);
return true;
function playScreen1(){
var screen1Text = "The {{PRINCESS}} is not going to save herself, where will you start? \n" +
"A) Venture into the Dark Forest \n" +
"B) Vist the Dark Forest Temple \n" +
"C) Quit";
screen1Text += showStats();
function checkScreen1(choice){
if (choice) {
choice = choice.toUpperCase().trim();
if (choice === "A") {
return true;
if (choice === "B") {
alert("You need a key to get in the Dark Forest Temple, maybe you should look for one in the forest.");
return true;
if (choice === "C") {
continueGame = false;
return false;
alert("Uh-oh, I think you should stick to A, B or C, try again.");
var screen1Choice = prompt(screen1Text.replace("{{PRINCESS}}", princess));
return true;
function playScreen2(){
var screen2Question = "The forest is dark, you will need a lantern to find anything, what will you do? \r\n";
if (hasLantern) {
screen2Question = "Keep your sword ready, the light of the lantern has shown you the true danger ahead, what will you do next? \r\n";
var screen2Text = screen2Question +
"A) Look for a lantern\n" +
"B) Look for the Key\n" +
"C) Quit";
screen2Text += showStats();
function checkScreen2(choice){
if (choice) {
choice = choice.toUpperCase().trim();
if (choice === "A") {
if (hasLantern) {
alert("You can't find something you already have, look for the key already!");
return true;
else {
var lanternRoll = rollDice();
if (matches) {
if (lanternRoll > 6){
hasLantern = true;
alert("You found a lantern!, Now you don't have to keep burning your fingers with those pesky matches \n" +
"You have " + matches + " matches left.");
else {
if (matches) {
alert("Ouch, you burned your finger and wasted one of your precious matches. \n" +
"You'd better hurry up and find the lantern quickly, you only have " + matches + " matches left.");
alert("That was your last match! You stumbled around in the dark and fell into the forest chasm - GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
else {
alert("You don't have anymore matches left and you can't see anything. You have been lost to the forest's darkness.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
if (choice === "B") {
if (hasLantern || matches > 0) {
if (!hasLantern) {
//use a match if there is no lantern
var keyRoll = rollDice();
if (keyRoll < 5) {
//fight enemy
var enemy = enemy1;
if (keyRoll % 2) {
enemy = enemy2;
var fightMsg = "A " + enemy + " has appeared, prepare for battle.";
var fightResult = fightEnemy(enemy);
if (fightResult) {
var reward = 5;
alert("You fought valiantly, you earned " + reward + " gems.");
money += reward;
else {
if (hasLeatherShield) {
hearts += 0.5;
if (hearts){
alert("You faught hard, but you sustained some damage before you vanquished your foe. You have " + hearts + " hearts left.");
else {
alert("The" + enemy + " was too strong, you suffered the ultimate defeat - GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
else {
if (keyRoll === 6 || keyRoll === 9 || keyRoll === 12) {
//Found key
var msg = "Congratulation, you found the temple key! ";
if (!hasLantern) {
msg += " I hope you have a lantern, there aren't enough matches in the world to make it through the temple. ";
msg += "It is time to head to the temple. ";
if (matches <= 0 && !hasLantern){
alert("Your last match just burned out and you are stuck in the dark of the forest forever. You really should have looked for a lantern! -GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
else {
var msg2 = "Drats, you have been looking, but you have yet to find the temple key.";
if (!hasLantern) {
msg2 = "No luck yet, you'd better find the key soon, you only have " + matches + " matches left";
else {
alert("You don't have a lantern or matches and have been swallowed by the dark, you are doomed to wander in the darkness of the forest forever. -GAME OVER");
continueGame = false;
return false;
if (matches <= 0 && !hasLantern) {
alert("As your last match burned to cinder, you saw your hope fade to blackness. You are lost forever in darkness. -GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
if (choice === "C") {
continueGame = false;
return false;
alert("I know there are 26 letters in the alphabet but you can only select A, B or C, try again.");
return true;
var screen2Choice = prompt(screen2Text);
return true;
function playScreen3(choice){
if (choice) {
choice = choice.toUpperCase().trim();
var screen3Text = "Stay alert, this temple is very dangerous, what will you do?\n" +
"A) Vist the temple shop \n" +
"B) Explore temple\n" +
"C) Quit";
if (foundForestTempleBoss) {
screen3Text = "Stay alert, this temple is very dangers, what will you do?\n" +
"A) Visit the temple shop \n" +
"B) Explore the temple\n" +
"C) Enter boss room \n" +
"D) Quit";
screen3Text += showStats();
function checkScreen3(choice){
if (choice) {
choice = choice.toUpperCase();
if (choice === "A"){
return true;
if (choice === "B"){
if (!hasLantern) {
var exploreRoll = rollDice();
if (exploreRoll === 1 || exploreRoll === 12) {
alert("You found a chest that contains 5 gems!");
money += 5;
if (matches <= 0 && !hasLantern) {
alert("Sadly, you'll never get to spend your spoils, you just burned you last match and are condemned to wander in darkness forever. - GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
if(exploreRoll > 1 && exploreRoll < 9) {
var templeEnemy = enemy2;
var templeReward = 10;
if (exploreRoll % 2) {
templeEnemy = enemy3;
var templeFight = fightEnemy(templeEnemy, 1);
if (templeFight) {
alert("BEAST-MODE activated, you slayed the " + templeEnemy + "! you earned " + templeReward + " gems.");
money += templeReward;
else {
hearts -= 2;
if (hasLeatherShield) {
hearts += 1;
if (hearts <= 0) {
alert("What is that sad music playing, this was your final battle, this temple is now your tomb - GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
alert("Temple monsters are much stronger than others, you defeated the " + templeEnemy + " but you were injured.");
if (matches <= 0 && !hasLantern) {
alert("To make matters worst, you just burned you last match and are condemned to wander in darkness forever. - GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
if(exploreRoll === 9 || exploreRoll === 10 || exploreRoll === 11) {
alert("You found the boss, room, are you ready to do battle?");
foundForestTempleBoss = true;
if (matches <= 0 && !hasLantern) {
alert("Sadly, you'll never get to spend your spoils, you just burned you last match and are condemed to wander in darkness forever. - GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
if (choice === "C"){
if (foundForestTempleBoss) {
//Fight boss
var templeBossMsg = "(Door Slams) I hope you have a shield, the temple boss {{BOSS}} is charging toward you!";
templeBossMsg = templeBossMsg.replace("{{BOSS}}", forestTempleBoss);
//Boss rooms have their own loop
return true;
else {
continueGame = false;
return false;
if (choice === "D") {
if (foundForestTempleBoss) {
continueGame = false;
return false;
alert("I know there are 26 letters in the alphabet but stick to the choices on the screen.");
return true;
var screen3Choice = prompt(screen3Text);
function main(){
alert( "Welcome to: " + gameTitle.replace("{{PRINCESS}}", princess));
alert(backgroundStory.replace("{{PRINCESS}}", princess));
if (continueGame){
alert(ending.replace("{{HERO}}", playerName));
if (matches < 2 && !hasLantern) {
alert("ACHIEVEMENT - you won the ***Burned Finger Award***, a special badge only given to people that beat the temple without a lantern!");
return true;
//If we get here the player quit
alert("Couldn't take it huh? Maybe next time.");
return false;
GLOBALS ARE A BAD IDEA, but they are so easy to use, we will reorganize these in an advanced lesson
Game uses flash fram model to organize scene/level concepts
var gameTitle = "The Legend of {{PRINCESS}}";
var introText = "Adventurer what is your name?";
var backgroundStory = "The {{PRINCESS}} has been kidknapped, the local village blacksmith said that he saw her taken into the forest by a shadowy figure. " +
"He gave you a Silver Sword to help you in your quest. You'd better hurry into the forest and save her. ";
var ending = "A hidden stone door crumbles and the princess runs out and hugs you. Thank you for saving me {{HERO}} I do not know how to thank you. \r\n" +
"Congratulations what will you next quest be?";
var playerName = "";
var princess = "Princess Helga";
var continueGame = true;
var hasLantern = false;//Need to see in Dark Forest
var hasForestKey = false; //Nee to get into Dark Forest Temple
var hasSilverSword = true; //Defualt weapon
var hasLeatherShield = false; //forest shield
var matches = 5; //Can use these to temporarily look in dark places
var money = 0;
var hearts = 5;
var enemy1 = "Grublor";
var enemy2 = "Stolak";
var enemy3 = "Smoke Bhort";
var forestTempleBoss = "King Malvox";
var foundForestTempleBoss = false;
var forestTempleBossHearts = 6;
function showStats(){
var stats = "\n\n********************\n{{HERO}} Vital Stats\nHearts: {{HEARTS}}\nGems: {{GEMS}}\nMatches: {{MATCHES}}\n********************\n\n";
stats = stats.replace("{{HERO}}", playerName).replace("{{HEARTS}}", hearts).replace("{{GEMS}}", money).replace("{{MATCHES}}", matches);
return stats;
function xyzzy(){
if (hearts < 10) {
alert("HAZZZAH! You get an extra heart! How did you figure that out?");
alert("I bet you thought that would do something, didn't you?");
function playIntro(){
playerName = prompt(introText);
if (!playerName) {
playerName = "";
playerName = playerName.trim();
if (playerName) {
return true;
alert("Come on, tell me your name.");
function rollDice(){
var diceNumber = Math.random() * 12 + 1;
diceNumber = Math.floor(diceNumber);
return diceNumber;
//can use odd and even numbers to distinguish differnt enemy names
function fightEnemy(name, strength){
if (!strength) {
strength = 0;
var fightRoll = rollDice();
if (fightRoll >= 6 + strength) {
return true;
return false;
function fightForestTempleBoss(){
var forestTempleFightRoll = rollDice();
if (forestTempleFightRoll === 12) {
alert("You found " + forestTempleBoss + "'s hidden weak spot and defeated the temple boss!");
forestTempleBossHearts = 0;
return true;
if (forestTempleFightRoll < 7) {
hearts -= 1.5;
if (hasLeatherShield) {
hearts += 0.5;
alert("You tried to dodge " + forestTempleBoss + "'s attack but failed and sustained damage. You have " + hearts + " hearts left.");
if (forestTempleFightRoll >= 7 && forestTempleFightRoll < 12) {
forestTempleBossHearts -= 2;
alert("That was a quick attack, " + forestTempleBoss + " never saw that coming. The boss only has " + forestTempleBossHearts + " hearts left.");
if (forestTempleBossHearts < 1) {
alert("You did it, you defeated " + forestTempleBoss + "!");
return true;
if (hearts > 0) {
alert("Hang in there, the fight is almost over, errr... one way or the other.");
return true;
else {
alert("You will never defeat me " + forestTempleBoss + "! Was the last thing you heard as everything faded to black. - GAME OVER");
continueGame = false;
return false;
function visitForestTempleShop(){
var shopKeeper = "Dreecko";
var lanternPrice = 20;//20
var matchesPrice = 10;//10
var shieldPrice = 25;//35
var potionPrice = 15;//15
var shopText = "Hayloo, welcome to my shop. I am {{NAME}} What would yoooh like to buy? \n" +
"A) Buy a lantern " + lanternPrice + " gems \n" +
"B) Buy 5 matches " + matchesPrice + " gems \n" +
"C) Buy a leather shield " + shieldPrice + " gems \n" +
"D) Buy a health potion " + potionPrice + " gems \n" +
"E) Exit \n" +
" You currently have " + money + " gems";
shopText = shopText.replace("{{NAME}}", shopKeeper);
//added stats
shopText += showStats();
function checkShopChoice(choice){
if(choice) {
choice = choice.toUpperCase().trim();
if (choice === "A") {
if (hasLantern) {
alert("Looks like you already have a lantern, maybe you'd like something else?");
return true;
if (money >= lanternPrice) {
alert("You are the owner of a shiny new lamp!");
money -= lanternPrice;
hasLantern = true;
return true;
else {
alert("Uh, you are a little short, maybe there is something else you'd like?");
return true;
if (choice === "B") {
alert("I'd really like to sell you something, but in this temple, you really need a lantern. Maybe there is somethign else you need?");
return true;
if (choice === "C") {
if (hasLeatherShield) {
alert("You cannot carry two shields, maybe you would like something else?");
return true;
if (money >= shieldPrice) {
alert("You now have a leather shield, this gives you extra protection against attacks!");
money -= shieldPrice;
hasLeatherShield = true;
else {
alert("I wish I could give it away but I have 9 kids to feed. Are you going to buy something?");
return true;
if (choice === "D") {
if (hearts === 5) {
alert("You are already healthy, my fresh potions must be taken immediately, it wlll do you no good. Maybe you would like something else?");
return true;
if (money >= potionPrice) {
hearts = 5;
alert("Your health has been fully restored. You have " + hearts + " hearts.");
money -= potionPrice;
else {
alert("You need a little more money to buy that, do you see anything else you want?");
return true;
if (choice === "E") {
alert("Ohhh, so sad to see you go, come again!");
return true;
if (choice === "XYZZY") {
return true;
alert("Huh? I do have any of zat, maybe there is something else you like.");
return true;
var shopChoice = prompt(shopText);
return true;
function playScreen1(){
var screen1Text = "The {{PRINCESS}} is not going to save herself, where will you start? \n" +
"A) Venture into the Dark Forest \n" +
"B) Vist the Dark Forest Temple \n" +
"C) Quit";
screen1Text += showStats();
function checkScreen1(choice){
if (choice) {
choice = choice.toUpperCase().trim();
if (choice === "A") {
return true;
if (choice === "B") {
alert("You need a key to get in the Dark Forest Temple, maybe you should look for one in the forest.");
return true;
if (choice === "C") {
continueGame = false;
return false;
alert("Uh-oh, I think you should stick to A, B or C, try again.");
var screen1Choice = prompt(screen1Text.replace("{{PRINCESS}}", princess));
return true;
function playScreen2(){
var screen2Question = "The forest is dark, you will need a lantern to find anything, what will you do? \r\n";
if (hasLantern) {
screen2Question = "Keep your sword ready, the light of the lantern has shown you the true danger ahead, what will you do next? \r\n";
var screen2Text = screen2Question +
"A) Look for a lantern\n" +
"B) Look for the Key\n" +
"C) Quit";
screen2Text += showStats();
function checkScreen2(choice){
if (choice) {
choice = choice.toUpperCase().trim();
if (choice === "A") {
if (hasLantern) {
alert("You can't find something you already have, look for the key already!");
return true;
else {
var lanternRoll = rollDice();
if (matches) {
if (lanternRoll > 6){
hasLantern = true;
alert("You found a lantern!, Now you don't have to keep burning your fingers with those pesky matches \n" +
"You have " + matches + " matches left.");
else {
if (matches) {
alert("Ouch, you burned your finger and wasted one of your precious matches. \n" +
"You'd better hurry up and find the lantern quickly, you only have " + matches + " matches left.");
alert("That was your last match! You stumbled around in the dark and fell into the forest chasm - GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
else {
alert("You don't have anymore matches left and you can't see anything. You have been lost to the forest's darkness.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
if (choice === "B") {
if (hasLantern || matches > 0) {
if (!hasLantern) {
//use a match if there is no lantern
var keyRoll = rollDice();
if (keyRoll < 5) {
//fight enemy
var enemy = enemy1;
if (keyRoll % 2) {
enemy = enemy2;
var fightMsg = "A " + enemy + " has appeared, prepare for battle.";
var fightResult = fightEnemy(enemy);
if (fightResult) {
var reward = 5;
alert("You fought valiantly, you earned " + reward + " gems.");
money += reward;
else {
if (hasLeatherShield) {
hearts += 0.5;
if (hearts){
alert("You faught hard, but you sustained some damage before you vanquished your foe. You have " + hearts + " hearts left.");
else {
alert("The" + enemy + " was too strong, you suffered the ultimate defeat - GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
else {
if (keyRoll === 6 || keyRoll === 9 || keyRoll === 12) {
//Found key
var msg = "Congratulation, you found the temple key! ";
if (!hasLantern) {
msg += " I hope you have a lantern, there aren't enough matches in the world to make it through the temple. ";
msg += "It is time to head to the temple. ";
if (matches <= 0 && !hasLantern){
alert("Your last match just burned out and you are stuck in the dark of the forest forever. You really should have looked for a lantern! -GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
else {
var msg2 = "Drats, you have been looking, but you have yet to find the temple key.";
if (!hasLantern) {
msg2 = "No luck yet, you'd better find the key soon, you only have " + matches + " matches left";
else {
alert("You don't have a lantern or matches and have been swallowed by the dark, you are doomed to wander in the darkness of the forest forever. -GAME OVER");
continueGame = false;
return false;
if (matches <= 0 && !hasLantern) {
alert("As your last match burned to cinder, you saw your hope fade to blackness. You are lost forever in darkness. -GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
if (choice === "C") {
continueGame = false;
return false;
alert("I know there are 26 letters in the alphabet but you can only select A, B or C, try again.");
return true;
var screen2Choice = prompt(screen2Text);
return true;
function playScreen3(choice){
if (choice) {
choice = choice.toUpperCase().trim();
var screen3Text = "Stay alert, this temple is very dangerous, what will you do?\n" +
"A) Vist the temple shop \n" +
"B) Explore temple\n" +
"C) Quit";
if (foundForestTempleBoss) {
screen3Text = "Stay alert, this temple is very dangers, what will you do?\n" +
"A) Visit the temple shop \n" +
"B) Explore the temple\n" +
"C) Enter boss room \n" +
"D) Quit";
screen3Text += showStats();
function checkScreen3(choice){
if (choice) {
choice = choice.toUpperCase();
if (choice === "A"){
return true;
if (choice === "B"){
if (!hasLantern) {
var exploreRoll = rollDice();
if (exploreRoll === 1 || exploreRoll === 12) {
alert("You found a chest that contains 5 gems!");
money += 5;
if (matches <= 0 && !hasLantern) {
alert("Sadly, you'll never get to spend your spoils, you just burned you last match and are condemned to wander in darkness forever. - GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
if(exploreRoll > 1 && exploreRoll < 9) {
var templeEnemy = enemy2;
var templeReward = 10;
if (exploreRoll % 2) {
templeEnemy = enemy3;
var templeFight = fightEnemy(templeEnemy, 1);
if (templeFight) {
alert("BEAST-MODE activated, you slayed the " + templeEnemy + "! you earned " + templeReward + " gems.");
money += templeReward;
else {
hearts -= 2;
if (hasLeatherShield) {
hearts += 1;
if (hearts <= 0) {
alert("What is that sad music playing, this was your final battle, this temple is now your tomb - GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
alert("Temple monsters are much stronger than others, you defeated the " + templeEnemy + " but you were injured.");
if (matches <= 0 && !hasLantern) {
alert("To make matters worst, you just burned you last match and are condemned to wander in darkness forever. - GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
if(exploreRoll === 9 || exploreRoll === 10 || exploreRoll === 11) {
alert("You found the boss, room, are you ready to do battle?");
foundForestTempleBoss = true;
if (matches <= 0 && !hasLantern) {
alert("Sadly, you'll never get to spend your spoils, you just burned you last match and are condemed to wander in darkness forever. - GAME OVER.");
continueGame = false;
return false;
return true;
if (choice === "C"){
if (foundForestTempleBoss) {
//Fight boss
var templeBossMsg = "(Door Slams) I hope you have a shield, the temple boss {{BOSS}} is charging toward you!";
templeBossMsg = templeBossMsg.replace("{{BOSS}}", forestTempleBoss);
//Boss rooms have their own loop
return true;
else {
continueGame = false;
return false;
if (choice === "D") {
if (foundForestTempleBoss) {
continueGame = false;
return false;
alert("I know there are 26 letters in the alphabet but stick to the choices on the screen.");
return true;
var screen3Choice = prompt(screen3Text);
function main(){
alert( "Welcome to: " + gameTitle.replace("{{PRINCESS}}", princess));
alert(backgroundStory.replace("{{PRINCESS}}", princess));
if (continueGame){
alert(ending.replace("{{HERO}}", playerName));
if (matches < 2 && !hasLantern) {
alert("ACHIEVEMENT - you won the ***Burned Finger Award***, a special badge only given to people that beat the temple without a lantern!");
return true;
//If we get here the player quit
alert("Couldn't take it huh? Maybe next time.");
return false;
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